
Temple Quotes

There are 408 quotes

"In the temple, our identities are not our worldly titles but our eternal identity as sons of a loving Heavenly Father."
"Truly, it's a blessing to be here in the Atlanta temple. This dedication here, of this beautiful temple that's been constructed here by all the brothers and sisters, it's just truly a blessing to see the work of God continually progressing."
"It wasn't the job he objected to; it was where the job was located - inside the temple."
"Solomon is said to have built the first temple in Jerusalem."
"This is a temple to the Goddess Isis, one of the most famous Egyptian goddesses, wife of the god-king Osiris, mother to the Falcon god Horus."
"That's how God established it in the temple and that's how it is used today."
"We want to bring temples closer to the expanding membership of the church."
"Blessed is the man whom thou choosest and causest to approach unto thee, that he may dwell in thy courts; we shall be satisfied with the goodness of thy house, even of thy Holy Temple."
"Angkor Wat is a temple that is still used every day."
"Increased time in the temple will bless your life in ways nothing else can."
"Recognizing the god within yourself, you are a temple of God."
"Experts now believe that Gobekli Tepe, the world's oldest known temple, was the handiwork of hunter-gatherers."
"The sun is rising quickly, far quicker than I expected. Already the steps of the temple are hot to the touch."
"This is till today one of the most mysterious temples of all because it baffles everyone."
"The Indian temple of Padmanabha Swamy gained worldwide fame."
"The main Center Temple build here, I do think that looks really good."
"The temple is a symbol of light and hope."
"The temple is literally the house of the Lord."
"The temple is the gateway to the greatest blessings God has in store for each of us."
"The body is a temple; it must be respected, revered, and cared for as such."
"The temple was rescued by effectively making a giant incision into the mountainside."
"Our body is a living house of a living God; it is a place of worship."
"Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own; you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body."
"If you don't have a temple in your heart, you'll never find your heart in a temple."
"A staggering six thousand objects were excavated at the temple."
"The keys of the sealing authority are restored here in this temple."
"Isis temples tend to be like in the middle of the city; they're big, they're bold, they're very public."
"They stayed continually at the temple, praising God."
"This temple is so much a part of the landscape to so many."
"Choosing to live a virtuous life in a sexualized, politicized world builds faith. Spending more time in the temple builds faith, and your service and worship in the temple will help you to think Celestial."
"The ordinances and covenants of the temple are of Eternal significance. We continue to build more temples to make these sacred possibilities become a reality in each of your lives."
"Morning: Wat Phra That Doi Suthep."
"The temple will become a place of safety, solace, and revelation."
"Why discrimination will come in one Temple what are you talking about."
"Bangkok's largest temple complex... This is why everyone comes here."
"...temple was Hollywood's top box office attraction, beating out stars such as Bing Crosby and Clark Gable."
"Treat yourself as the beautiful Temple that you are."
"...Nephi wanted his temple to be like Solomon's not in size but in function."
"The temple is a place where higher truth can be revealed, understood only through wisdom given by God's Spirit."
"These temple themes aren't just about sacrifice; they're about the revelation of higher knowledge and becoming like God."
"God's space and our space overlap and interlock, and the Temple is the place where it happens."
"Imagine the moment the priests ascend the temple steps in Jerusalem's future, ready to kindle the flames within this sacred vessel."
"Your body is not a temple, it's an amusement park. Enjoy the ride."
"You may not always be able to go through the temple but you are always able to have the temple go through you."
"King Cyrus wanted them to go back and rebuild the temple so they could worship God and so that he would be blessed."
"The temple both a physical and symbolic space stands at the center of spiritual worship."
"Arriving at the breathtaking city of Watertown, they walk into a magnificent Temple to meet with the Archbishop known as Sword Maiden."
"We go to the temple to enter the presence of God."
"But if we lose sight of that fact then we've missed the very heart and soul of what Temple is all about."
"Perhaps, the Sphinx was a temple..."
"The Temple's not crooked, what is crooked all the rest."
"Your body is a temple, it is a dwelling place for God. Are you making it a hospitable place for God to call home?"
