
Resource Control Quotes

There are 67 quotes

"It's not always about what's right or wrong or who's the good guy or the bad guy; often, it's about who has control over those precious resources that power our world."
"If you can convince someone in Sunderland that the problem is a nurse from Bangladesh and not the people who actually control the power and resources, even though the north of England has been poorer than the south for virtually all of recorded history."
"They've leveraged their political connections to gain dominion over vast natural resources."
"Whoever controls the water controls the world. Facts, facts, because you can go several days without food, you can only go three days without water. So that is very true. Thank you."
"The knockers decide to give their allegiance to Dariel, making the mine his."
"Putin in effect describes a predatory West anxious to gain control of Russian resources in order to enrich itself at Russia's expense."
"Instead, merely starting the war prevents Ukraine from beginning extraction."
"I mean, you're assuming and he has top priors, so I'm like yeah he's going to go top mark for free."
"They hold all the cards. Unfortunately, they have all the videos, they've got all the money, they've got millions and millions of dollars, you know. Limitless funds, limitless personnel, and now they can just hide evidence."
"Every once in a while he accidentally tells the truth that you're not supposed to tell like for instance when they said hey why are you staying in Syria he says we're staying for the oil."
"Control oil and you control nations; control food and you control people." - Henry Kissinger
"Nobody's perfect. I'll stand with Trump because he controls our gas."
"If people want to know what the great conspiracy is it's the desire to control land resources and wealth."
"A Titanic Empire in which he would control not just the diamonds in his claim but the diamonds in the next claim next door."
"Our leader gives us a battle speech. Alright, uh, we're gonna take the oil because we're Americans and we love oil. America, whoa!"
"There's a risk attached to Russia not quite having a monopoly over that supply but having influence in it."
"Controlling people through controlling resources is the communist way..."
"It's like after you clear mid here if you're strong enough to walk here that's a big deal to walk here instead of walking here right because this is camps that the opponent wants to farm while these are camps they're not going to farm at all."
"White supremacy is predicated on controlling and mal-distributing all of the resources in a community."
"Hera's production is off the charts. He has the gold in the center. He can take that neutral stone if he wants as well."
"Russia knows that it's in a very strong position right now because it's holding around 60 percent of the available supplies globally."
"Our objective that time is that they cannot collect our oil without making our place okay for us."
"President Xi Jinping's wolf warrior diplomacy is not sustainable and unless solutions are found to curb the rare earth monopoly that China is currently enjoying, there is trouble up ahead."
"To be a racist, you only have to believe in one thing: that you want your group to continue to control and dominate and monopolize resources, privileges, and opportunities."
"Niger has given a clear warning that if Europe intervenes... Niger will end the trans Saharan gas pipeline."
"It's this that allows Africa to enjoy the benefits of the pipeline forever. It will be in the hands of African countries to decide gas prices and negotiate all terms."
"Legitimacy: the powerful social force that controls resources."
"There's no limit to how much power honest people can summon to make centralized control of resources physically cost-prohibitive."
"Physical power projection allows resource control while minimizing capacity for injury."
"Whoever owns the gold gets a seat at the table."
"I believe anglo-american is the biggest Mafia company on the African continent."
"They control the refining, marketing, and production of any resource here."
"You own your health, you own your land, you own your water that you drink."
"This is undoubtedly the closest fortress to spawn, so I wanted to grab all of the nether wart to prevent anyone else from being able to brew potions."
"If Russia adds the Arctic area to Russian territory, they will have their hand on roughly 16 percent of the world's untapped oil."
"Control food supplies, control populations. Remember that."
"The first step toward a happy, successful life is to get control of the supply that is ready to flow in answer to our demand."
"That's what I did when I was on top side as well. I took their Gromp, I took their wolves."
"Am I the jerk for changing the password on an account I own that my ex was using to make money?"
"Islam doesn't say when you conquer a land, kick people outside of their houses, take their land over, take their resource, steal their resources."
"To get to economical Freedom we have to be in control of our natural resources again."
"If you don't control the resources, you don't control anything."
"If you can control the oil, you can control most of the world." - State Department advisors
"Israel has complete control over the region's water resources, preventing Palestinians from digging wells and other methods to invest in water sources."
"It is the human condition it is about power and resources."
"Developing nations are demanding control of their resources..."
"Pan-Africanism has an ideology of unity, controlling our resources, and building up the African nation."
"Israel keeps roughly 40% of the occupied territories, the resources primarily water, the usable land, the nice suburbs of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem which are mostly in the West Bank, and part of the G strip they want."
"No matter where you are, as long as you're controlling the resources, that's going to give you your power."
"The water wars are coming. They won't be advertised as such, but watch where imperialist militaries end up. It's only a matter of time."
"The ancestral Pueblo were also master engineers when it came to manipulating and controlling the region's limited sources of water."
"Look at this, I control the food now. Now everyone wants to be my friend and live near me."
"It's essentially about the rights of Native Americans to control their resources and land."