
Food Preparation Quotes

There are 483 quotes

"It's easier than meal prepping, cheaper than eating out, and it's more convenient than going to the grocery store because going to the grocery store sucks."
"When you're canning tomatoes, all you're worried about is the taste."
"He smiled and responded, 'Oh yeah, I know the smell can be bad, but once it's cooked you're gonna be in Paradise.'"
"When it comes to plating up delicious meals... humans have gotten pretty darn successful at putting food on the table."
"This made me sad... If you're gonna cut pizza, you better cut pizza right."
"You take a big slice of watermelon you put it between paper towels put in the fridge and leave it overnight which dries it out a bit then you can marinate it season it and bake it and it ends up having the consistency of like a piece of tuna."
"If you don't shake the can of coconut milk, you have this gorgeous top layer of pure coconut oil."
"Be aware that if you wait for everything to line up perfectly, you may as well wait for the second coming."
"While baby carrots are a type of carrot that's harvested before reaching maturity, they grow in inconsistent sizes and shapes and aren't usually what you buy when planning a dip-fest."
"I've got tons of details on how to make your own bacon from scratch."
"The only way to screw this up is to undercook it, and culinarily speaking, there's absolutely nothing worse than undercooked puff pastry."
"You need to rinse your chicken off before you cook it... myth busted."
"Let it rest in the fridge overnight and then come back to it and eat it tomorrow when it's even better."
"A huge savings over buying a box of pre-prepared rice."
"Minimal preparation and ready when you want it."
"The most important thing to remember is mint is made up of cheap cuts—brisket, belly, short rib—so it needs help."
"Beautiful strawberries but caramelized almost like a very quick strawberry jam."
"Write getters and setters for your classes to prevent bugs and promote easy-to-maintain code."
"Alright guys, the food's ready! Please form an orderly barbecue queue."
"Tonight it's all about fresh food. Everything we prepped this morning, we cook tonight. Fresh, yes, yes, fresh!"
"Once the smoothie is nice and smooth, we're gonna carefully lift the lid and we always want to try the smoothie first before we either drink it ourselves or serve it to somebody else because if it doesn't taste good, nobody's gonna drink it."
"Beans are really versatile. You can get so creative with them."
"The dietary laws are basically the foundation of kosher foods and how they're prepared."
"People have actually been requesting it believe it or not so if you're not into bread do know that the technique that we're going to be learning it can be used for most foods."
"Having pre-prepped veggies in the freezer is one of my favorite convenience items."
"Homemade pastry in the freezer makes cooking so much easier."
"My goal this year is to try to make 100% of my own hot sauce."
"The sharper cheddar you go, the worse it is melting."
"All you have to do is simply heat up water and pour it into a container with the food that has been freeze-dried."
"Mix it really well until everything is melted and well combined."
"So I have some concerns...looks like I'm gonna have to turn a lobster into food."
"It's adding a nice mouthfeel, it's adding fat, so then you go through and you add your acid to cut the fat and then you taste for final seasoning, right?"
"So I just added some lemon juice to each one of my jars, both pint and quart jars, for 20 minutes."
"Mix the deliciousness of the mountain house in with other stuff to make it last longer to feed more people."
"Broccoli picks up every juice, all the juices and stuff and it takes on that flavor that'll make it so good."
"Normally I will buy lunch out one day a week when I'm working, but I decided since I'm home already working it's just quick for me to throw a chicken Caesar salad together."
"Nothing better than that, flowing, freestyling, and making food."
"Now I want to make like steak fried rice and like chicken fried rice."
"Sharp knife, cold brisket, that's the way to the promised land."
"Eating meat strangled or improperly processed is strictly forbidden."
"Bread making involved labor-intensive processing that includes de-husking, grinding of cereals, and kneading and baking. The fact that it was actually produced before farming began suggests that it was considered special."
"Canning frozen food feels like one of my cheat codes."
"People are put off by the cold and have an aversion to danger. They don't realize that there is much to explore beneath the icy exterior if you're willing to spend the time and energy."
"Gorgeous tender gnocchi are simple as 1, 2, 3."
"In terms of effectiveness, I would rate this a 5 out of 5. Thought is pretty efficient on both apples and potatoes."
"These will definitely come in handy for lunches like bagels or sandwiches."