"As the train of your Ro fills this Temple."
"The temple is a place of unifying all of the ordinances of the gospel in a first-hand participation."
"If we wish to be what we must become, the living temple, then we must build the house according to the law, we must sanctify it, we must not prohibit that which is profane to enter into it, and we must enter into it ourselves with reverence."
"The temple will be taken apart, not one stone left upon another."
"It's nice to be at a temple with a female god."
"The rivalry between the Trandoshans and the Wookies had no place in the walls of the temple."
"They call it their own community a temple of Adam. And that word Adam as we know has many different shades of meaning. That can mean a temple of a man, it could mean a temple of humanity, a temple composed of human beings."
"What agreement had the temple of God with idols?"
"...everyone is going to want a temple in Jerusalem..."
"Your body is your temple. It should be treated accordingly to that."
"One greater than the temple is here."
"The keys of the temple were kept in a rock slab within the temple."
"The stone was a large slab in the very center of the temple upon which rested the Ark of the Covenant."
"The temple is a place of beauty, it is a place of revelation, it is a place of peace."
"How blessed are we that the opportunity to be near to the Savior... is as close as the nearest Temple."
"...just be healthy treat your body like a temple because it is for the Holy Spirit and God indwells you."
"The temple is the house of the Lord, and everything in the temple points to our Savior Jesus Christ."
"The temple is an unwavering source of light and a symbol of safety."
"When we enter the temple worthily, we leave the world behind. We begin by putting on white clothing. There are no Gucci labels in the temple. The pauper and prince are the same, no competition. We don't size each other up. We lift each other up."
"The assaults of the adversary are increasing exponentially in intensity and in variety. Our need to be in the temple on a regular basis has never been greater."
"This is the free energy that this temple is talking about, is how to use the directions of the universe in order to create free energy, in order to use the flow of the kundalini that is in every matter, in everything that exists."
"In the Old Testament, God had a temple for His people. In the New Testament, God has a people for His temple. God lives in us."
"...if you study the dedications, you know that Solomon's dedication was in the fall, dedication was in the spring. What Temple was dedicated in the winter? Only one, the rededication of the temple under Hanukkah."
"This will be a temple of learning, the University of Virginia."
"The main deity of this temple is Shiva."
"This raises an important question – who is the main God of this temple?"
"The Greeks would always build a true peripteral temple."
"The demolition process has revealed a temple from the Samudragupta era which had been completely hidden by walls to construct a house with a toilet on top."
"This temple, not only is it so well-preserved, but there's actually a fun little optical illusion here as well."
"Valle dei Temple was definitely a highlight of our trip."
"And it came to pass, that while he executed the priest's office before God in the order of his course according to the custom of the priest's office, his lot was to burn incense when he went into the temple of the Lord."
"...the book of abraham is... linked to the temple..."
"It's like a temple, he eats healthy, he meditates, he takes care of himself."
"The body is a temple of the Holy Spirit."
"He came and he looked for the temple. He didn't see a temple in the city. He saw no temple in the city."
"...dendura and its Temple dedicated to the goddess hathor are one of the major sites of ancient Egypt."
"Wong welcomes them to the temple of the secret defenders."
"Messiah will first rebuild the temple in Jerusalem and the temple will be the focus of divine worship."
"So here you've got two Messiahs in the future, an ideal King of the lineage of David is going to branch out and build the temple."
"It's kind of a pattern upon arriving at the temple we learn anyone with a dragon marking is able to access a special kind of power that is unique to that person."
"God said to him, because you built this temple for me, it will be in your son’s reign that he will lose the kingdom."
"I think you're supposed to stop at this every time you go into a temple... so maybe I'm going to Japanese hell or something."
"So Jesus walks into the temple, the house of the God he called father, and what he sees is some renovations."
"David was not allowed to build the temple because God said you’ve got blood on your hands. It’s got to be built by a man of peace - because the name Jerusalem means city of place."
"The temple is not our temple; it's the Lord's temple. It doesn't matter whose name's on the title. The thing we can't forget is it's the Lord's temple."
