
Knights Templar Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Between the years 1110 and 1120, the Knights Templar found a great secret hidden under the Temple Mount in Zion, Jerusalem."
"The Knights traveled to Scotland to evade further persecution, perhaps to protect the Holy Grail."
"The Freemasons are believed to be the reincarnation of the fabled Knights Templar."
"And perhaps that is the greatest accomplishment of the Knights Templar."
"The Templars were resilient; the Templars were tenacious."
"Templars, they were the zealots of the zealots. Their entire life is that devotion to God."
"The Templars' past had been to the east in Jerusalem, but many believe their future would be to the west... in the New World."
"The templar's enigmatic leader Jacques de Molay was burned at the stake."
"If you're looking for some good books about the Knights Templar I cannot recommend enough Malcolm Barber's 'The New Knighthood' and Helen Nicholson's 'The Knights Templar: A New History.'"
"The mystery of the Knights Templar has stuck in human memory ever since."
"The only thing that I can think of personally is a precursor to the Knights Templar. I think the cross of Lorraine is the symbol that proves it's possible."
"And it’s here, in the heart of the Holy Land, that the truly incredible story of the Knights Templar begins."
"Over the coming decades, a series of mysterious events would lead to a Templar Empire that would grow from Europe into the Holy Lands."
"Even though the Bible says 'thou shalt not kill,' the Knights Templar were the exception, especially when it came to taking back and protecting the Holy Land."
"Their tactics were incredibly effective, and the Knights Templar were often used as 'shock troopers.'"
"Ironically, the purpose they served is seen by many as a sinister one today due to the way they conduct business."
"Much of what you know of the Knights Templar is probably untrue, but it’s the truth that makes them one of the most fascinating and feared organizations in Europe and the Middle East during the Crusades."
"Come with us on a journey to uncover the true past of the Knights Templar, their dark secrets, and their tragic fall from power."
"Even though modern perspectives tend to see the Templars as a secret society, their existence was never doubted at the height of their power."
"The Templars have lived on in the popular imagination for centuries since our official dissolution."
"One of the most mysterious strongholds of the Knights Templar is hiding underneath the cobblestone streets of Paris."
"Many people who dine at the fancy cafes have no idea that they are sipping coffee at the exact place where the Knights Templar held their most secretive meetings."
"The first people that ruled around here were the Knights Templar and the Crusaders."
"The ark was said to have been taken and hidden by the Knights Templar and may have ended up any number of places."
"The Knights Templar is a secret society that's been shrouded in secrecy."
"The Knights Templar come around in the early 1100s after the siege and conquest of Jerusalem."
"This could indeed represent the suppression of the knowledge and the secrets that the Knights Templar had."
"The Knights Templar... are known for the wealth that they accrued largely through the kind of rudimentary banking system that they established and escorting pilgrims from Europe down to the Holy Land."
"Some speculate that these coins are the remnants of an even more significant treasure hoard associated with the Knights Templar."
"The team considers the possibility that these carvings may connect Oak Island to a medieval church in Fonte Arada, Portugal, built by the Knights Templar."
"The Knights Templar can be said to have established Western Europe's first multinational corporate banking system in medieval times."
"During the Crusades in 1126, King Afonso I requested that the Knights Templar arrive in Portugal."
"The year 1307 was an important turning point for the Templars."
"According to legend, several hundred Knights Templar escaped with their precious jewels following the breakdown of their organization."
"The Knights Templar were some of the earliest bankers."