"To make a great dipping sauce, put everything into a jug, and blend it up together, and it'll be delicious, guaranteed."
"The secret here is it's a lot easier than you think, it's basically glazing."
"Just because it tastes bad in isolation doesn't mean it won't serve a purpose in the finished product."
"Pre this, pre that, place the turkey in a preheated oven."
"Literally a five guys burger looks like you gave them a burger and right before they served it they took out a sledgehammer and went [__]."
"It's absolutely girly to have some help, you're gonna mix this with some spinach and a little bit about some Wawa cheese, they're gonna make all the difference in the world."
"The world's first automated tabletop pancake making machine. This will spew out one every 20 seconds."
"This just bumps up the protein and makes it nice and creamy."
"Oh look at it it peeled off the banana and now he's cutting it up into slices and it'll fit perfectly in the acai Bowl."
"28 meals, 100% from scratch, plus pre-cooked for future ease."
"I like to add one Apple to the mixture and the reason is this is an excellent source of pectin and pectin is a terrific prebiotic meaning that it helps feed the bacteria that create the probiotics."
"I thought I'd plate up our snaky boys and see how they taste, but they kind of disintegrated even more as soon as they sat in that broth."
"The beauty of soft boiled eggs is you never know what you're gonna get until you crack that shell open."
"Stop meal planning, instead just keep your pantry full."
"Sledge making is gonna bring us a lot of good food."
"Everything came pre-portioned and ready to cook."
"The key for flaky pie crust is always keep everything cold."
"For the guac, I mean come on, you don't really need a recipe for this right?"
"Canned tomatoes: always have them, don't get caught without them."
"If you make a fatty enough dressing and have a bag of potato chips, you can make kale edible."
"Imagine roast garlic, roasted onion, peppers into your burgers and meatballs. Yum Yum Yum."
"This is my favorite part about going to eat at Indian restaurants: seeing the dosas being made."
"Challenge because of actually getting pepper poppers."
"I grew up thinking, 'Oh, this [ __ ]'s fresh, it's healthy for me,' but then you don't realize they cook it in so much butter to make it so good."
"And bingo that is a c-plus rolled burrito right there."
"We're gonna need a big pile of chicken I already went ahead took standard chicken breasts cut them up into little tiny bite-size pieces we're gonna weigh them out to 8 ounces of piece and fry them for each burrito."
"Delicious cut and I bet you didn't know that it came from the front quarter."
"Nobody wants to spend a high price for a beef fillet and get one that's all hacked into a bunch of pieces, so just take your time removing all the silver skin."
"You want to make sure that when you cut these, you cut them real even, you want a nice even stake."
"Man, K-Mo, why the hell you making so much food for? It's only three of us. Well, four, I guess, if you count Larry's ass."
"Collecting, preparing, cooking our own food creates mental, physical, social health."
"There's something about the air fryer where it gives you a semi-complete product really fast."
"Some sort of tweezers are pretty much necessary for any food styling you're gonna do."
"You have to get your cured meat, your cheeses, your olives, your garnishes. All your garnish, that's all in the mix, man. So true, good."
"Fish wrapped in prosciutto sounded interesting to me... so that's what we're going to cook."
"It's something that I'm passionate about. If I don't do these pantry challenges, how am I going to know where my holes are in my pantry and in my stocked goods?"
"There's no perfect way to cook anything but there are some good techniques that will help you execute really good tasting food."
"Marinades like brine or soy sauce can be used as a tenderizer."
"The secret to good mashed potatoes is cooking them a long time."
"This takes meat, you can see the meat on the left."
"Beautiful food on the plate is not the point of what we do; it's the result of what we do."
"We're making food, we're making food, we got hey, we got calories now!"
"It's nice to just not have to think about the food, just heat it up and eat it."
"Fold it up like a McDonald's burrito, boom, perfect easy scramble."
"Stay as close to that piece of cartilage as possible to free the breast. Free the breast."
"You touch you touch clean limes in a clean surface area so now that's where my mouth stretches."
"If you rub it right, it still tastes good the next day."
"The convenience of boneless skinless breasts is undeniable, especially for busy families."
"Travis: Nick and Kristin nailed it. They asked Chipa to leave it with the cheeseburgers, and she did it."
