
Community Power Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"Neoliberalism...is about realizing that power lies at the community level."
"The only response to white power is more power in the black community."
"You can't really deny the fact that when hundreds of thousands thousands of people gather together with a very similar cause shit's gonna get done and that's what we're seeing out there."
"It's very important to them how the community reacts and really giving power back to the community."
"As long as they don't back down, people's voices actually matter when they come together and speak up together."
"If we can come together in the community, they can't beat us. It's not possible."
"Public pressure is what creates change. That's because public pressure is community power to survivors."
"It's got to the point, it's come to a head and they've tried to do a madness but what they forgot was the power of the fan."
"We need to believe again in the power of community, we need to build those bridges that Israel has burnt down between the different parts of our occupied homeland."
"Total change of the social system towards more sovereignty power to the normal people."
"If you just got enough people to say no, you can change things right there."
"This Wall Street Bets thing has shown we have power."
"We need to protest and get cronky out. A lot of you guys saying that."
"The community has been so outspoken against Diablo Immortal that I think we can get basically whatever we want out of the game."
"Our power is when we show up and when we are engaged."
"The power in the MGTOW community comes from two places: our freedom of speech and our anonymity."
"The people have the power. I don't mean power of the gun. They have the power to make and create the society they want."
"You can't just become a fan, you're not cloned, we have more power than we realize."
"Harness the power of a community and align the incentives properly, you can see an outsized performance in the market."
"These institutions are enormous and overwhelmingly powerful but remember they get their power from us."
"We've seen a resurgence of social power and mutual aid groups."
"Reddit proved how powerful online communities can be with the infamous GameStop short squeeze."
"None of this happens without you. We the people are the difference makers."
"A lot of this is coming down to this thesis of just it's hard to fight a community."
"For the greater good of the whole, for the power of the people."
"We believe that the people can solve the problems because they get it."
"If people make their voice heard... there's a real power there."
"Like this video, share it. Let the message go out there, let everyone see how powerful the community is."
"That shows you the power that the people actually have."
"We don't realize the power that we are if we organize." - Panelist discussing black worker organization
"It's amazing the difference we can make when we come together."
"Everybody needs to be concerned with earning our vote."
"The power of the community that we've built that opens the doors for these opportunities and I'll be eternally grateful for that."
"In the social world in our society to bring that power of people on a really high level to see how powerful they are as a family."
"It doesn't take one or two millionaires or billionaires, it literally could be the everyday people."
"The premise of what we are doing puts the power in the hands of the people."
"There's power in people gathering together, protesting, and organizing campaign groups."
"That's what it's all about here - using our power as a community for good and for helping the people."
"Really it's about how we can begin to build as collectivities collective forms of power."
"If black Americans and white Americans come together these people have zero power zero it's over for them immediately."
"We need to build power from the grassroots by our communities, via our labor unions."
"The power really lies in the people... it really begins with organizing the community."
"The only way to beat organized money is with organized people."
"Everybody came together, man. Yeah, everybody came together and it shows the power of the messaging."
"I believe there is unbelievable power in communities built on love, acceptance, and healing."
"There are more of us than they are of them. We can make a difference."
"Money is powerful but it's not as powerful as the collective voice. Stand together."
"We the people United together can affect real change."
"Decentralization is the people have the power."
"There's really a lot of power in how many people and how many skill sets and how much diversity is in this community."
"We are here to make sure we recognize all the power we have when we come together."
"The power of a community is growing exponentially."
"There's nothing people can't achieve if we come together, coalesce, and fight together."
"Real power of any project is communities. When you have a big Community it is real power for any project."
"Black people have the power to destroy the Democratic Party."
"The amount of power that we have as a community is so much bigger than this token."
"This is about us flexing our power and using our muscle to put the pressure on folk to do what's right."
"Women of color showed up in big waves, of course you saw in Georgia what black women have done."
"Imagine if two million reddit users, each with maybe thousands of dollars to spare, that is a lot of money to play around as a whole community."
"We are the people, we can mark it well, mark anything."
"Our power is in numbers to continue to grow the value."
"Gorilla gang together strong. We're all such goddamn wizards."
"It really is a positive thing that the developers are listening to the negative reviews."
"We are bigger than them. There's more of us."
"Massive respect to Wall Street bets, demonstrating the power of the small guy mobilized by the internet."
"Absolutely amazing, the power that our community has."
"Never underestimate the power of the community."
"People united together in communities...are much more powerful."
"You must have an economic base to enforce a code of conduct."
"That's the power of grassroots banding together and saying no we the people have the power you do not."
"The power's in your numbers, the powers and the people and the politics that we address, and how hard we press them."
"If you have 40,000 people in your pocket, you can go to him and say, 'Play what you gonna do?' Either you for or against."
"If you know that and they know that and who has the power? The community, black community does. Black culture does."
"Power matures into 'we power' - it's no longer about 'I,' but about community and independence."
"Local government, local community—that is ultimate power."
"I want to change that and I know a community like ours is one of the most powerful ways to do that."
"You see the power of what the fans can really do."
"It's more important that we also move towards building power, like Community power."
"We're sharing this... like you would share with friends... there's power in one person or two people speaking to other people words of encouragement."
"I think the most exciting thing I've learned is the power of people."
"The project will create 3,000 green jobs and once completed, it'll produce enough energy to power half a million homes."
"We're going to start a rumble here; we're going to start because we're talking about something like $50 million a month."
"I hope that with the power of the people maybe something can be done."
"Gamers always get what they want."
"It's about the power of community, which I think we can all connect to."
"The true nature of open source shows you the power of collaboration."
"Our power as foundational black Americans has always been the grassroots."
"I think you never want any sort of activism to become totally institutionalized. Part of what is magical about it is watching people build something from the ground up."
"That just goes to show the power of people and speaking up and actually like fighting for justice."
"Never underestimate the power of a group of fangirls."