
Time Comparison Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"The bottom 90% of American workers saw their annual wages increase by 28.2% from 1979 to 2020, while wages for the top 1% increased by 179.3%."
"I just saw this statistic from the Washington Post showing that from 2008 to 2018..."
"Certainly since 2017 we've made enormous progress."
"I've had this watch longer than you've been alive."
"It's a pretty dramatic sense of whiplash, you know, within 12 months."
"The Ethan Klein of 2016 would be very proud of the Ethan Klein of 2022."
"You're consistent, you're saying the same thing in '22 that you were saying in '12."
"I don't know if it's necessarily gonna be better six months from now than it is three months from now."
"The past is neither better nor worse than now, it is just different."
"The first and second half of 2022 were night and day for Austin Theory."
"Missing a billion years of a 14-billion-year timeline is really equivalent to missing the day of your child's birth."
"Life is so much better now than it was five, ten years ago."
"What's also kind of crazy too is when you consider that the first game and this one were both only 10 years apart."
"There is more time between the pyramids of Giza being built and the life of Cleopatra than there is from the life of Cleopatra to the first iPhone."
"Did you know that in the past year our audience has grown more than has in the previous nine years combined?"
"Time would have been second in the world in 2017..."
"My immediate reaction to that is, aside from a little extra facial hair between now and then, that's a very slick performance."
"That '70s Show is actually closer to the '70s than that '90s show is to its setting in the '90s."
"500 years separates us baby, can nobody else say that they've been in line that long."
"It's just funny to me that it's not a problem we saw 20 years ago like we do now."
"I think it's a huge improvement over the past few years."
"What has your dollar done in the last 30 years?"
"It seems to me that the idea that slavery is something obscure to a critical mass of people squares more with the way things were in the 70s and into the 80s than they are now."
"Now's the best time pretty much... those who think the past is better I'm not read enough history..."
"The present century is a tiny spotlight inching its way along a gigantic ruler of time."
"Days turn months in aggregate 1.7 months of gains have been lost every day this is extreme."
"All calories are the same, just the way all seconds on a clock are the same, just the way that all miles per hour on a speed dial are the same."
"We're obviously closer than we were 70 or so years ago, but I think it's still very far away."
"I genuinely don't think it looked this good for like the last 10,000 years."
"I'm almost thinking, is the 2 p.m. becoming better than the 10 a.m.?"
"Biology can evolve something novel over the course of a hundred thousand years; culture can do it in a decade."
"You compare not day to day, not week to week, you compare month to month."
"Life is much better now than what it was 18 months ago."
"If one had gone to sleep in 1990 or 2000 and woke up in 2020 they would find a democratic party whose entire base has become quite sympathetic to Palestine and quite critical of Israel."
"Cleopatra lived closer to modern times than to the building of the pyramids, which is just nuts to me but really, really cool."
"Right now where we are is way, way, way better than even a year ago."
"The '80s were so different than now."
"I am happier now than I was a year ago."
"Don't look at it day to day. Look at it as an average across the week and then compare that week to six weeks' time."
"...they continue to run fairly closely this is about the time last year."
"It's entirely possible that it's better than it was a year ago."
"The delta shows the percent change in all of these aggregate metrics that are relevant for the last six months compared to the last year of performance."
"The earliest occupation levels with actual architecture visible on Cyprus are about as far before Stonehenge as we are after it."
"Cleopatra is closer in time to the invention of the iPhone than the building of the great pyramid at Giza."
"It really goes to show how far medical practices have come in such a short time period."
"All of recorded human history... all this history, all this recorded history in the last five seconds of our calendar year."
"It's as good as I've seen it in the past 20 years."
"Making this the biggest attack we faced in over a hundred years."
"I think they probably made more progress in the last 12 months than in the last seven years."
"A line chart is almost always some number being compared across time."
"If it's created at the same as yesterday, then we show 'Yesterday'."