"It never looks like it's gonna work but trust the process it does turn into beautiful pasta."
"A major pro for meal prep is not counting calories."
"Reducing the expectation of pain and the actuality of pain as much as possible in the slaughtering of the animals that you intend to then use for food and sustenance is The Sweet Spot."
"You cannot rush it. Slow and Low plus a little extra syrup doesn't hurt."
"You're not gonna waste any ingredients that you already have because you have your kitchen inventory."
"I always hit up the oven to reheat pizza the next day. Microwave is a rookie error."
"Having meals in my fridge that I can pull out, toss in the microwave, and have a hot meal in two minutes makes my life so much easier."
"Ensuring food safety and proper storage is crucial for meal prep."
"Cutting vegetables and meat to have similar sizes will help them reheat more evenly."
"Enough pasta for close to 400 portions on this table here and we've got how many customers tonight? 53. 47."
"Check out Meat Church and I do recommend all the products because you can go to certain places and get recipes for your own rubs, which I respect, the make your own rub game, but it's easier to just buy your own rub."
"We're gonna use our hands to just kind of stir it and break up the leaven."
"A condiment will enhance the flavor of your food."
"Eat a lot of whole fresh natural foods, try to cook and prepare most of your food at home so you can really see what's going into it and you can put your own love into it as well."
"All you have to do is literally stick it in the freezer for a couple of hours normally I just take it out when I remember I've never had an issue."
"We're gonna be working with some great food, you know I'm saying?"
"I want the least amount of hassles and I want to create the easiest nut milk."
"They enjoy preparing their food because they like to see what's in their food, they like to see how they may have evolved."
"Tonight for dinner, well, I made one of those smoothies from the large stock in the freezer."
"The meat has fallen and is begging to be grabbed. Step one: get meat. Done. Step two: get rid of meat."
"This is called pulled chicken... very clean."
"You always want to do the best you can, I mean obviously an orange juice made with fresh oranges is better than a packaged or bottled orange juice."
"The phone yo when you cook it, it gives you four times the amount."
"Fresh, high quality ingredients make a real difference."
"It's just one of those things that if you make it homemade, it's not going to be any better than this right here and I genuinely believe that."
"Two days for traditional pho versus two hours. What? What? Two days for [ __ ] fur takes eight hours only! How you use two days to make fur?"
"Why do people still write one to two cloves of garlic in the recipe?"
"Cut across the grain for perfect tender slices."
"Always plan what you're going to have for your main dish and thaw it in advance."
"I just mix until incorporated, here's our stock."
"Start in cold water bring it to a boil cover it pull it off the fire and leave it for 20 minutes it will be the tenderest tastiest cream you say you've ever had."
"These taste great just heat them up in a pan or on the grill."
"Mind-blowing for such an easy and straightforward method."
"Can you microwave it? Everybody eats, it doesn't matter."
"We're gonna do eight three-pound slow cooker meatloaves, um, then also looking at me, we're gonna do tuna cakes, salmon cakes, and crab cakes."
"This is shockingly good. I think that the roasting made it more tender while maintaining a really even cook."
"Ensure consistent pH across the batches which could affect Flavor."
"You have to season your food, you don't want no unseasoned food."
"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, so I made enough hollandaise for multiple eggs benny here, holy shit."
"The technique is called flattening out a bell pepper."
"Fish turns white and opaque because you have a lot of denaturation of the proteins so they coagulate."
"I think a lot of people just don't want to even order out because they're nervous they're like what the [ __ ] who's cooking my food?"
"We've been revealing five things you should never microwave like raw kale I love the kale but not raw in the microwave bread eggs in a shell and frozen meats."
"Bulk produce your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches... there's just nothing easier."
"You can taste more of the cheeto when you airfryer it."
"Since going vegan, my pantry has become a godsend."
"Once you master pantry cooking, you can almost always whip up a tasty meal."
"Toast walnuts for a flavor boost in salads—no shelf life, just pure flavor."
"When we shoot a deer... carefully package it... treat it with reverence... the end result: flavor."
"A lot of chefs will tell you to add the garlic and the rosemary at the start, right? They just burn. So, I do the spuds and then about halfway through when I turn them, I then add the garlic and rosemary. And it doesn't burn."
