
Economic Warning Quotes

There are 136 quotes

"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of their property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."
"Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen warns of 'absolutely catastrophic hit to the economic recovery this summer if U.S. can't pay its bills on time.'"
"If you think healthcare is expensive now, wait until it's free."
"This shows that the global economy is starting to Creak."
"The U.S currency is going to be in very very big trouble."
"SVB Bank is the warning sign that we are now in an impending recession, just like Lehman Brothers' collapse."
"Watch out for high inflation, high dampage for any token because that'll kill your price action."
"We are on an unsustainable debt path." - Jerome Powell
"When you see people using credit cards and unsecured money to survive, that's the calm before the storm."
"An economic catastrophe is what U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen is warning will happen if Congress fails to raise the government's debt ceiling."
"Shortages are coming and you're going to feel it."
"This is actually a big effin deal, a huge huge issue with the real potential to deal some big damage to an economy that's already weakened." - Paul US
"Stagflation... I believe is coming you should prepare."
"Don't discount a social breaking point being a contender." - Stephanie Pomboy
"That's a bubble. When you see something... that just goes straight up."
"The market's going to be in for one hell of a rude awakening."
"And you're going to have a depression the likes of which our country has never seen before."
"Guess my point in all this is saying your savings will get decimated."
"A warning of the ugliness to come. The greatest wealth transfer in history."
"The famed big short investor Michael Burry is warning that we're currently in one of the largest speculative market bubbles in history."
"Debt, debt, debt, on top of that, on top of that, it's been piling up."
"In 42 days that will be 28 times the daily Supply absorbed by one ETF if this does not horrify you I don't know what will."
"It's very bad; it's telling you a recession is around the corner."
"If we do have this Global recession and if it is worse than we're expecting... then it could mean really bad news for corporates and households and countries."
"It's going to get very bad, very very very bad."
"The day of reckoning is coming for the entire economic system."
"Douchebank issues dire economic warning for America."
"This financial stability report was so interesting to me and we need to dig into it for one thing they are predicting a severe drop."
"Folks, we are headed for a crash... I am talking beyond that, a crash that we will never recover from."
"Money don't come back, people. You can make more, but you ain't getting everything. I don't care what nobody tells you, you can't recruit that money."
"Recession indicators are all around... people don't realize how big this recession will be."
"We're about to experience the greatest economic crash since, if not greater than, the Great Depression."
"Folks, this is the biggest mania in history and it's gonna end up with the biggest disaster in history, the biggest crash in history."
"Alright folks, hold on to your wallets because our next city is about as expensive as they come. Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the most exorbitant area not only in Europe but worldwide."
"Loans that are past due on a state-by-state level have been skyrocketing."
"When greed sets in, it's just going to be a rough ride."
"The trend looks very unhealthy, well it's parabolic, right?"
"The real estate industry is sounding the alarm too. Fu Jian Group was once on the rich list but is now unable to pay a mere 19 million dollars of debt."
"This will destroy our country and make us non-competitive with other countries."
"There's no exception in modern history: when your debt for a nation is over 100%, you have a depression and an economic financial failure."
"MLMs are designed in a way that people will lose money, and most of them do."
"Virginia offers a dire warning for those of us who care about workers' rights and dignity."
"When it's gone, it's going to blow up and the consequences will be spectacularly bad for everybody."
"We are at a Tipping Point right now in U.S financial history."
"This is a warning that even though crypto is supposed to fight inflation..."
"It's going to make the Great Depression look like a picnic."
"You want to see a real crash? Take a look at what's already happened to the cryptocurrencies."
"All fiat-based currency systems collapse... there is no example in all of history that has been tried thousands of times it doesn't work."
"This movie is genius in the way it depicts violence. It's very, very funny and even though it's entertaining and it's a lot of action, it never is like too much."
"You can't keep spending like this because this is unsustainable." - IMF
"There are three economic indicators screaming sell. They don't imply than a 50 percent collapse is looming; it's already at our doorstep."
"We're in a storm of economic difficulty... eventually, this is going to catch up... and more and more people are going to see that this verbiage is way too little and way too late."
"California's $98 billion dollar surplus... comes as a warning sign looms."
"Americans still do not understand the nightmare that is ahead."
"20 to 30 percent market meltdown could scare the fed into action."
"Dip buyers beware because central banks have lost control."
"Money from heaven will be the path to hell." - Robert Kiyosaki
"And also when margin debt hit an all-time high, we had the 2007 and 2008 market crash because all market indicators are saying get out now while you still can."
"Messing with a free market is gonna cost you."
