
Spiritual Conflict Quotes

There are 181 quotes

"The devil... wanted to be like God, but the job's already taken."
"If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you."
"Expect a fight with the enemy, expect a battle, anticipate a battle."
"The devil declared war on you the day you committed your life to Jesus Christ."
"Recognize that there is a spiritual warfare going on."
"The python spirit wants to kill you right here we see it's even got a hold on the jailer."
"Jesus Christ, we need help. We're asking you to restore our marriage, to remove every spirit that is causing division in our household."
"Being chased in a dream can symbolize a spiritual struggle, an inner battle between good and evil."
"Knock him out spiritually. That's how you defeat the Devil."
"This is all false light and works of the enemy."
"Some people will never like you because your spirit irritates their demons." - Denzel Washington
"You will be controlled by Satan or you will be controlled by God."
"The ultimate aim of those jinn is to get as many people into the Hellfire as possible."
"Reject the fabrication, sword of the Spirit win the confrontation, armor on the armor of God."
"Satan hates God so much that he's lying to you and trying to destroy you and your children."
"This is the judgment that the light has come into the world and men loved the darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil."
"Why is that, viewers? Because this is the message that's given the devil pain. That's right."
"This is a war between spiritual orientations and religions."
"For millennia he has been making good look evil and evil look good."
"The ultimate result is to steal, kill, and destroy."
"The problem is, as a mom, when I give too much attention to Pinterest, then all of a sudden I'm struggling with mom guilt."
"Evil intelligently manipulates certain of the characters... It's subtle, yes, you know, spiritual warfare."
"Father, every spirit that has been assigned to physically torment me or whatever, also I bring confusion to that altar. So those spirits turn on the practitioners."
"Stirring up conflict is something the devil does... Satan sought to destroy the relationship between God and Adam and Eve. That right there is evil."
"We are living in spiritual warfare, we are living in a time of good versus evil, this was written about in scripture thousands of years ago."
"This is heaven versus hell. This is God and our Lord and the Holy Ghost and Saint Michael and Saint Joseph and Our Lady at war with the demonic."
"What are the chances... a spiritual war going on in this world."
"Living in a world where Satan Reigns and you and I and our families have to suffer the consequences doesn't really feel appealing to me."
"Victims harbor dark spirits and demons, and anytime someone tries to point out how they're harming others and how their behavior isn't right, they can pull 'I'm a victim' to protect the demon."
"The culture's in trouble because you have pursued another God."
"You cannot kill my spirit, and my spirit will lodge in your body and haunt you until the day you die."
"You cannot embrace the world and embrace Christ at the same time."
"Let's put our differences aside right now, we have a common enemy that's been around since the fall of man, his name is Satan."
"The energy of the divine being thwarted... Someone is in the way of you doing what you feel divinely guided to do."
"This is a spiritual battle going on, a spiritual battle between Iran and the United States."
"Satan and the demons have no chance against Christ, faced with demonic opposition, the cross-accomplished God's glorification, freed the devil's prisoners, publicly routed evil spirits, and sealed their judgment within the spiritual realm."
"I feel sorrow that you live in this world and you don't believe the Word of God?"
"It is a fundamental violation of the divine order."
"We're not in a political war, we're in a spiritual war."
"Why would being a religious believer be a struggle with the logic of the universe?"
"Isn't it sad that people see the evil in the world, but they refuse to accept the solution for all of this evil? Jesus Christ reveals and proves the existence of God."
"We're dealing with spiritual problems manifested in politics."
"I hate Satan, but Lord, I yield that to you. You are the judge, Lord."
"I'm sick of playing patty cake with demons. I'm gonna get a shirt says I don't patty cake demons you hear me dude?"
"The first rule of war is to know your enemy. This is a spiritual war."
"There's a spiritual warfare going on...we're not wrestling against flesh and blood."
"That's what scripture says... there's definitely a conflict in the spiritual realm that is reality."
"If the devil can take down the church, the only hope for this world... he's going to try to divide the church."
"The fight is no longer about races and nation; the fight is for the spirit."
"The belief is that Lucifer is God and that everything else is an imposter."
"Our real enemy is sin, which alienates us from God."
"The heresy of the day becomes the occult, and the church does have the power to crush it and bring people out of it."
