
Product Demand Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"There's more orders for Cybertruck than we could possibly fulfill for three years after start of production."
"Make sure you get yours fast because they will sell out fast."
"I made 500 units and we sold out in six weeks."
"Well, that's blown up because now pre-orders are off the charts. It's going to be a... you know, it's blown up in these people's faces."
"Cryptocurrency mining PCs are using Nvidia products."
"Tesla hasn't changed their plans to ship the Cybertruck in Australia but likely has a huge backlog of orders that will take them years to satisfy."
"The Model Y is officially sold out for the remainder of 2022."
"This release has been so successful that our first batch sold out... remember we do have limited stock and once they're gone they're gone."
"Demand for our cars is extremely high, and the wait list is long."
"These right here have it, it's a once in a lifetime opportunity, man."
"They're selling like hotcakes, which is actually, they're brownies."
"Our pre-order in Japan sold out almost instantly."
"Product market fit is when you've made something that people want."
"Nobody knew there was a demand for cars until cars were mass-produced. Nobody knew, like, in 1950, there was no demand for iPhones. Now there's a high demand for iPhones because entrepreneurs created new and better products."
"All the pre-orders have sold out everywhere."
"If people like what you make, they will want more."
"A 5700 XT like product in the current market would just be what everyone needs, really."
"Land Rover can't supply a replacement Defender for 18 to 24 months."
"iPhone grew 66. It was driven by strong demand from the iPhone 12 family."
"Almost every GPU launch over the last few years has sold out instantly. If anything, that's a good thing."
"Sales for the Xbox series X went up like 1 900 or something like that after the star field uh announcement."
"Deagle sidecar? Probably not unless we get enough people who actually carry one every day."
"These are selling out like pancakes! Yum. If you don't have this, you're missing out on everything."
"For the extra capability they've given it, I think they're gonna sell a ton of these."
"I've never quite seen anything like this in terms of people just really choosing to weaponize a person who's passed away and use their name to advance some sort of political or social agenda."
"It's crazy, but we sold out again in like less than a minute."
"When everybody can get one, nobody wants one."
"The real magic comes when people start ordering your products in the early stages of the video."
"This creates even more capacity for high-demand products."
"Cybertruck demand is incredible; it's a superior product than people realize."
"I definitely think that the Nike Dunk Low Medium Curries will sell out."
"The Switch is off to an incredible start and has been sold out everywhere for the better part of this year."
"Last year around this time we completely sold out of inventory in less than three days."
"It's only two times people don't want this shoe: a reseller and the small niche people who actually like the shoe."
"It's what we've been waiting for, it's what we wanted all along. Let's go Nintendo, we want more of that."
"2 million orders for a truck that's going to be 50 to 100 000."
"The market is ready for it and asking for it."
"Pre-orders have outpaced the original Quest pre-orders by more than five times."
"It has attracted about 1.8 million reservations from people who want to know when and how many deliveries will take place."
"I think they're gonna sell boatloads of them."
"Oysters may only have a nine-day shelf life, but their demand is only going to rise."
"Find products that have a high demand and a low supply on Amazon."
"Time to watch how they make the least in demand eyeshadow palette in the entire makeup industry."
"If it's good, you'll have exponential demand for it."
"I just hope that AMD can meet the demand if the 5800x 3d turns into another Ryzen 3 300x type situation."
"150,000 Xiaomi me ones were sold in just 12 minutes and 41 seconds."
"Every once in a while, what about 'Are you there, Satan? It's me, Margaret'? She's a Satan worshipper, yes, dude. Flip the script."
"February 2nd was the most silver we sold in 24 hours and the most calls we have ever received in a one-day period by far."
"It's Prime which is the drink twitch KSI and Logan Paul never mind it's being treated like a holy Elixir that's understocked and absolutely making people ravenous to get there."
"Out of stock More Than deserves second place."
"They love it more than milk, more than budded cream, and they'll pay anything for it."
"If something doesn't sell, it doesn't make a lot of sense to continue pursuing the idea."
"Your products, your soaps are desirable okay there are people out there that want your soaps they do."
"Elon said demand for the Cybertruck has been incredible, far more than they could reasonably make in, you know, three to four years."
"Over and over again, this has been requested, the Mazda CX-9."
"Chrono nutrition is simply a field now that is examining the interplay between nutrition and our when we consume food."
"The harsh truth is that it will sell itself, you know?"
"I am confident that we will be able to sell all the cars that we can make."
"Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if it sold out."
"One product that we Smith and Wesson fans have been shouting for since the beginning of the line was a large frame M&P in the all-powerful glorious soul-crushing 10 millimeter."
"If you make compelling well-priced electric vehicles, they will sell. Not an issue about demand, it's an issue about making a desirable affordable compelling product that you can profitably sell at scale."
"Your goal is to find products that have enough demand to meet your income requirements."
"The only thing is the other sets from this product aren't in crazy high demand."
"He can't keep up with the demand, so next time you see a Sour Boys flavor, if you want it, you have to buy it right away, that's not just a sales pitch, that's just how it is."
"These have been flying off the shelves high in demand that's the cr7 effect."
"They sell about as fast as they can make them. That's incredible."
"We're trying to get Xboxes on Black Friday."
"This will be flying off the shelves, I can tell you that right now."
"...solve a problem fill a hole in the market and if you can do that people will buy your products."
"Everybody's freaking out about these Stanley tumblers."
"They're also typically at the Forefront of any Fabric or material Innovations."
"Tesla was still selling all the vehicles they could make."
"It's super important to think about what your customers want. That's the reality for being successful in business: making products you know people want to buy."
"Every single person, every year, they message me and they say, 'When is this coming back?' So we know that this is a banger."
"The primary purpose of this review is to get a consensus on what is the market base demand for our products, unconstrained."
"Tesla has over 1 million reservations for the Cybertruck."
"We sold out of those within a couple of hours, so that was awesome."
"We first wanted to look at the demand and competition levels, of course, to make sure we're finding a high demand, low competition product."
"So far, everything I've put out there has flown off the shelf."
"They sell 15 bottles of these every minute—that's mind-blowing."
"This was a definitive home run and they sold out, I looked at the sales figures 200, 250,000 every year, every year, every year."
"A strong niche is something that is based on competition, it's based on the demand for that product."
"This tells me there is a lot of demand that is incoming for this product and I may have an opportunity to get ahead of the curve."
"If the product is already selling and it already has a demand for it, then you've ticked the first criteria."
"The country experienced economic growth during this period, with greater international demand for its products."
"This product is trending, it is in demand, people are looking for dog harnesses."
"It's worth waiting for; it's worth ordering."
"Evergreen products have consistent demand over time."
"Sell to businesses that require your product or your service in order to do business."
"We completely sold out of honeys; we want to thank you guys so much for any of you guys who bought them."
"In this industry, you don't have a business until you have a product that a lot of people want."
"Good products are always not those with big market in mind, but just products in very small demand in a very specific niche."