
Circumstance Quotes

There are 297 quotes

"You're in the right place at the right time."
"Just be grateful in every circumstance, right? Whether things are good or whether things are bad, because that's the only way to remain truly fulfilled in life."
"Frasier was a show about connecting through unlikely circumstances." - David Hyde Pierce
"Your praise is not dependent upon your circumstances."
"Honestly, I think it's a fair quote given the circumstance."
"Miles was just an innocent bystander who simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"It's circumstance, but it's the human aspect."
"Do you have any idea how much had to go wrong for that to happen?"
"Presidencies are circumstantial. You are a byproduct of the circumstances that you inherit."
"You can be a really good person and be in the bad a bad place at a bad time."
"Britain was never so powerful because of some inherent British quality but circumstance."
"Circumstance is a very specific thing and it's very important to a situation."
"I had no choice, I needed the money desperately."
"I'm a creator of circumstance, not a creature of circumstance."
"...it's funny how circumstance lead you down a certain path especially in fishing..."
"Is Eugene really a jinx or is he the victim of circumstance caused by others?"
"Motherhood is a blessing, no matter what your circumstances are."
"It's hard to believe that she would choose to end her life while not wearing any clothes at all."
"It's not her fault that they wrote this; she did the best she could in that situation."
"so yeah and Rogan went on to say that Batman's rule of not killing is ridiculous given the circumstances in which he operates"
"It sounds to me that you were, for lack of a better word, lucky that you walked in on Dave cheating."
"...the death of all of his friends came due to the lack of trust and unwillingness to see the good in people, even in the worst of circumstances."
"Sometimes love just hits you at the exact wrong moment."
"I think that's an interesting part of taste too. I think social media kind of removes us from circumstance as well."
"She's just an average person in an exceptional situation."
"An unfortunate accident brought on by extenuating circumstances beyond anyone's control."
"But what I'm trying to say is like if I had more bandwidth, if I had met you in a time when I didn't have all of this going on and I had more bandwidth, then things would have gone differently between us."
"Most people, in general, don't choose to be poor."
"You can have the right person, but be in the wrong space or the wrong situation."
"If just one thing different would have happened I wouldn't be in the middle of it."
"These people were just in the wrong area at the wrong time."
"Sometimes you can't pray yourself out of a circumstance, but you can pray yourself into peace in the middle of the circumstance."
"...it was just a case of being in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"They got real lucky being in the location that they were in."
"I feel like the word 'rescue,' because in our situation, it wasn't like there was some dire circumstances."
"It was the right person wrong time situation."
"They trusted you pretty quickly for their circumstances."
"...circumstances rule men men do not rule circumstances."
"A better question serves the circumstance."
"We look because we're both wearing dark."
"He was evil, but I'm not sure many people in his circumstance would turn out good."
"Nomak was a villain but not by choice, his condition forced him to kill."
"They're bringing in circumstances that will mean you leave something behind."
"This would have been in my mind the circumstance, like the perfect backdrop for a really big moment in your life."
"Knowledge is very much power in this kind of circumstance."
"Faith makes my life better, it doesn't always make my circumstance better."
"It's too bad, it really is too bad. Why did it have to happen just now when everything was going so well?"
"A game of circumstance, wrong turn, everything can all collapse, get burned, back inside the relapse."
"He was just doing what he had to do to survive."
"Only this took place inside of the freaking four-lane highway."
"I have nowhere to live, so I came here. I figure YouTube homie, your dried up, mine's dried up, let's hang out."
"This is very much a Spider-Man thing done maybe the best we've seen it maybe Doc was almost as good but this thing of like 'oh we could have been friends we should have been friends we could almost be family like we get each other we're victims of circumstances.'"
"There's a lot of intelligent people, a lot of successful people, a lot of good people come from these places but again, circumstances in life lead you to certain directions."
"Her mom is really pretty and still puts on makeup every day and shaves her legs despite being agoraphobic and living in the basement."
"I mean, think about it under no circumstance would Chad Dylan Cooper want to be a part of So Random."
"Unfortunately, she's not available tonight."
"I never once did a crime and thought I want to do this... I always thought I did it because I had to do it."
"The one time I dress up it's raining."
"You can't get mad when you go to the circus; you signed up for the circus."
"Those people are no different from us. They're not worse humans and many times they're just there because of a combination of bad events that were totally out of their control."
"I'm not oppressed and neither are you. But let me explain why. When it comes to oppression, you are born into circumstances but your circumstances do not define you."
"I need this money because I'm bidding for this tournament, and they've frozen my account."
"You have to see these situations as washed in time and affected by time and by circumstance."
"Not a bad person, just had bad luck."
"Wow, the tables have turned, huh?"
"A lot of it can be forgiven because they weren't given the biggest budget the first time around."