"We're losing because it's a spiritual battle."
"The cosmic battle most of us are unaware is going on around us."
"One of the first signs of the demonic is discord, the level of discord in this country is through the roof."
"I believe we are in major spiritual warfare right now."
"Satan desired to have what does not belong to him."
"The core issue of the mark of the beast revolves around worship."
"You want me to stop? What are you getting from Satan when he tells you to kick the door, huh? Nothing but more pain." - Ruby
"Music is something that was set up to mimic what Allah does."
"The reason your son has never finished the Quran is because he was learning, he was playing guitar at the same time, and those two things can't mix in the hearts, they cannot mix in the heart."
"Sexual immorality forms an evil intimacy with sin. It's a hook, it's a snare, it wraps you up in its tentacles in an attempt to choke the fire of God out of you."
"Everything Satan does is an imitation and an inferior version of what God does."
"Satan is not against religion; he uses it. It wasn't a temptation to fall down, but a temptation to climb up."
"The mind governed by the flesh is hostile to God; it does not submit to God's law nor can it do so."
"Satan is using entertainment to steal the affection of children away from God and His Word."
"The problem we face is spiritual, moral—we're at a moral Crossroad, a moral dilemma."
"That's how we're gonna win, not by fighting what we hate, but by saving what we love."
"This is a spiritual battle, this is spiritual warfare 101."
"It's easy to get caught up in what Satan is doing."
"You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and a couple of devils."
"This is a spiritual battle, it's hidden right in plain sight."
"Stand firm because you have an enemy. An enemy that wants you to think that just because he is invisible, he is also fictional."
"All these bad things happening... were because of God, when really it was because of the devil."
"We are involved in spiritual or energetic warfare every single day."
"The devil wants to get even. How else to hurt the heart of God to the greatest possible extent but to harm the Beloved of his creation?"
"It's really battling for the soul of the church."
"In the last days, angels and demons will be involved in struggles."
"The devil's hatred towards God and especially Jesus is so great."
"The aliens created us to take away from God; the devil's hatred towards God is so great."
"Mystery Babylon is a Luciferian world system."
"Mystery Babylon: one of the biggest stories in the world."
"Jesus comes to bring life that the enemy comes to destroy."
"The devil is a real person, a person in the sense of having a will and an intellect."
"Household wickedness is ongoing, spirits don't die, they're still operating."
"I couldn't I just couldn't get past some of the beliefs you know the yeah the collab and the multi-level layers of heaven."
"We could be through with the warden sending them into the abyss."
"Some of us love the things that we're tied to more than we love the God that says I'm willing to untie."
"The devil's plan is to steal, kill, and destroy."
"The evil ones will pay for their sins against humanity."
"For every negative energy, there is also an equally positive energy trying to combat it."
"I believe the Demonic was always active, always attempting to draw away people from the one true God."
"Can you just imagine seeing Jesus fight the devil in hell for those three days?"
"The dream could mean you're truly supposed to be together, but whatever spirit is in that relationship is causing it not to work."
"The world now worships it as their God and master, but there is still hope somewhere."
"I'd rather be an enemy of man than an enemy of God."
"We're in the middle of a very big spiritual war, and this other entity is here to create fear and anxiety."
"I say this with tears that some have made themselves an enemy of God."
"We're in the spiritual battle of the ages, the era of the Antichrist"
"The eclipse is the epitome of spiritual warfare."
"The friendship of the world is enmity with God." - James 4:4
"Sometimes the devil must be dealt with head-on."
"Our greatest war right now is not man-made war, it's spiritual war."
"This is a spiritual warfare that is serious."
"The mistake of a devil is trying to drag down God to his level."
"Demons tend to lash out right before they're cast out." - Unknown
"This is a spiritual war, it's good versus evil."
"I wrestle with every day, I hear 5 say he got rich and everything like that. I hear us talk about God, I hear him talk about the Bible, and then I wonder, what message are we ultimately putting out there?"
"Whoever is a friend of the world is at enmity with God."
"The devil scratches his head and wonders how could this be."
"The blessing of one god is the curse of another."
"If life is a living hell right now, it's because you are a threat to the dark side."
"Sometimes I feel like you love me, some second I'm furious with God."
"It is not okay, it is not kingdom, that is the world."
