
Global Dominance Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"America is unquestionably the world's cultural hegemon."
"A China that dominates Asia, the world's largest market area, will mean grave harm to American self-interest, their livelihoods, freedoms, and security."
"The aim is described officially as full spectrum dominance, control of all land, sea, air, cyberspace, and space."
"China becomes pretty close to the dominant power in the world."
"Determined to never be second to any other power in the world, the US began to nurture what would become one of the most professional fighting forces in earth's history."
"If this is what we're dealing with, it's going to be the preeminent nation on this planet for the foreseeable future."
"So Germany and then next week is America, perfect. She's gonna take over the world."
"Are you one of those who believe that China will eventually surpass the United States?"
"Whoever becomes the leader in AI will become the ruler of the world." - Putin
"Largest store of value by a large margin and we are the largest trade currency by a large margin as long as that is the case the United States has the exorbitant privilege."
"Okay, what I'm referencing in this circumstance is American cultural imperialism and how pervasive and how successful it's been in dominating the planet."
"The ongoing battle of dominance is known as the great game."
"The Muslims virtually dominated what was known as world trade."
"Europe was able to take over the world because of the invention of the modern corporation."
"They realized it was not through hostility or demonizing other countries. It was going to be by getting inside the governments of these other countries to extract what you might call the way to become the number one power in the world."
"The U.S. needs to be the predominant country in the world, period."
"Byzantine India, yeah, the Byzantine Empire is the dominant power in the world."
"No one else in the world has an aircraft carrier battle group."
"The United States- currently the world's sole superpower- fits this description."
"The 21st century belongs to China? Which China are you talking about?"
"Winner take all for power over Humanity on Earth and in space."
"The United States is the most powerful country on earth."
"When the water in the Sea of Galilee is drying up and the State of Israel has ruled the world for a day which is like a week..."
"New York emerged as London's equal if not her superior as the world's financial center."
"What is at stake for the U.S and for NATO... their Primacy over the planet."
"If they fail in Ukraine... the prospects of them reasserting themselves over China and Asia do not exist."
"The United States of America undisputedly has the mightiest military in the world."
"Whoever cracks AI first will rule the world."
"Whoever creates artificial intelligence first will rule the world forever."
"The American fighting force is still orders of magnitude beyond the strength of any other force on earth."
"If you had some sort of weapon that would threaten the entire planet... you could basically rule the planet."
"Civilization will course correct and go back to having Asia as the center and the Americas will be once again what they always were."
"The future is China and it's not even close."
"We're in an existential fight. China believes that it should rule the world."
"Facetime was already everything and now it's just gonna take over the world."
"I want to achieve world domination with making this bigger."
"American hegemony might win out on this one too."
"McDonald's: taking over the world, one burger at a time."
"Money is power, and with enough power, you can rule the world."
"The Chinese will have the largest GDP on the planet by 2025, surpassing that of the US."
"Aaron has just become absolute power in the world."
"Technological dominance is going to be what's absolutely necessary."
"We are the number one great power by a ridiculous margin."
"My main objective was to take over the whole entire planet."
"Bitcoin is attacking the king, right now it's the US dollar, and bitcoin is competing to become the world reserve currency."
"The United States Navy possesses the largest and most powerful fleet of ocean-going vessels on the planet."
"COVID will be one of the main reasons [China] was able to [take over the world]."
"In 1940 Britain ceased to be a serious competitor to the United States."
"We want to take over world football once again."
"The ultimate question is if China can supplant the West as the world's core state."
"The US military is by far the biggest, bigger than the next 10 largest militaries combined."
"By mid-1943, the United States was clearly becoming a superpower."
"Remember, his dream ultimately is to rule the world."
"By the end of the war, the US Navy accounted for 70% of the total Naval force on the planet."
"The US and China, they've done it. They've taken over the world."
"The U.S ends up finding itself as the new world superpower surpassing Great Britain as the dominant power of the world."
"Whoever wins this battle and maintains control of the region will have a chance to solidify their position as the world's top superpower."
"Both cities not only dominate the culture of their countries but dominate the culture of the entire continent of Europe, or even the world."
"It's been fascinating to see a country... become the number one player."
"Britain's now the undisputed best colonial power and the biggest power in the world."
"Most of history is the history of Empires."
"The American economy is by far the strongest in the world."
"The United States emerges as an Undisputed superpower."
"In my opinion, the US will remain the dominant global power for many decades to come and beyond."
"Britain... becomes the empire on which the Sun never sets, replacing all other European competitors."
"The inevitability of China's economic rise and its dominance in the global economy."