
Indigenous Culture Quotes

There are 114 quotes

"The Australian Aboriginal people read stories from the marks and grooves in rock and have been doing so for millions of years."
"They're Native American cuisine. The cuisine of the indigenous people of this land, made with ingredients you could once only find here and nowhere else, made by people who were here before colonists like this guy and children of immigrants like me."
"Susan Allison elaborated on Yacutecum’s story in an article published in the September 15th, 1934 issue of the Vancouver Province, writing, 'The real Indian name of the amphibian now known as Ogopogo I never knew.'"
"It's amazing how indigenous people are so connected. Food was survival, but it was also cultural identity, you know? It's something really... it's the core of us."
"After the animals are gone, Royal notices the mysterious bison with an arrow on its body."
"Inuit all across the north survived mainly because of one animal, and that animal is the seal."
"Whales contributed to over 70 percent of the food in our diet, especially in our early spring."
"The ancient copper mines on Isle Royale: a fascinating mystery."
"The ancient copper mines on Isle Royale: a story worth telling."
"This dry and rocky region in northwestern Australia is already rich with over one million different examples of rock art and heaps of indigenous artifacts."
"The lake of acid...releases chlorine and sulfur gases...just inhale and you're doomed."
"The loss of indigenous food starts from the very beginning."
"Hawaii had and continues to have an amazing history, both from its indigenous Polynesian culture and its subsequent development into a minority-majority population drawn from all around the Pacific."
"The Dreamtime: stories pertaining to spirits and forces which created the earth."
"Indigenous people find neat things to do with what they have to work with."
"We have many Yute Indians, in fact, I live on the Yute res, one of them."
"The indigenous construct of 'two spirit' refers to a third gender of a person with a role of a healer, warrior, and mediator."
"This is a day in the life of the indigenous Sapporo people."
"The Cabrillo National Monument is a fascinating place to visit to learn about the history of exploration and the indigenous populations."
"these communities have been in British Columbia for between 5 and 10,000 years and possibly even earlier than that"
"Totem poles are wooden monuments created by artists in many nations in the northwest."
"They not have the education everybody thinks, but they know these mountains, they know every plant what would do this and what would do that, and they live by it, and they lived their whole life. If we could only know what they know."
"The tribes, you know, the first people on the planet love this, the sun."
"Because the numbers are simply an indigenous numerology system that modified the day-signs. But, yeah, it was the myths that kept me going."
"Behind the postcard facade, native Hawaiians, the Kanakamali, have a different story to tell."
"Nearly a thousand years ago the Haudenosaunee Confederacy was founded under a total solar eclipse."
"How do you relate to water? What is your relationship with water? For us as indigenous people, it's family."
"We have a chance to see a Native American people in ancient times through their own eyes and in their own words for the very first time."
"These indigenous people have a very deep relationship with the land and the sea, every aspect of their lives is connected to it."
"It's amazing to have the words of uh ancient Americans uh to read you know it's it's just a stunning thing."
"The Indians yits used to come up here and grind their acorns now they probably picked this spot cuz of look at this look at this view they had holy cow amazing."
"Native American rock art provides a unique view of human history."
"He never went out of his way to pick a fight, nor did he seem to hold grudges—at least not against the American Indians. He knew them perhaps better than any other non-native who ever lived."
"Reservation dogs would have changed everything for me."
"The drainage of the Everglades had an incredible effect on the economy and lifestyle of the tribal members."
"...when I was first introduced to this lodge, I was introduced to it by a gentleman from back home, an elder, and he had invited me to the fire, the sacred fire."
"The history of the Sami goes back to the remote past."
"Thanks to the work of several generations, the future is looking bright for the Elwha River and the Elwha people."
"Our people were spiritual people, and had respect for everything they believed in."
"The name Corbin was an Indian name which meant many waters."
"Having the sweat lodge and the pipe and spiritual leaders coming inside has done more for the Indian people inside it has done more than anything else I've seen in the penitentiary do."
"Ayahuasca is a sacred brew. It has been used for millennia by the indigenous tribes of the Amazonian jungle during spiritual ceremonies and shamanic rituals."
"The local Ojibwa First Nations, for example, tell stories of fabulous monsters which inhabit the depths, shores, and skies of these inland seas."
"Books on indigenous Australia sell well."
"We are indigenous to the Great Lakes region."
"Our language, our history, our traditional values, customs, and our art forms are all part of the fabric that make us Anishinaabe."
"There's something about the native culture that has always intrigued me, like their connection to nature."
"The local community itself is very diverse, with a strong presence of indigenous communities."
"Prior to the residential school system, the women in our communities were very well respected and honored for the role that they have."
"Why don't you know the contributions indigenous people made to shaping your life? The foods that you eat, what's available to you, the medicines?"
"The Gabrielle Año or Tongva as they came to be called by the Spanish were not the first to come and make the Los Angeles basin their home."
"There's a very noticeable silence around indigenous culture, indigenous history."