"He's battling the devil, he rejects the devil."
"Racism is a spiritual battle, it's a warfare between good and evil."
"Was the Fallen Angel insulted and be mocked everything holy not even accepting God himself."
"When it comes to God, it's a serious thing. Okay? It's not a joke. I'm not an enemy of Chris. We're not an enemy of Chris, dude. I'm an enemy of lies. I'm an enemy of deception, right? Yeah, because you're getting screwed up by lies and deception."
"It's a spiritual holy war... I think it's feeding something and they want us in this position."
"Revelation could be summarized in four words: Jesus wins, Satan loses."
"He that is not with me, Jesus said, is against me and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad."
"Your God is battling with you that you're a preventive science. I think we can agree on that as that's a good thing."
"My prayer is always that God would thwart the plans of evil men because sometimes I don't even know which side is the evil one."
"Spiritual warfare is about warring over the rights to speak into our souls."
"The war is mental at the beginning it's it's you know man is mine uh the war spiritual is mental I feel that we've been winning the war by waking our people up and unplugging them from this Matrix"
"When there is light, Darkness has to flee. Amen."
"The kingdom of God suffers violence and the violent take it by force."
"Satan thinks he has some of you cornered, but this story, the middle of the story, is being rewritten."
"Any idea in your head that has you saying 'I'll pick sin instead of God' is always a wrong idea."
"Satan did make a major attempt to thwart this through the Nephilim and Giants but God prevailed and personally fought in that war."
"Spiritual warfare is off the charts, battle lines are being drawn and people are choosing sides."
"It really is a technological spiritual warfare attack."
"America is in a spiritual battle between good and evil."
"Everything he doesn't like is Satan trying to deceive us."
"The war over Consciousness is between the lunar Consciousness finite parasitic forms and solar Consciousness Eternal Light forms."
"They're going after what's not necessarily God, they're going after this."
"It's a spiritual battle, a warfare between good and evil, right versus wrong."
"This is the anti-prophetic world and the entire prophetic word."
"The ego of man, which is temporal, is the enemy. It's the beast that's standing in the temple right now."
"We became an affront to the kingdom of heaven because we lost our purpose."
"There is this kind of struggle between the dark and the light... spiritual war goes across the heart of every human."
"The Spirit wars against the Flesh, and the flesh wars against the spirit."
"He loved God, and I think that, you know, he might have had that situation where, you know, you got the devil over here saying, 'Well, I can I can keep you living if you want me to,' you know saying or, you know, 'Hey, you come god, you come up here to heaven.'"
"Jesus waged war against our enemy."
"War arose in heaven, and behind all the little wars, there is this big war."
"Not everything that happens in this world is God's will... there is an enemy."
"You see he really wants your daddy but to get to your daddy he has to get to you. You want to see a parent fired up mess with their child."
"The kingdom of darkness is left shaken to the core, confused and fighting against itself."
"The light has come into the world, yet people loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil."
"Satan can only be stopped by the strength of the Lord."
"The God of this world is Satan, and the world's systems are pushing his agendas."
"Wherever you look in the Bible, dragons are described as the enemy of God."
"The wound in the Spiritual Realm where Ambition, Mercy, and Odium clashed and Ambition was destroyed, the effects on the planet's trinity have been disturbing."
"When God's people really sing praises from their heart, it just riles the devil up."
"The enemy who sowed them is the devil, and the harvest is the end of the age; and the reapers are the angels."
"Which side of the line will we be on in the war in heaven, which side of the line will we be on in Eden, which side of the family will we be on with Cain and Abel, with Shem versus Ham, with Abraham versus Nimrod, with Zion versus Babylon?"
"This is a spiritual battle, spiritual warfare."
"The enemy that we have today is a spiritual enemy, that enemy is Satan and his host of demonic power."
"This horn made war with the Saints and overcame them until the Ancient of Days came and judged their judgment of the saints of the Most High."
"It's like a spiritual war going on, between good and evil, and it's just a matter of which side you're on."
"The Israelite God withdrew his support from the first king of Israel, Saul, instead inflicting him with an evil spirit from God."
"Because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so."
"The friendship with the world is enmity with God."
"That's why the devil hated Job so; Job was literally messing up the plans of the devil."
"There is a battle going on for the soul of Islam."