
Third Eye Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Seeing Truth in all things. When you open your third eye you begin to naturally understand the hidden language spoken by nature, by life."
"Lucid and Vivid Dreaming. Another sign that your third eye is open is when you find yourself having amazing lucid and vivid dreams."
"Clairvoyance is the inner sense of seeing. It's not about seeing in the physical sense with your eyes, it's about using your inner eye, better known as the third eye."
"We're called through A Course in Miracles to be miracle workers."
"This third eye is the true esoteric deeper meaning behind the eye symbolism."
"With a blocked third eye chakra, you will not be able to see past the worldly illusions that are bestowed upon us on a daily basis."
"Direct that current from the two eyes into the single eye of divine perception: the point between the eyebrows."
"Activating this third eye energy is going to allow you to activate your psychic gifts."
"You need to be strong there in order for this third eye to open up more."
"So if the Ukrainian army had folded up and gone home like you know the DoD thought they would then the Russians would have just marched in the Kiev and everything would have been fine."
"Activating the third eye can be accomplished through meditation. Mastering the art of meditation will help to activate the pineal gland and pituitary body as well as teaching you to relax and open your mind."
"You don't need to see with those two beautiful eyes you already have. Those eyes are not gonna get you where you're going. It's that third eye, your intuition, that's gonna actually direct you and take you where you need to go."
"Your psychic abilities are going to broaden; your third eye is going to open even more."
"The third eye is our spiritual antenna and psychic center that provides perception beyond ordinary life."
"So whoever's asking about the third eye being dangerous, it's not dangerous."
"Uranus is associated with the awakening, the opening of the third eye."
"If you want to tap in to the 99% of what you're not hearing and what you're not seeing then you really do want to open your third eye."
"You're starting to notice synchronicities that all pertain to the third eye, the sixth chakra, the pineal gland, etc."
"It inspires you to literally take that leap between your conscious mind and your unconscious and your third eye, of course."
"The third eye as the main contact point where consciousness enters or exits the physical body."
"Imagine your third eye closing and then opening slowly, as if from sleep."
"You open the third eye with imagination when you start to question your reality."
"Your third eye has awakened; if you continue this process, it will open and activate."
"Once your third eye is awakened, you will see an entirely unseen world."
"Once your third eye gets activated and you start to get knowledge, you see things differently."
"This vision, this understanding, these downloads, this is a really common sign that your third eye is opening."
"I have on shades because I'm very sensitive to light at this time because my third eye is open."
"The awakening of the third eye: a profound transformation that touches the very core of our being."
"Your third eye is stronger, it's more open now."
"Many different ancient cultures and Masters knew so much about the third eye and used it to achieve incredible things."
"The third eye is linked to high intuition, clairvoyance, clairsentience."
"The third eye is used to look inward."
"Therefore, I believe the pineal gland must be a third eye, an eye that lets you see into the spirit realm."
"You have a lot of knowledge... your third eye is very, very open."
"My third eye is kind of just like to see beyond the normal stuff that we can focus on because there's more out there."
"The third eye is your connection to supernatural abilities, to intuition."
"She sees dead people, thanks to her third eye."
"Everyone is born with a third eye, but not everyone has it open."
"The red dot is symbolism, and it ties us back in with our ancestors; it represents the third eye."
"When Nep disappears, she is working with your third eye and your sense of intuition."
"The third eye... many important Hindu deities are depicted as having an actual third eye opening up on their forehead."
"The pineal gland was our species' third eye, a window into sources of now unimaginable cosmic energies."
"Magician at the third eye... turning all your Visions into reality."
"Our crown chakra lit, our third eye wide open, we're bringing the truth to humanity."
"We're initiated into the mysteries, our third eye is opened."
"The actual meaning of Shiva's third eye is it's an eye of knowledge."
"He told us that he could see and feel ghosts because he has a third eye."
"When I look at someone with this third eye, I can see all of everything about them: their past, their present, their future."
"Take a deep breath, open up your third eye, allow your intuition to guide you."
"Many people are awakening because throughout these past six months we've all been having our third eye expanded."