
Decoding Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Paul's first translations were almost meaningless, but he kept at it and eventually had a general idea of what the messages were saying."
"The secrets of the universe lie in symbols and decoding."
"Why didn't he say what it said though? Like, you're breaking everything else down, you don't see the Morse codes?"
"Inscriptions can also solve Mysteries that previously had puzzled archaeologists."
"This pairing between the intercepted message and the guest message is also called as a crib."
"Santeria decoded: an approach to understanding the formation of an afro-cuban religion."
"When you understand what things mean when you go to sleep, you won't have to decode your dreams. You understand them right when you're in them."
"I decode my dreams when I'm in them. That's why I can change them. Like that's like when you learn how to decode your dreams while you're in the dream, you can also lucid dream and change."
"Understanding conjugations is like unlocking a language's secret code."
"Using our decoder, we can see that black is zero, green five, and silver a multiplier of 0.01. Finally, the gold is a tolerance of 5%. So, we just do a simple multiplication."
"For each transformation we apply in the encoder, we want to apply the inverse of this operation in the decoder."
"So, you wonder, 'Why am I a child of God and I'm going through demonic activities in my dream?' It's simply because you don't know how to decode what is encoded in the realms of the spirit."
"Students who can decode just get faster and faster at it and yet they've built such a large skill set that's going to help them in anything that they read."
"Million Dollar Baby," Kirsty triumphed, deciphering the emoji puzzle.
"Communication channels could be through writing, spoken language, or gestures, allowing the sender to encode and the receiver to decode the message."
"Finding and decoding these clues is what archaeology is all about."
"In this instance decoding the letter was simply a matter of following the instructions and so it was not a difficult but a tedious job."
"Animals represent archetypes that help us decode deep memories stored in our DNA."
"Serial decoding works for basic UART and other protocols like CAN bus."
"A man decoding the texts of the ancient lions uncovers an astonishing prophecy."
"By virtue of learning how to predict as sort of a surrogate loss, can we learn how to decode other things that might be useful?"
"Number stations listeners and groups alike have done their best to explain or just find reason for these stations - everything we know as civilians and the word 'know' being in inverted commas has been made up for want of a better word by listeners."
"Before I go, here are a few other points: There is software that can decode SQ and QS quad and can even demodulate CD4 quad recordings."
"This is just signing, so if we try to decode this, it's just a blob."
"Students need their vocabulary linked to the decoding piece, the spelling sound correspondence linked to the phonemic awareness. It takes all three of those components to be a successful decoder."
"The information on your DNA has to be decoded before it means anything."
"Phonics knowledge is important because part of fluency is being able to decode the words accurately."
"We can now get to the meat of the matter which is actually decoding signals with JS8 call."
"CTC is not a model architecture exactly; it's actually sort of a loss function and a decoding algorithm that sits on top of a deep learning model."
"If you ever log into a website and you see at the top the browser's all just random scribbles like this, try and decode it using base64 and see what you get."
"Reading comprehension is the product of decoding and language comprehension."
"English is really actually much more regular than you think, and it's decodable."
"If students are taking a really long time to sound out every little thing that they're reading, then they're not comprehending anything."
"The computer software can dig those signals out of the noise, sometimes you can even see messages being decoded where you can't even see the waveform in the waterfall."
"We have interfaced these four switches with our decoder which is used to decode the binary or the hexadecimal input to the language which seven segment understands."
"We're going to use JWT decode to get the token and then we're simply going to decode it."
"Using the Viterbi algorithm to decode an observation sequence carries two important advantages: a reduction in computational complexity and providing the best interpretation given the entire context of the observations."
"It's the job of these brainiacs on the decoding team to go in there and figure out what those secret messages are."
"The things that we are enabled to observe about the microscopic structure of things are encoded in something completely unlike looking at it and our job is to figure out how to break that code."
"Decoding is when students translate print to speech."
"We can decode words super easily and you want to be able to be an effective and efficient reader and decoder."
"Decoding 'FNAF's' labyrinth of lore has been the single most exciting and enjoyable challenge."
"Decoding is perhaps the most important part of the listening process."
"Successful decoding happens when a child uses this knowledge of letters and sounds to accurately sound out a word."
"Our best engineers are working to decode these messages."
"The Viterbi algorithm is an optimal decoding estimation for convolutional codes with high constraint lengths."