"It wasn't my plan to buy the cheapest range rover in the country. I really didn't want to do that."
"...if I hadn't been in that situation and maybe, you know, my mom was still around, I might have just gone to finish medical school and become a doctor and never would have taken the chance."
"The lap sadly unravels around him not through his own fault but through somebody else's moment."
"Some people can evade it for a long period of time while others may not have the best luck."
"It's not really a place people move to. It's more like a place you end up at."
"She's basically broke these days."
"He created and engineered circumstances with a circle so large we can't escape the emotion and the pain and the frustration of the moment because we have all at some level been there."
"Something happened that made him not make it to the stop and it wasn't by his choice."
"That's what it's all about: opportunity, circumstance, the ability to catch the ball."
"Only God could have made such circumstances."
"Your circumstances are irrelevant."
"For the first time since the Republic fell, each one of them was just following orders."
"It was kind of like the perfect storm."
"Relationship of circumstance can never be true."
"If things went differently in Chapman's life he wouldn't have been in the position to plunk MLB batters with his infamous fastball."
"Sometimes I'm just in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Each of us has a destiny. It's perhaps a strange circumstance we both should be in love with the same woman."
"...melora had no idea she had a granddaughter when when malora asked where Ashley is now Rosetta took her to the family that takes care of the girl the living conditions here leave much to be desired."
"Joy isn't something that goes away because of circumstance."
"The sheer luck was the proximity of the tugboat."
"President Bush did not take office intending to be a wartime president."
"Is there a line to get into Trader Joe's? There is a line to get into Trader Joe's."
"It's not my world. I only was in a gang to mark the register."
"There's no reason to think that a narcissistic genius is going to behave under these circumstances."
"I must make the best of things," Miss Harper told herself, resigned to her circumstances.
"He got a fish because mine broke."
"If I wasn't just going through a breakup, like it's possible that I would see that. That's kind of circumstantial though, because you did, you did just get out of this [ __ ], that's more of like a personal thing rather than like more, even if I hadn't."
"What you need to work out is what kind of coverage feels right to you in a given circumstance."
"Revelation adapted to circumstance."
"Happiness may give smiles, put laughter on our face, but happiness is just what the word describes. Happiness depends on what happens. Therefore you call it happiness."
"I feel like he's done the best that he could with what he's had."
"...he's lucky didn't get him yeah fun lose my positions there in a matter of feet."
"Certainly no one of us listening could ever be caught up in such a set of circumstances, or could we?"
"Some men are born murderers, some achieve murder, and some have murder thrust upon them."
"It's exactly where you want to have your first test drive, it's the middle of a rain storm."
"Most people are only violent when they're backed into a corner."
"True happiness is not based on circumstance."
"Each had his wife, his family, his situation, and all of that."
"What is reasonable depends on the circumstances and depends on the facts."
"Totality of circumstances matter, so they can't just say, 'Hey, you had the intent to kill,' you just simply had a threat that presented itself to you and you just did what you could to stop it."
"Opportunity depends on your circumstance."
"He was only rich because he sued somebody because his daughter got attacked or something."
"I'm afraid it's a case of needs must when the devil drives."
"It's unfortunate but it's a really cool car"
"The con didn’t have the money it needed."
"Never let a circumstance rob you of your identity."
"It's all in where you're swimming."
"The North had basically the best set of circumstances despite the bad weather and the huge cultural divide."
"Talent and Circumstance are three of the main factors that can allow someone to reach the heights of their abilities."
"I would give Ang a pass on anyone that died during when he was possessed by the spirit of the ocean. Say okay, that's fine."
"So, simple answer is, it was a friend-of-a-friend situation."
"I wouldn't have chosen either. Sometimes a person has to choose, sometimes the world forces his hand."
"I'm pregnant, so we want to sell now more than ever."
"Better that it was snow than rain."
"It's rained in the night, you're both wet."
"The problem is not with the stage four cancer. It's not with the fatal diagnosis. That's not the problem, that's circumstance."
"It was a lottery of life that meant I was born into a Muslim family."
"It's telling you what to do in that circumstance, it's not necessarily approving of the circumstance itself."
"The biggest question is why he ended up just here right now. That's the only question."
"We have to reconcile the way we move and what we want with the circumstances we find ourselves in."
"I do not want to go to an execution I never in my life thought I would even have to be in a situation to even think of that."
"You're the wrong guy in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Thought and character are one, and as character can only manifest and discover itself through environment and circumstance, the outer conditions of a person's life will always be found to be related to his inner state."
"Hevel, it's real, but it's also not always real in a particular circumstance."
"I want a song that can't be taken away by circumstance."
"I feel like if Andrew was here and he was operating the big camera like the long lens, you know, I may have had a chance to shoot that deer this morning."
