
Voter Motivation Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"People don't vote for freedom; they vote for free stuff."
"It turns out that this sort of stuff is going to drive a Trump vote. It will and it should drive a Trump vote because if you're going to react to the complete takeover of the intellectual underpinnings of the country by this anti-racist garbage..."
"The surge in Democratic votes will not be as dependent on the policies advocated by the Democratic candidate as it will be as a result of fear of Donald Trump."
"We have an important election coming up... don't vote out of hatred, vote out of what you feel is going to be the best for your country, for yourself, for your family, your children, your grandchildren."
"If these people get their way, we get four more years of Trump. It's just that simple."
"At 102 years old, my great aunt... made her way to the ballot box to cast her vote. If she can do it, you can too."
"If you hate wokeness, you should elect Joe Biden."
"Anybody that introduced this piece of legislation, anybody that supports it in its current form, should never ever ever be allowed in the halls of power again in the United States of America."
"Let them know that if they let this go through in this form, if they continue to support it, regardless of who runs against them, a carrot could run against them, and you will vote for the carrot just to avoid them being elected to another term."
"This is why hardcore Democrats black Democrats voted for Trump."
"When we see polling that says Biden could be up seven or maybe up three or maybe up one in Florida, what that tells me is if I'd live in Florida, I'm going to make damn sure that I'm voting."
"It's a dire sign for the Democrats, but ain't nothing gonna happen unless you go out and vote."
"This election was 'the most important vote that we ever had.'"
"Trump recognized that voters are a lot more inspired by a candidate who talks their country up."
"Nothing gets Democratic voters out like Trump."
"It's very very important for the voters in Georgia to take that into account when they vote in January."
"Democrats should vote with their heart and their heart should say anger, not solidity, not stability, rage."
"It's about motivating your base to turn out in record numbers, and that's what has to happen."
"You can't just say vote against Trump by voting for Biden, you have to give people a reason to vote for Biden."
"Telling people just vote against Trump won't work. You need to give us something to vote for."
"That's Donald Trump. He's like their daddy, right? They can't drive some of these voters to the polls without him."
"A vote for Donald Trump is a vote for putting the American people first."
"People are saying to themselves, why are these our only alternatives? Biden has to give people a reason to vet for him, not just voting against Trump."
"When someone can't buy gas when there is no gas when there is no food they are going to vote for anything other than Democrats."
"Democrats know anger and fear and concern about health care costs is a big part of what drove voters to pick them."
"We vote with everybody in mind. When black women go to the polls, we vote for everybody. You can trust our vote."
"This is the election of your lifetime, the midterm election of your lifetime."
"If we vote up and down the ticket like never before we will elect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and we will leave no doubt about what this country we love stands for and what we believe in and who we are as a people."
"If that doesn't motivate more people to vote quite frankly I don't know what would."
"It makes it more about character, qualifications, record... It's just harder for the Republicans to motivate people."
"Nobody's turning out to vote for him the way they did for Barack Obama so they need their people to be motivated by something and what they're motivated by is their hatred of Donald Trump."
"If you can speak to their pain, if you can speak to their frustration, they will never vote for Democrats, but many of them would be open to those who are speaking to their needs."
"Concern over violent crime is set to drive voter turnout in the midterms."
"We're voting for and backing an agenda, not a politician or a political party."
"Democrats aim to motivate voters this November by highlighting their only two policy achievements tediously dramatizing January 6th and standing with Ukraine."
"With your help, with your support, and with your vote, in two days from now, we are going to win."
"Everybody knows why to vote against Donald Trump."
"If that is what you want, if that is what you believe, you must vote and you must reelect President Barack Obama."
"We've got to out hustle the other side. We've got to vote like never before and leave no doubt."
"A vote for Joe Biden is a vote for our democracy and our decency."
"We're going to vote for whoever has a specific and substantive economic black agenda."
"If Joe Biden can cure cancer, I will vote for even the corpse of the man in 2024."
"Our message to our congressional representatives is if you don't represent us someone else will because we will vote."
"The new motto should be 'win my vote or die.'"
"Elections are won by people who are a little bit anxious."
"Apathy loses let those polls scare you a little bit."
"We cannot take this election for granted, we just can't do it, ladies and gentlemen."
"The only poll that matters is the poll on Election Day."
"Get out and vote like you've never voted before."
"Everything that we care about is on the ballot this November."
"Fear gets people to the polls. Fearful people are easier to manipulate and control."
"You can't lose sight of that. Biden says that he's not Trump, and Trump is a real risk. But you also aren't entitled to anyone's vote just because you are the less bad option."
"Black voters are saying hey pay attention because we will show up and we will vote on this issue."
"If you want a new world to burst forth that has something to do with freedom, that has something to do with liberty, pride in America, then I just don't see how you don't vote for Trump."
"Give voters something to vote for, not against."
"If you want to move forward, come out and vote for us. If you want to slide back to the good old days that weren't that damn good for a lot of people, they're your candidates."
"For the first time in modern history, we are at a point where hating each other, the other side, is the primary driver of voting."
"What you saw in this election was absolutely appalling because you saw people that literally were voting for nothing."
"Don't believe a word that Mitch McConnell says, not a word. The reality is this: if you're gonna be voting in November, the question is, are you going to vote for candidates who are going to do something to protect America's children?"
"If you give us something to vote for, they will vote for you."
"You have to vote like American democracy is about to end because it might."
"What is uniquely motivating your base to vote."
"Donald Trump getting a win for his base definitely motivates turnout no matter what, that is a good thing."