"Everything we do in this kitchen has to be tasted. I don't care if it's a [__] bread roll, a lemon meringue pie, or a chicken kiev."
"Fastest sandwich making, just grabbing things and putting it on."
"Another incredible leftover in the air fryer maybe the best are french fries since they generally have a lot of residual oil."
"It smells delicious in here; I just did the sheet pan pizzas."
"So let's move it over to the stove and spend the time showing love and attention to this broth."
"If your food is not making you dance, then you are doing it wrong."
"That sesame is mixed with sugar and then it kind of melts inside."
"I'm not here to share an idiot, you can't put [__] raw onions in an onion soup."
"Roasting or freezing any food by itself normally gives it more heart."
"I always save the rinds in either in snap wear or a zip bag and I think it adds tremendous flavors to certain things."
"If you make a macaron right you've won life."
"Meal prepping is always super helpful for us."
"If I don't plan some can be things then I'll end up at a restaurant which is a lot more expensive so I'd rather just have a few things available that are easy."
"For people that have never made sausage before, you will be surprised to learn how easy it is."
"Stop making excuses, buy your rice cooker or order it from your local Chinese restaurant."
"alright folks here we have it toasted ravioli oh oh wait oh my god we need marinara sauce marinara sauce is like the essential dipping sauce"
"Microplanes are an amazing tool for getting zest or finely grinding spices like nutmeg."
"Fermenting enhances the flavor and nutrition."
"Just a quick little toasting is all you need."
"Working with wild food is always a little bit of an experiment."
"The filling nestles down into a little hole, it doesn't spill out."
"It should take about four hours for your food to cook."
"I really don't want to have to make new kinds of food or more of the same kinds of food."
"Oh, I just spilled on myself. You can hear it kind of bubbling up and that's the leavening agents reacting, which means they're going to be nice and fluffy."
"Air fryer... the easiest way to roast veggies."
"If it came right down to it... they're gonna have to be happy with whatever hot breakfast I can make or granola."
"We're almost done, then we can freeze this, yeah, get that, get that served."
"The meat thawing tray is like magic. It thaws out meats so fast."
"The ingredient profile once again is awesome."
"Gone are the days of old where cereals had to first be tenderized by soaking in milk overnight before eating."
"Being able to make food and meals is a priority."
"There's a channel that's simplifying these recipes and taking the mystery out of cooking."
"...this is like the stage in the restaurant they would take the fries up till prep and when an order came through they would just drop them and then they'd be perfect."
"A little bit of texture and maybe a slightly thicker blade or just a little bit more of a pronounced bevel as opposed to that really smoothly blended bevel is typically better for food separation."
"I'm actually going to cut the cheddar into blocks."
"Basically they make sure you're supposed to be dish soap with some brown sauce."
"Now you have to pull it out and punch it down."
"The biggest difference is you're not using a can or something to put your coals in the middle, you're just kind of putting them on top."
"She cannot eat the whole recipe that I prepared."
"This fruit and veggie purifier makes bulk prepping fresh produce for lunches easier and faster."
"This Lobster is going in the oven 425°F until the top starts to get a nice Brown to it and the sauce is bubbling."
"One thing we really wanted was plenty of worktop space for prepping food cooking food which is exactly what we got."
"Make sure you don't put your cream into a bowl with a ton of surface area."
"This one right here is by far the quickest. I can bring two bowls of this noodle soup to the table in 10 minutes."
"You can see that I'm gonna have to trim this whole end off of here you can see how discolored that is it even goes into the meat there a little bit more so I'm just going to trim it."
"It's just funny how much larger the turkey appears the next day after you've brined it and it's soaked up some of that liquid."
"The longer you leave them, the better the crust performs."
"You've got to start dehydrating your lemon and orange slices."
"I make pretty much all of our bread."
"Stir my meatballs together with a fork...it does the best job of combining everything without over mixing."
"Watching a pineapple get cut up this quickly is so satisfying."
"Both my Italian and Czechoslovakian grandparents told me that in the old country if anybody caught a carp for the table they would keep it in a bathtub for a week changing the water every day to purge it to get the mud taste out of that fish."
"I grind my own meat because when you go to the supermarket, basically they're just getting whatever beef scraps they have."
"Slowly fold that in steps until it's all combined."
"The secret is to use curing salt... to get the beautiful red color."