
Character Strengths Quotes

There are 124 quotes

"The best rewards come from understanding how to leverage each character's unique abilities."
"Papyrus may be a fool when it comes to problem-solving, but he is a master of appreciating life for what it is."
"Taser has always been strong because it takes some of the strongest units in the game and just throws them together in an electrocharge team that spams quick and frequent damage."
"Overall the Barbarian is a very strong class with a strong focus on melee combat and its raw strength."
"They're both strong, prideful characters who are willing to do so much in order to reach their goals."
"You're showing me all your best traits when it comes to this, patient, stoic, optimistic."
"If you have those two qualities, you're unstoppable."
"He will always be an extremely strong Champion especially in the lower ELO brackets."
"Soldier's an A tier... really good against Hog, really good being able to pepper him down over time."
"He's still really great as a primary commander if what you want to do is run around smashing farmers."
"Milan is obviously an incredibly flexible and powerful character, basically any team that you can really use Shincho in, you can use Yolanda and you are very likely to not be disappointed."
"Absolutely the best tank... Zarya is the best by far."
"She's got everything, literally got everything."
"Gibraltar is very strong this season, especially on Olympus."
"Hard-hitting character, that's what you want to exploit."
"Meta Knight is honestly a really good counterpick."
"Meta Knight has a winning matchup arguably against Game & Watch, very good matchup against ROB."
"Mewtwo has a lot of good stuff, very fast, very scary."
"Puff is a good character, has one of the best edge guards in the entire game."
"Wario is wild... he really kills you at 20 from an air at least once a game."
"Joker is insane... literally the only negative of this character is sometimes he gets edge guarded sometimes."
"Pikachu busted... pikachu busted... pikachu busted... super versatile... he's so good."
"The Fay Enchantress is arguably one of the best life spell casters in the game."
"This character is just nuts she's nuts she has everything available to her at all times."
"Do you want to know why Zygar's broken? Because there is no clear answer to it."
"Still one of the best tanks in the game when paired with Phoenix."
"Retribution is a wonderful all-rounder with reliable DPS and a dynamic pace."
"Overall, I think the demon hunters do have a very strong suite."
"He is a good unit and for your unique situation he may be a very good choice to pull for."
"Nita is a brawler which of course can be really strong in certain circumstances."
"It isn't the scientist or the boy genius that figures everything out, it's the blue hedgehog that runs really, really fast."
"Pyra/Mythra is ridiculous, they're so good in neutral."
"Android 18, solid character. She's got good pressure, she's got good mix-ups, and all that fun stuff."
"Don't believe Peach players when they say that she's terrible."
"Jigglypuff is definitely the best character in the game with the proper ruleset."
"Marth is the character I think has the strongest case for being the best character to play if you want to win."
"Apollo is a solid pickup. If fights are happening in the mid lane every three seconds, Apollo will control all of that."
"Horus wins games by himself. He's so aggressive he has tons of cc."
"Charles Martel just friggin does it all, he slices, he dices, good for rallies in season two, good for defense in seasons one through four, good in Canyon, good in the field."
"Sonic's offense is getting so crazy as well as his defense so this character really does it all and the only weakness he has is his weight that's literally it I I can't think of any other weakness uh for Sonic gaming."
"Darryl is one of the better tanks right now."
"Piper's always gonna be good... against tanks as well, you're gonna be the best."
"Don't underestimate the underdog heroes, they might surprise you."
"Misto being the extradimensional demon that he is has a ton of powers and abilities."
"Cage and Kano will have a very hard time versus a pro Raiden player... Raiden has very good tactics using his lightning and teleport."
"He is the best defensive character in the game."
"If all of them combined, she'd probably be the best character in the game."
"Storm's super is one of the best in the game."
"Playing from behind is relatively lucky but the fundamentals do play into Fizz's strengths."
"It's pretty obvious here that there are three clear winners... paladin, barbarian, and fighter."
"Pharah has some serious potential... with enough skill pharah can be a dominant pick."
"Characters that are larger and stronger and cooler and better than most humans really can be, because I think it's nice to look at that and reflect."
"Wonder Woman is kind of the complete package in terms of comic-book characters."
