
Sky Quotes

There are 417 quotes

"It doesn't just resonate like that in the sky, that's crazy."
"Many of the world's most beautiful and fascinating natural phenomena happen in the sky."
"The sky is entirely simulated, and we have been deceived into believing that we're on a world that's hurling around the Sun."
"Phoenix is what started my channel, but yeah, in answer to your question, this sky is simulated and it's covering something else."
"Skye: Nothing more whimsical and romantic than the sky."
"I haven't seen the sky in like a week, dude."
"We're often met with many strange phenomena that seem to regularly come from the sky."
"A huge spire of light rose into the sky."
"In the vastness of the sky, dreams take flight."
"It's a starry night, it's beautiful."
"The sea is gray and choppy, the sky streaked with amber and gold."
"...the annual migration of billions of these magnificent insects fills the sky with a breathtaking rainbow of color."
"The night sky is like a storyboard."
"Fire rainbows: one of the rarest things you might glimpse in the sky one day."
"Don't forget to look up and enjoy the lights."
"Sky is the limit like every single thing."
"The openness of the desert makes it easy to see the beautiful night sky above you."
"The sky is the subject of the painting... the first painting I know of where the background is the subject of the painting."
"The sky was red like a furnace mouth."
"And so it's allowing me to get a perfect sky result here, while at the same time, I've also got perfect shadow information."
"It's a fun little sky, be happy when you do this."
"The sky could potentially be the limit for him."
"It's like the sky started building up the drama."
"According to Nicki Pattillo, her daughter Maddie has told her that her home is in the sky and has displayed numerous astonishing abilities."
"I love it, I love that color of blue, it just gives nice sky vibes."
"Beautiful weather today. Look at that sky!"
"Wow, the clouds are gone because of your smile."
"Imagine what it would be like to float in the skies above the desert in Dubai."
"Our sky is not all that familiar, more and more it is filled with unidentified flying objects."
"I like seeing things in the sky and things in the sea, especially under the sea in the deep sea cuz it makes me scared and I think that's why I like things in the sky cuz it also makes me scared."
"I woke up and I looked out the window, and it was a crispy, crispy blue sky."
"...look at the sky we have a beautiful fall sky today and I am wearing a sweatshirt it's one of my favorite things."
"This is the life: the sea, the sky, and the boat sailing by."
"If you go to the moon, you can be in broad daylight but there is no atmosphere. You look away from the Sun, have your eyes adapt, there's the full nighttime sky."
"It's like pink candy floss in the sky."
"You just want to fill a whole lot of that sky."
"Exploring the sky in the mountains kind of, it's a bit like sailing but in the air, and that's uh, that's fascinating to me."
"The sky's on fire! Must be that same magnetic storm we hit earlier."
"...men were like astronauts, it was the equivalent, I mean they were propelling themselves through the sky..."
"Birds make great sky circles of their freedom."
"Once again, that court case is going to hinge on one thing, whether Sky knew they were selling to criminals to help them commit crimes."
"Stars are tracing the sky like city windows."
"Look at the sky today, it is like once a month like this, it is insane."
"There may be many mansions, but when I look up, all I see is sky."
"The moon was a black hole in the sky."
"She looked at the sky and marveled at the beauty of it. She always felt so at peace staring at it."
"It's an amazing time to be alive and look and see what is happening up in the sky."
"You've got to think like, how can we hold on to this precious thing that falls from the sky?"
"The skies hold their own dose of unexpected."
"One of the most coveted qualities of a grand landscape photo is a sky filled with interesting detail, explosive color, or intense drama."
"Now I feel like the sky more accurately matches the entire photograph."
"It's just a house but in the sky."
"The sky didn't show any signs of darkness, almost as if it was glad to illuminate what they saw."
"Look how beautiful the sky is behind."
"Gene was like flying. He was like being up there, deep in the clouds. No ground below me, only sky. Endless sky. Thin clouds drifting by like ghosts."
"Keep your eyes to the sky, because you might see something amazing, and of course, your ear to the ground, because you might hear Zach Myers."
"The burst of blue hues and flickering patterns lit up the sky, catching the attention of both social media enthusiasts and concerned citizens."
"The sky sets the atmosphere, sets the feeling of what's going to happen within your painting."
"This gives me a stopping point for my sky. Then what I'm going to do is I'm going to put a tiny bit of blue, orange, and white on my brush at the same time. I have three colors on my brush. This is going to start the top of my sky."
"Creativity sky literally is the limit."
"With a sky like this, I want all of these clouds or suggestion of clouds to be soft edged."
"The sky swirled like cotton candy."
"The light can go out in the sky but it can't go out in our hearts."
