
Arbitrage Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"What is arbitrage you say? Arbitrage is the act of buying an asset and selling it elsewhere at a higher price."
"Money is made on the arbitrage between price and value, or speculatively, price and what you think that something is going to be worth rather than what you think it's going to sell for a year from now."
"This right here is called arbitrage. It's where you actually get paid for finding an opportunity."
"White Whale allows you to bid on the arbitrages, so you can actually capitalize on arbitrage."
"Digital price arbitrage - taking advantage of price differences with the same item in two different marketplaces."
"claw machine Arbitrage folks if you you don't believe that opportunity is everywhere"
"The key to this whole process is finding out price differences so that you can do arbitrage."
"You're making six percent as an arbitrage on some more matic."
"Arbitrage on eBay, every single day on eBay there are cards that are listed for buy it now for less than what they have recently sold for."
"Arbitrage betting: live Arbitrage is profitable."
"All of real estate, a lot of business, is just arbitrage."
"Arbitrage: capitalizing on market inefficiencies."
"If you can Source this set for 3 or 4 bucks and sell it on Amazon for 10 or 12 even after fees there's some opportunity there."
"Arbitrage is an opportunity that requires no investment and no risk, but you can generate a positive return."
"Tik Tok live to me right now is one of the best arbitrages one of the best ways to day trade attention."
"Arbitrage requires no investment, it requires no risk, but it has a positive expected return."
"Retail arbitrage is a game-changer."
"Arbitrage is literally a risk-free form of sports betting."
"Arbitrage has been a part of finance for thousands of years."
"If you're doing tasks that are $10 an hour or $15 an hour like going to the store shopping and cooking, perhaps then that may be a good arbitrage like it was for Chris."
"Arbitrage Amazon sellers like to buy products from these five sales tax-free states before reselling the products, because this saves them a lot of money, and of course it increases their profit margins."
"Profiting from price discrepancies is known as, and you've got to come up with arbitrage, so I'm going to buy the bonds, I'm going to buy the bonds for sure."
"Arbitrage is making money without spending a penny."
"With flash loan arbitrage, you can basically borrow funds with no collateral in order to buy and sell tokens on different exchanges, pay the loan back, and walk away with a nice profit."
"Arbitrage is amazing, it's absolutely amazing."
"That is your arbitrage opportunity."
"An arbitrage is just a purchase and sale of an asset in different markets to make a profit from the difference in asset listed prices."
"In my first year of sports betting, I netted over thirty thousand dollars through arbitrage betting."
"My primary business model on Amazon is online arbitrage, which is where I buy items from everyday websites like Walmart and flip those items on Amazon."
"If you're into flash loans and arbitrage, this is going to be the perfect video for you."
"If you find your own arbitrage transactions on various exchanges, you will be able to build your own."
"The idea is that entrepreneurs look for arbitrage opportunities."
"I'm enjoying online arbitrage now."
"Arbitrage is when you take advantage of a price discrepancy on two different exchanges."
"This is where great arbitrage opportunities are opened up in the market."
"You can create arbitrage-based cryptocurrency trading bots that earn you passive income while you sleep."
"Doing Arbitrage is kind of like fishing; it's kind of like casting your line out in the water and waiting, and then boom, you get a bite."
"It's actually crazy in markets like this, sometimes what happens is there's just insane arbitrage."
"In the Arbitrage economy, the person that wins is not the one who delivers the service but rather the one that orchestrates it."
"That's how people get super wealthy using Arbitrage and leverage."
"You don't even have to have the money in order to do this type of arbitrage because you can use what's called a flash loan."