"Representation matters and Kell was the only person of, I believe he's South American, indigenous from, like, South America, Peru."
"unlike the stone structure of those ruins the Amazon's indigenous people built with wood and Earth"
"The rainbow serpent is a deity and common motif in the art and religion of many Aboriginal Australian peoples."
"Pemulwuy can inspire all of us to reflect more deeply on our own connection to the land we are born in."
"Colin and Valerie are doing something very special. They're preserving traditional ways that they grew up in the forest right in the interior."
"Welcome to our traditional lands."
"On this country, us black fellas have the longest continuing laws, customs, beliefs, and connection to land on the planet."
"In the spirit of reconciliation, the AFL acknowledges today's grand final is being played on the traditional lands of the Wurundjeri people, this sacred making place of the Wurundjeri people."
"Decolonization is about expanding our social perceptions and tapping into our indigenous worldview."
"We're heading deep into the Amazon, beyond the cloud forest and into an unspoiled jungle to meet an indigenous tribe called the Actuar, the tribe of dreams."
"Native peoples treat their community forests as a shared resource revolving around the need for economic stability, a deep respect for cultural traditions, and an understanding that the forest is a place where the Creator is known and felt."
"Chumash Painted Cave State Park preserves some of the best remaining Chumash Native American rock art."
"They are still filled with gratitude somehow at just being alive in their homelands."
"As indigenous people, we all wrestle with big questions and big ideas surrounding indigeneity."
"The indigenous people of the area had tapped trees like Maple and Birch to access the sap and syrup in the approaching spring."
"It represents the leadership and wisdom of indigenous elders."
"The Indians called him 'Koo Koo Sint' which means 'man who watches stars'."
"Loreto is the oldest Pueblo in Baja California, inhabited by the Kochimi people for thousands of years."
"One of the reasons the Indigenous people this far north were able to live and thrive in this environment... was the stuff they built worked."
"The land itself represents the lifestyle and culture of the people who used to, and still do, call it home."
"The Kanak people, indigenous to New Caledonia, trace their origins to the ancient Lapita culture known for their remarkable seafaring prowess and skilled pottery."
"The indigenous people of the area are not the only ones who believe in the power and mystery of Mount Horima."
"We call North America, Canada, Turtle Island."
"Rico's story stands as a testament to the resilience and vitality of indigenous cultures and their profound connection to the land in a rapidly changing world."
"The Nez Perce were a patient and elegant people; they were good and tolerant."
"He realizes that none of this is going to go well for the native population, and that's where his heart lies."
"Walk the good road, my daughter, and the buffalo herds wide and dark as cloud shadows moving over the prairie will follow you."
"Celebrating our indigenous Itas, celebrating people who are sadly often left in the shadows of our society."
"I want indigenous people to live a healthier lifestyle, and it starts here."
"10% of all merch proceeds this month go to Natives which promotes indigenous foodways education and facilitates Indigenous food access."
"I was warmed by the sun, rocked by the winds, and sheltered by the trees as other Indian babes."
"The canoe is always central because we're marine-based people; the rivers and the oceans were our highways."
"The name comes from the Wichita Indians who used to inhabit this part of Texas all the way up to Kansas."
"Local indigenous people in Alberta are still visiting the monument to make spiritual offerings."
"The indigenous Australians have been here for an eternity and know what's what."
"It has indeed been a pleasure to see these ladies demonstrate the strength of Indian country."
"Local residents consider Uluru to be a sacred rock."
"Indigenous peoples innately have a cooperative spirit and an empathetic relationship with each other that far surpasses what we have."
"The land is sacred to the native inhabitants of this great land; they take only what they need and do it in such a way that works in a delicate balance with their surroundings."
"We as Squaxin, we are a unique indigenous people who have been living in clans... since time immemorial."
"Indigenous people collected maple syrup centuries before European settlers got a taste."
"The respect for nature is one of the most important things on like non-reservation and Native American culture."
"It's been an important week for the indigenous team in particular, celebrating the success of the indigenous culture."
"For hundreds of years, this was sacred land for the Sioux people."
"I introduced the Aboriginal people, how they lived... long before the white man came to this country."
"The spirit world in Coast Salish cosmology is very close and at hand."
"Their survival depends on the gift of the whale."
"Mother Earth is sacred to our people."
"Early trappers to Oregon's coast range heard stories of a place that the Chinook Indians went to collect gold of extremely high quality."
"It's home to the panjara Yankunytjatjara and Ngaanyatjarra peoples, they're among more than 30 Aboriginal language groups in South Australia with histories dating back tens of thousands of years."
"To an Indian chief like Taranga, the forest and its wildlife meant food, clothing, and shelter; gifts from the Great Maker to his people."
"Indigenous people... saw the animals, the fish, the birds, and even the trees as their brothers and sisters."
"Aborigines see the rainbow serpent as a symbol of creation."
"The white witch is colonization, and the deep magic underneath it all is the indigenous community."