
Personal Trials Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"You don't need to understand why the enemy did certain things. That's not your business. Whatever they did to you is between them and God."
"I just want to encourage you: never waste your pain."
"Be happy with the tests Allah has given you."
"One of the most powerful advice I have ever received for times of trial and affliction and adversity is to sit down and counsel with the Lord through that place."
"I've been through an alphabet of tragedies and trials, and I'm still here."
"Hell hates you because hell thought sure it had you."
"The key is not necessarily the absence of trials or pain but rather an openness to God's instruction."
"The hardest times I've been through were the times that I was able to see that God was there for me."
"God can very easily handle my anger thank you all is fine but also this appreciation that the way that I feel about my faith is fundamentally different because of having to have my faith tested."
"I've been through so much, I've been shot at, I've been gain-fight, I've been freaking in a lot of stuff."
"Only God Himself knew the anguish of my sad spirit. Tears were my meat by day and dreams of terror by night."
"You can fail at something or you can win at something but I believe it's a win regardless if you fail at something that you genuinely loved versus failing at something that you didn't."
"You never know how tough you are until you walk through the fire."
"Being gay is not a trial. Being gay in the church is a trial because of how they treat you."
"Those painful trials in your life... while you would never want to go through that again, you would never trade what God did in your life through that trial, would you?"
"Just give me the look, okay? I have suffered."
"God is with you every step of the way, standing by you while you face adversity."
"God will use any bad experience in your life and turn it into a good one."
"The trials you face as a human being are the furnace, designed to remove the impurities in it so the only thing that remains is what was placed at the core of us: God's nature and character."
"That test is going to become a testimony. That mess is going to become a message."
"If you want to succeed and be successful with whatever you do, it's gonna take trial and tribulation, a lot of perseverance."
"No matter what I go through, God will go through it with me."
"My god is a god who shows up in my wilderness places, in my desert places."
"Retaining righteousness even when you're being afflicted, even when you're going through trials and through tribulations."
"On the other side of personal trials, there is life."
"Positivity is hard won, but it's crucial to give oneself credit for enduring life's trials."
"God called you... he put you through a Refiner's Fire."
"Whatever has happened to me really served to advance the gospel."
"God can still get some good out of the worst moment in your life."
"Your strength might fail you in your trials but God's strength will never fail those who depend on him."
"Not a grueling challenge, but a thrilling experiment."
"Even in weakness, my power is made perfect; Marvel at all I accomplish through your small offering."
"Listen, I tried them all: keto, cabbage soup diet, military diet."
"Suffering is oftentimes for our own benefit."
"The universe has seen what you've gone through in this situation, and a wish is gonna be granted."
"We are all in our Job moment." - Robert Jeffress
"But God knows best, God had a plan, God was going through that valley of the shadow of death with her."
"I have to survive two minutes in this coffin to overcome my fear."
"Depression and confusion are not sinful, they're struggles and trials."
"Padre Pio understood physical, psychological, moral, and spiritual suffering... he went through all of it."
"Trusting in God's justice can be difficult especially when we are wronged."
"You survived the sacrifice. You can survive this type of stuff with God close to you."
"Remember the example of Job. Job continued patiently to trust God while enduring great pain."
"The punishment you brought me through was the best thing that could have happened to me for it taught me your ways."
"I still got it, my faith went through testing 45 years and I survived."
"Start realizing the joy of the Lord in your life regardless of your suffering or not."
"Everything you are going through is connected because there are treasures hidden in whatever you're going through."
"Life is going to give everybody a bad hand; no one's going to leave here without being tried in life."
"No trial or tribulation that you will face is beyond the limit of what you can endure."
"You've been tested, initiated, you know, been through a lot, but you're making it through."
"I think the main reason they gave me the third star was because of what I underwent."
"Whatever test you're going through today is your testimony tomorrow."
"Carry your cross, that's all you can do."
"Trials are by no means easy, and I feel like I have definitely had my fair share of trials in life."