"There's nothing ever brighter than the sky."
"The sky filled up with dark clouds, all orange and red."
"Gaze into the boundless sky, countless strawberries fraw like twinkling stars."
"The sky is big, five million times the earth's oceans."
"Who doesn't love rainbows? The sky just decides to be a work of art one day - imagine the first person who ever saw a rainbow, what would you even think was happening?"
"Nobody believes me because the sky is not supposed to have regular irregularities like that."
"The heavens themselves as part of an essentially interior decor. By day, heaps of clouds like dust balls floated across the empty rooms of the sky."
"The last thing it records before falling to the ground is a spaceship flying off into the sky."
"I love looking up and seeing the moon."
"look at that sky isn't that beautiful"
"You get this feeling that like you could just like touch the sky from up here."
"'Gloria, is that you?' I looked up into the sky where my mom told me the Angels lived."
"Sailing across the sky, what could be a better adventure? Sailing across the sky in a boat so high, floating on the water, sailing across the sky."
"Miss Navigator, what you think of now is not how to fix a broken log post but how you are going to get to the sky. No matter what bizarre circumstances your ship should encounter, no matter what panic should befall you, you must not doubt the log pose."
"I just love the fact that you just look up at the sky."
"Sky looks blue during the day because blue light scatters off of these particles."
"Now our sky is already feeling extremely active compared to where it was just a few minutes ago."
"No noise, beautiful clear blue sky but no object."
"On he went like a tea tray in the sky, twinkle twinkle anyway, you get the idea."
"These walk paintings in the American Southwest are thought to show the position where supernovae appeared in the sky."
"Remember hope is always there and all around us, and all we have to do is look up in the sky."
"The sky's big and you can lay it down."
"...you can use the sky to help you balance out compositions just with a little bit of thinking."
"Imagine taking a leisurely walk on a sunny afternoon when suddenly out of nowhere you witness mysterious objects descending from the sky."
"She shaded her eyes as she looked to the sky, there popping his darling head over the side of the roof was her cat."
"Steel meets sky and ambition knows no bounds."
"Throw your hands in the sky like Kanye West."
"I stared up into the sky and I immediately found it again."
"Look at the sky, Sam. How beautiful it is."
"The year was 1997 and on a clear March evening something extraordinary unfolded in the skies above Phoenix Arizona."
"It's got this really moody quality to it, but then it's not so depressing because the sky has got so much movement and energy."
"The rest of the sky is blue though."
"When you look up in the sky you'll see many constellations."
"Good morning. You see the sky this morning? What's going on around here?"
"It just shows you like you know like I said on the tape Skies not the limits guys what we stand on or reach the Beyond."
"I love that sky view though. Seriously, it is amazing."
"Can we just take a moment however to appreciate the beautiful evening colors in the sky right now?"
"I'm like well up there where the sky be, and it's so tiny, don't like it, willing to guide me."
"In ancient mythologies and religion, it isn't uncommon to find a divine personification of the sky itself."
"An becomes the sky, and Ki becomes the earth."
"No one was paying any attention to the sky."
"That sky looks insane, that's so gorgeous."
"Look, in the sky we've made a rainbow!"
"Look at the sky, isn't that so beautiful? Do you know what that sky is like? Heaven kind of sky."
"The sky is heavenly, it's beautiful guys, really is."
"Each finding their unique place in the sky."
"It's a beautiful sunset, look pink street going right across the sky."
"It looks like a crystal, yeah, Crystal Sky, very nice."
"The clouds make for a pretty sky right now."
"My artwork is a relationship between sky, time, place, and astronomy."
"I think having that touch of the gold... everyone has a different opinion what color the sky is, but the sky is all of these colors, in my opinion."
"The sky tonight was bloody awesome, it was just neon green with airglow."
"We focus on infinity for the sky."
"The sky is beautiful. I love taking photos of just sky texture sometimes."
"That thing looks so gorgeous up against the sky."
"Enjoy, and keep an eye on the skies!"
"Look at those blue skies, oh my god, they're giving me life."
"This time of the evening with the sky looks amazing."
"Look at that with the sun and the sky."
"I never saw a man who looked with such a wistful eye upon that little tent of blue which prisoners call the sky."
"Look at the sky, full of hope and promise."
"We observed three red spaceships performing parallel patterns in the sky."
"She's flying pretty good, she looks great up in the sky."
"Rhyme and reason are straightening out the mess I made of the sky."
"How pretty does the sky look! I love it."
"Look how beautiful the sky is: yellow, red, blue."
"Look at the sky, it looks picturesque."
"It's a lovely blue color that looks great for the sky."
