
Religious Discourse Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"He purposely stays away from religious controversy and all but refuses to speak about concepts that could be seen as negative or derogatory toward any group of people."
"If the Lord is with us, why then has all of this happened to us? And where are all of His miracles which our fathers told us about?"
"The attitude is harmful to the Ummah, and we've seen the harm that it has caused."
"It's not a question of religion. It's a question of facts."
"If God will judge people for those issues, Christians should be able to talk about those issues."
"An atheist is not the enemy. It's not. Just because you don't believe in the God that I love and serve, doesn't mean you're the enemy."
"If the Evangelical world is going to have any answer for the modern world, they have to be intellectually credible."
"It's governmental so it stays the same always God versus government yes and Prophets versus politicians wow that's Daniel that's Elijah every Prophet is God versus government politician versus prophet."
"You've admitted there's all these prophecies about the coming of the Messiah."
"Religious moderates can't stand for this discourse."
"This is Allah because this is the only god that's referred to in the Bible."
"Muslims need to catch up with Christians when it comes to providing sophisticated defenses of the truth of their faith."
"It's extremely important, brothers and sisters, for us to be able to speak about this argument in a way that we can show the veracity of the Quran without the person requiring any knowledge of the Arabic language."
"The development of the Trinity could be argued as a result of surrounding Platonic, Stoic, and Greek mythological sources that came together."
"Repentance for perceived sins against Jews is being pushed onto Christians, further blurring the lines."
"Jesus wasn't denouncing ordinary religion and telling us we had to go to heaven instead."
"As the world speaks less of Jesus Christ, let us speak more of him."
"It's a work which shockingly suggests that Jesus was never human at all."
"It's not about what we do by our own moral standards. We've already established you've committed serious sins against God."
"Our approach has been very effective in helping individuals respond to sincere questions and objections about the Christian worldview."
"We're gonna break the taboo though, we're gonna keep preaching it, keep talking about it. You can keep saying all you want, 'Oh no, don't talk about deliverance.' Listen, Linda, we're gonna keep talking about it."
"My big point is this where is the church in chapters 4 through 22?"
"When you start talking about my religion, at least have the intellectual respect of asking them why."
"That's what I love about people like you, even though I don't agree maybe with some of the religious aspects."
"Certainly, there are divided families, Christ said that he was going to do that, so, you know, is that a fulfilled prophecy?"
"We shared our message, you shared yours. At the end of the day, it's in God's hands."
"In light of the rise and fall of mars hill phenomenon... sometimes we need to be willing to speak truth to power regardless on how people may be perceiving it."
"There's a difference between calling somebody a heretic and saying somebody's false and damned... and saying somebody's in serious error."
"This stuff does affect all of us under the name of Christendom."
"We cannot be afraid of this culture. What we're dealing with is actually paganism revived."
"Paul the Apostle reasoned with the Athenians, proclaiming the God who made the world and everything in it, urging them to seek and find Him."
"Pray for me as I prepare for this debate on the topic of baptism."
"I pray that those that hear this conversation and hear these words will allow themselves to hear your voice and what you called them to do in their life."
"The church needs to disciple men how to be men to change our families and our communities and our world."
"It's a perversion of the gospel to say you must do something to achieve unity."
"When Dostoevsky was concerned that he had presented too compelling a case for atheism, part of me thinks good, make the argument for atheism as strong as possible and then dismantle it in a kiss."
"Babylon wins... How can Babylon rise in a Christian Nation? How can churches fail and anti-God institutions win?"
"Remember what Jesus said: 'If you were of the world, the world would love its own, but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, because of this the world hates you.'"
"It's quite all right to be an atheist, the fastest-growing group of people in the country."
"Quran speaks about the expansion of the universe... I can go on and on."
"There is no historical doubt that Jesus was crucified."
"If you're going to criticize Catholics, at least know what you're bloody talking about."
"The convert Islam here is the like well-spoken educated person in this dispute."
"Pro-life apologetics is extremely significant."
"The Abrahamic locution and the Quranic methodology are useful for unleashing a new beginning for the whole ummah."
"At least be honest, you brothers who are coming out with these arguments. At least William Lane Craig, who is a brilliant orator, a Christian apologist, openly says, 'I took this from Ghazali,' and this is why we would say it was wrong."
"Why do we preach sermons on some things but put away others that don't portray God or Christians in a positive light?"
"Let's be very cautious in rejecting or silencing a brother or a sister because we don't agree with them on a certain topic or issue."
"You can build a strong case for the resurrection with a base factor."
"Father, son and spirit all different yeah that sounds like partialism to me I be very cautious with that analogy."
"I find it very interesting that in this very new atheist kind of dominated world, we have a man talking about religious experience."
"The greatest danger the church is experiencing that no one is talking about."
"Utter hypocrisy for the Southern Baptists to preach against the Prosperity Gospel."
"Debating sexual ethics is crucial for Muslims because it's where Islam is under attack."
"You don't die for a lie I don't talk about how that argument can be uh weak when that argument isn't as strong and I work to make it stronger so yeah that was recently on my channel good."
"You can talk about Jesus as long as you talk about him like you would talk about Gandhi or Mother Teresa."
"We're talking about people touched and healed and exorcisms nature Miracles and so on."
"I gave her the speech about Jesus."
"In the end I believe there are genuinely no great exegetical Arguments for speaking in the gibberish that we hear today."
"I'm not gonna talk to like a like a Christian Pastor too I am by no means good enough in my opinion to to even counter religious propaganda."
"We must tell Roman Catholics every person will be held responsible for what the word of God reveals."
"The time of my sermon is not a typical resurrection message."
"Society's changing views on intimacy are evident. It's crucial for Muslims to address these issues academically and Islamically."
"Jesus is addressing the teacher of the chosen nation, the nation of Israel. If anyone's in the kingdom, the people in that day would have said, 'Well, it's Nicodemus.' And Jesus directly says to him, 'Unless you're born again, you'll not see the kingdom of God.'"
"The Bible isn't even needed anymore. It's not even preached about in about two-thirds of the churches or half in America."
"Telling people about your religious experiences is most likely to persuade them that your position is right."
"I really didn't come here today to do nothing but make you aware of God's aim and what he will do to you if you don't change."
"One of the reasons I think there's a great apostasy or falling away today is because largely the church, we've got caught up on the wrong message."
"So, God as Father, we wanted to know, what did the ancient Jews who heard Yeshua, Jesus, preach this message, what did they understand when he said that? Was that a scandal, did that upset people?"
"The big big story for our time right now around which a whole lot of religious philosophical and scientific wheels are turning."
"We need to challenge what we call truth because we're not even talking about text now; we're talking about styles of preaching."
"The discourse Jesus gives about the signs of the times is absolutely essential, since for Him it's prophecy, for us it's current events."
"He invited scholars of various religions to have open discussions in the Ibadat-Khana."
"He reasoned in the synagogues with the Jews and the Gentile worshippers in Athens and in the marketplace daily with those who happened to be there."
"Iman in the messenger is a topic of three-quarters of the Quran."
"From the top of your religion to the talk of the world."
"God is love, and that's what we're going to talk about particularly today."