"Folks, the bond market is overlooking a soaring $2 trillion debt problem. There is no escape."
"Hyperinflation will wipe out any Fiat money any Fiat assets or instruments absolutely 100."
"We've got the biggest debt bubble in the history of the world."
"The collapse we are going to see is the collapse of the currencies."
"China's vice president warns Chinese finance should never again put itself in gambles, bubbles, and Ponzi schemes."
"This is the time to be awake, to be preparing, and to be getting ready for the biggest economic tsunami the world has ever seen."
"You could be rich at some point and then everything goes downhill."
"We may be getting very close to the late stages of this crazy market mania."
"No civilization in history has ever printed their way to prosperity."
"A race to the bottom which could increase the risk of a recession significantly higher."
"The silver market is faster approaching breaking point."
"The economic impact if it's not over tomorrow or next week is going to be and I hate to say that it's going to be devastating."
"This debt hole we're digging ourselves in... it is a definite problem."
"The banking industry is insolvent, and that's a scary thing to say out loud."
"We're not far from another depression one that will throw millions of Americans into poverty."
"The ultimate weapon of economic tyranny is coming."
"We didn't put anything away in the silos and now we're properly hitting the buffers on the debt."
"Shock and awe when it comes to the inflation and the spike that we're about to experience." - Michael Hartnett, Bank of America
"We're in a big fat ugly bubble and we better be awfully careful."
"If I put money in the bank today and I give it to my kid in 30 years, he's literally going to be broke."
"The financial reset is looming, impacting global economies."
"You need to prepare for something much worse than a recession." - Jamie Diamond
"It is impossible to over emphasize how far-reaching and disastrous this could be for a myriad of markets not just the silver market."
"Banks see what's going on, they know what's going on... about to be crushed by their loose lending habits."
"Money printing... sooner or later it will catch up to us."
"This could set off the next financial crisis."
"If we don't do anything about it and just let this inflation go rampant... we'll have to slam our foot on the brakes... and produce more damage to the economy."
"A failure to acknowledge these economic realities will only end with an economic debacle on top of what I suspect will be a military debacle."
"If the U.S economy doesn't turn around, it's game over."
"This is the housing crisis all over again, this is deja vu all over again. Haven't we learned anything in the disaster of 2008, 2009?"
"We're beginning to see dangerous warning signs of deflationary patterns in the economy."
"If they don't see what's happening with gold and the stockpiling of gold by these major central banks across the globe I feel sorry for you you are so blind."
"Pull your cash out of these institutions people the banks are going down."
"This is a setup for one of the worst recessions in our lifetime."
"A big crash is coming, we're going to have huge food shortages."
"We are facing a debt bubble that we cannot pay."
"Yellen warns Congress of 'unthinkable' U.S. default risk without debt limit hike."
"Janet Yellen says if we don't end up raising the debt ceiling, we could literally go into economic calamity."
"We are but one big event away from prices going through the roof."
"We are living on borrowed money and borrowed time."
"We've had a number of warnings from the global system that they're about to take it down." - Zero Hedge
"Recession warnings from Bank CEOs, businesses, economists, think tanks."
"Hyperinflation is coming, so I want to finish with one last article."
"At some point soon... the US dollar is going to collapse."
"It looks very ominous sign as a bank at the top of the list."
"When Robert Shiller starts comparing today's housing market to what he saw back in 2007, we'd really better be paying attention."
"We're setting the stage for more bank failures and a potential economic depression."
"There will be an explosion in the form of asset bubbles bursting." - Jim Rickards
"If we don't start building skilled tradesmen and women in this country, there will be a colossal collapse."
"The bill for sustained underinvestment in everything from infrastructure, health, and education to private business is coming due."
"I see him as the sort of king canary in the coal mine of economic difficulties."
"What we're walking into is a tsunami of problems inside of the banking sector."
"Don't make the mistake that Galesburg made 14 years ago. Don't act like it's not coming. It's coming."
"FedEx, one of the largest shipping companies in the world, just issued a big economic warning for 2024."
"This is to me a red alert that the consumer is now pulling back."
"Eventually, printing money out of thin air, increasing the wealth gap, and lowering interest to zero is a recipe for disaster."
"Once the quantitative easing train stops, we're gonna have a problem."
"Economist warns the end of money as we know it over Central Bank central banks conducting coup against Earth."
"You guys want to see your credit card bills go sky high while your deposit rates drop like a rock for your savings account? That's what could happen with bank consolidation."
"We're not saving enough. We're not building up that pool of capital that our firms need."
"We are on the cusp of some sort of part of the financial system going belly up."