"Ghost bridges that gap of being insanely strong at all ends of the side, but also being great at team fighting too because there's nothing scarier than Gwen [bleep] zooming at you."
"Rosa is strong in Siege as well, she can deal huge amounts of damage and has decent range for her tankiness."
"He's good for garrison, he's good for it, oh so many things."
"Zen and Ana being very strong instead of weak in a 5v5 environment."
"He's bringing a lot to the table, very good champion."
"Bowser is one of the better heavies in the game"
"I have to ban the D the D is really good it's just a good Pokemon it's dadon based solely on the man and not so much the pool of of moves."
"Octavia's stupidly strong kit just does a little bit of everything and she's just so ridiculously strong."
"At the very top of the S tier is Colt who is ranked as S tier for five of the six 3v3 modes."
"Leon is proven to be well-rounded for all the categories."
"A solid class to build around because of reckless attack and resistance, they're beasts in combat."
"Chop chop automatically deserves an A rank because it counters swords."
"There's really no midlane Champion with as much map impact at level six as Twisted Fate."
"Dora and Jimmy Neutron with prep time is ultimately too much for anyone on that roster to handle."
"Freya is lead game and she's very strongly that very similar to Chronos at the moment."
"Cinderace has one of the best long range damage."
"The reason why that this thing is strong is not because of his damaged numbers alone it's the sheer amount of stats he gets elsewhere."
"Riku with nothing else and Sora with nothing else, Riku wins, wow."
"Olimar continues to be the best owner in the game. He has the best projectiles, he has the best pivot grab, he has ridiculous damage output."
"Darkrai is a force of nature on the battlefield. His stats are amazing, his special attack rivals that of Porygon-Z and Mewtwo, and his speed rivals that of Weavile."
"Kokomi is what you might call a battle healer."
"Omen is just really strong really versatile."
"The balance is pretty damn good. I feel like each character has something in their toolkit that makes them viable."
"Strength is about having the character of a husband and a father, of a builder and a warrior, of a priest and a king."
"Ashe is one of the best lane bullies you can play in the lane."
"Exactly what about alham has enabled him to have one of the most consistently impressive resumes for a DPS character."
"Whether enchanters are strong in the meta or more on the weak side, Nami is almost always a solid pick for climbing due to her ability to bully lanes hard with a constant poke and sustain from her w."
"If our player characters are not overcoming things through their strengths, it can feel disappointing."
"Rogues are gonna be powerful throughout this expansion."
"LR Gogeta and Vegito... they are built different."
"You're just so hard to kill and with some Mac and with Mac's sleight of fist you do so much damage and are super hard to kill."
"Legend Lolina is a very strong cavalry nuke because of Studied Forblaze and Gifted Magic."
"Watson is still great at holding down an area."
"Humility and confidence are not enemies, they are best friends."
"Sometimes all you need is damage, and as a juggernaut, this is especially true since that's where you're supposed to shine."
"Annihilip has the great typing of ghost and fighting with 90 base speed and 115 attack."
"Feraligatr can be argued for the best starter in the set of remakes with great attacking power."
"Crusaders are a top tier choice for their high AOE damage, incredible movement speed, impressive defensive skills, effective party-wide buffs, and a wide array of PvP skills."
"Wario is top 10... there's a lot of Warios that do good."
"Janna... she does well in too many popular champions Thresh Senna pike Morgana and Leona will all struggle against Janna."
"I find that Wrecking Ball is pretty underrated."
"When people learn, that's when they get excited."
"Bloodhound is certainly a very strong legend to use. They are certainly a very strong legend to use as before."
"The reason you would play Firebrand is because it carries harder."
"Junkrat is very good for point-blank damage potential."
"Brynn's cigs are very good though, her matchup spread is amazing."
"There's just something mega satisfying about seeing Hyperion's damage."
"In disadvantage, Pikachu is one of the strongest characters due to his recovery."
"It is those mysteries surrounding strong characters' powers and traits that we haven't seen yet that are an essential part of the story's success."
"The moral degree: Humanity, honesty, affection, compassion, hope, faith, meekness, and temperance."
"Playing to utilize those strengths and weaknesses would allow the character to be played at the best of their ability."
"Perseverance, perseverance, humility, yes, all of those things."