"But I want the sky to be mostly very bright."
"A nice little trick is to create a new sky."
"Actually, the sky is blue because of light refraction and the scattering of light particles."
"Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above."
"The sky sets the tone for the whole painting."
"Jump into the sky, this is so much fun!"
"It feels really good to have blue sky; I can't even put into words."
"The sky is absolutely to die for."
"Jump, jump, jump so very high. Jump, jump, jump into the sky."
"It's the Mona Lisa. I bet that looks great in the sky."
"The vast sky reminds me of limitless possibilities."
"The best part of flying? The journey, the people, and the endless sky."
"The sky was turned red and golden by the flames and the slowly descending parachute flares."
"Enjoy it, this big beautiful blue sky is just so amazing."
"The sky is unmarked by tall buildings or metal towers; it opens to a palette that is mixed with every color the heavens have to offer."
"Above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky."
"The skies above Petrozavodsk were lit by this unexplainable phenomenon."
"Everyone is looking up, wondering why the sky is split."
"Look at this sky as we're leaving, it's not totally dark yet, but it is pretty much, it just looks really beautiful."
"Let's do it. Look at that beautiful sky."
"If anybody needs me, I'll be in the sky."
"It was a sultry summer's day, the sky above blue and as deep as the ocean."
"The sky was no longer just white clouds on a blue background; instead, there seemed to be slight aspects of pink and yellow added on."
"We can only see it because the sky is so dark."
"The sky is blue because of what's called Rayleigh scattering."
"We're just gonna have fun filling in the sky and getting it to look just like you want."
"The Latin name cerulean is derived from its loosely derived but people say it translates as something like 'heaven's sky'."
"Enjoy your skies, this is an incredible time to relax and process your week."
"The reason that I do that is that implied brush directionality helps inform the shape of things in the sky, which I think is wonderful."
"It will make one of the most gorgeous skies you've ever seen."
"Always ready is more significant than ever as the men who wear it carry their vigil into the skies."
"Light, where does light come from? All the light around us, even the one coming from these lit objects comes from the sky."
"Sky always shaped our culture: Mayan, Egyptian and all the humanity history."
"Skyquakes are actually loud booms in the sky that have no apparent cause."
"So in other exciting news, did you know that Alberta got a beautiful sky show last night?"
"It feels like the Sun is setting but in the sky instead of on the horizon."
"The red in the sky here is absolutely spectacular, and being completely surrounded by water makes it all that much more spectacular."
"Sometimes they hover perfectly still before blinking out, or they move, even shoot across the night sky."
"Just making little crisscross strokes, we'll just put in a happy little sky back here."
"We have a beautiful watercolor classic watercolor sky."
"They're like rivers and lakes in the sky."
"It's incredible up in the sky, flying around."
"Live underwater or live in the sky? Sky, those aliens, yeah."
"The dragons gave us the sky and everything and everyone beneath it."
"Don't forget to check out the sky for awesome adventures."
"It's a lovely evening, could sky above our Caravan."
"The sky looks really nice today, don't you think?"
"The Northern Lights are colored lights that appear in the sky."
"UFO stands for unidentified flying object, encompassing anything in the sky that cannot be immediately identified."
"I was looking up and admiring the sky when I noticed a shooting star."
"The sky above laid bare and starless, a heavy veil of blackness over the pale eyes."
"The sky suddenly light up... it was like there was lightning somewhere in the distance, but I could not see it; I could only see the purple sky and I could hear no thunder."
"When you look up and you realize you just looked at the sky for just a few seconds and saw something... I think is pretty cool."
"The sky is just beautiful this evening, it's pink, but the blue almost looks like cotton candy, it's beautiful."
"What's up? Come on, you know, the sky."
"Above that, the crisp blue sky was streaked with wisps of hazy clouds."
"Good morning from the Ireland sky."
"Then the Son of Man will appear in the sky."
"I will show wonders in the sky above and signs on the earth beneath."
"The skies have long been a canvas for mysterious sightings, from unidentified objects to unexplained aerial phenomena."
"I love the sky, the colors of the sky, and then the details."
"If I die, don't you cry, just look at the sky and say 'Fare thee well'."
"The signs are all around us; they will continue for a time but now is the time to look to the sky for it is there that all things will be revealed."
"There's still beautiful color in the sky, I know that's what I keep looking at, they're still like oranges, yellows."
"Follow the road into the sky, never let adventures pass you by."
"The blue sky goes on and on and on."
"The sword swirled in the sky making different figures."
"The sky above the forest darkened and clouds of the deepest purple, blue, and green spilled out from a single point in the heavens."
"Above a field of blue, vast and free, a playground of wonder and imagination."