"He blows up his friend's head yeah this is a great segue ed because you can see him as a he's he's a victim of the circumstances he's in he did nothing to be psychically activated or to have that power of potential."
"...and number two, this is a unique situation."
"It's apparent that the circumstance and the perspectives on it are really the villain."
"You're never more frustrated than when you're exactly in this position."
"Well, my alternative was death, so not really much of a choice,"
"Swift action and fortunate circumstances ensured no injuries were reported."
"I don't care if what you have manifested has caused a lot of disruption in your reality."
"The reason why I'm running this live is because I've had the same collection of clothes to look through pretty much since the pandemic."
"Al Capone's brother: one enforcing Prohibition, the other bootlegging."
"Whatever the reason one thing remains the same: most people have a choice in the matter, while others do not."
"Real people do, especially when you're in that circumstance."
"If something outside of your control... brings you together... you treat them like an acquaintance."
"'Really, Spiers,' he said with amusement. 'Surely you see the necessity. Brass buttons, white cravats, and gleaming Hessians hardly lend themselves to smuggling.'"
"It was an endearing exchange, tainted by the circumstances under which it occurred."
"Whether she did or not is beside the point. No one asks to live in squalor, Tris. It's just that squalor is all that is left to them."
"This is what we're dealing with here."
"You can have a broad range of those ingredients. The narcissism battery, if you will, is charged on the inside of that person and it will play out, it will come through just basically depending on what the circumstance might quote require."
"We're in a really interesting place."
"I genuinely enjoyed it. I never expected to be here at 43. This is all circumstance too, like this is very bizarre that I should not be here. I was a sales guy two years ago."
"The landlord who owned both properties was in desperate need of some cash."
"Living on pensions you know, can you still apologize despite that?"
"Under the right circumstance kill a cell just as readily as a conductor or cell."
"Paul likely felt this way because it was a representation of something he felt he couldn't achieve because of his living situation."
"Circumstances would change happiness... but that's about humans are so adaptive to their situation."
"People refer to us as heroes now. I personally don't look at it that way. I just think that I just happened to be at a certain place at a certain time."
"I guess they were not out of that situation then."
"God has the final say on your circumstance."
"You look like you've been the victim of some sort of balloon jail."
"Joy can be in spite of circumstance."
"...you're gonna get dealt a hand you didn't want to play."
"I really don't remember the circumstances."
"We see the layers of tragedy to Connor and the way he is such a victim of his circumstances."
"I realize here we had to eat, we're all doing this in our bedroom."
"Going to perform, rather because I'm a dancing inmate."
"For the vast majority of those arrested... their only crime had been being in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"No matter what your circumstance is, your circumstance has not changed your identity in God."
"Don't allow your circumstance to change what is written."
"There is a great difference between the kind of peace that Jesus gives; it has no relationship whatsoever to our circumstances."
"Recognize that a lot of the time it's mentality over circumstance, and that's the tea."
"It was just a perfect storm. That's what it was. It was a perfect storm."
"Bad outcomes don't always result from bad decisions."
"My vision is that I can see my daughters grow up and I can dance at their wedding. My circumstance is that I have cancer."
"it was in that moment because of how cold it was their savior"
"Be content in whatever circumstance I am."
"Faith is a heart that believes God in every single circumstance."
"Circumstance, the environment, you get what I'm saying?"
"I never wanted to be your friends, but I had no other choice."
"Unfortunately for me, Henry is black and does not blend in with the surroundings."
"I think my mine wasn't like, was just sort of wrong place, wrong time."
"Thank goodness I hadn't finished my shift yet."
"If it could get worse it would, but it can't."
"Some people just didn't make enough money or life was, you know, life."
"Jimmy is being out of desperation."
"I mean certainly I could have joined a better lineup, but you play the hands that you're dealt."
"Sometimes you're just in the wrong spot at the wrong time."
"God can and He will change your circumstance. Sometimes He just needs to change your perspective."
"Fate in the wrong place at the wrong time with the wrong man."
"You guys deserve this video and unfortunately this video wasn't on Clever style which it should have been and which we wanted it to be but it was out of our control."
"Our opportunities to shine are limitless. They surround us each day, in whatever circumstance we find ourselves."
"Now that I've used it I think I'm gonna have a lot of fun you know using it in the right circumstances."
"I felt like I didn't have a choice."
"You cannot control events and circumstances, but you can control your reactions."
"The distance, the door, and me moving was the only reason that I'm alive."
"You cannot use circumstance as the barometer for whether or not you're in God's will because every now and then the devil will seduce you with some cool breezes so that he can pull you away from the shore and make you believe that everything is going to be okay."
"She was in the wrong place at the wrong time."
"Anything I do is going to change the circumstance."
"There is an incredible freedom in every circumstance."