"Clearly there will be a temple rebuilt in Jerusalem of some sort and worship will be taking place there."
"Will it be different? I think it will be cleaner, it will be brighter, it will have new paving around it, but the historic temple will largely look just like the historic temple."
"Better begin small than not at all; let's get a temple up."
"The temple and scriptures are like keys that unlock each other. Use them together to gain deeper insights."
"The temple was done in a Doric order, but what really demonstrated it as a significant temple was this enormous pedimental sculpture."
"God's temple in Earth is that exact location because there's no temple built by the Jews right now. And even if they did build it, it wouldn't be holy because it would have nothing to do with Jesus Christ's sacrifice."
"Understanding how this ancient temple worked can inform a latter-day saint temple experience."
"So since Jesus is the true lamb of God, according to Johannine imagery, I like to see it a Pharisaic and Sadducean questioning or examination of Jesus being the equivalent of what the lesser priests were actually doing at the temple right then, looking at the lambs."
"Faith is required within the temple."
"Don't think it was men in a private home; it's far more likely that this room was part of the temple courts."
"One of the things that is very very interesting about this Temple is that unlike the previous temples which were mostly dedicated to Shiva the god, this one is dedicated to Vishnu."
"Jesus warned that an event would occur in the temple that would cause people to detest and feel disgust or hatred."
"The purpose of the temple as a whole remains a mystery."
"It's the ordinances and the mythology, the story of the temple."
"There's even a really good note about how the general flow of worship that's presented in Revelation aligns with the flow of worship that daily happened in the temple."
"A temple in Scotland will be very well-used."
"In order to receive the fullness of the priesthood, we must have a temple."
"The temple endowment is ancient, of God, and a template adapted for modern times."
"We wouldn't be trying to go through the temple; we would be trying to allow the temple to go through us."
"The temple is where the presence of God would be in a unique way."
"This is the most impressive temple in all of Thailand."
"So this right here is the most famous temple at this site, and pretty much in the whole of Greece."
"It's called Parthenon, dedicated to the Greek goddess Athena."
"Our hearts cry, be magnified, as it is your Holy Temple, in this your holy place."
"What's the soul? The body is the temple to the soul."
"My body being a temple of the Holy Ghost, it's an instrument of worship."
"Remember how Christ turned tables in the temple really coming back to turn tables again"
"The temple after all had been the meeting place of heaven and earth, it was where humanity encountered the other."
"Your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in you. You do not belong to yourself."
"We thank God for this beautiful Temple here in Baltimore."
"Remember, you're welcome to visit here at the Baltimore Temple."
"The temple is focused on self-perfection."
"Bali is so peaceful and amazing thanks to this temple."
"Just ahead of him, rising out of the forest, is a massive ancient stone temple."
"Know you not that you are the Temple of Elohim and that the Spirit of Elohim dwells in you?"
"This was no mere vessel; this was a holy temple forged in reverence of a deity both worshiped and feared."
"The idea of the church as the new temple and of the spirit as God Himself coming back to dwell in that new temple actually holds the whole thing together."
"Your body is your temple, so you need to take care of yourself."
"Anu was still venerated through the city of Uruk, where the temple of Eanna was built and honoured in his name."
"This is your temple... this is the only house you're ever going to live in."
"Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them."
"You are the temple that the spirit of the almighty lives in."
"The temple is the embodiment of the way that you can go from the Earth to God, and you can only get there through Christ."
"This temple has witnessed two and a half thousand years of sunsets, and it was a privilege to stand by and watch one ourselves like millions of people have done before over the centuries."
"Your body is the actual temple of the Holy Ghost of God Himself."
"My body is the temple of the Lord."
"Your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God."
"Oh Sun starting to come out, beautiful view as we approach the temple over here."
"Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit which is in you, which ye have of God?"
"This is incredible, the architecture on this Temple you can tell that that's been there for thousands of years."
"This is it, this is the main entryway, this is where Jesus entered up into the temple."
"For God's temple is sacred, and you together are that temple."
"Daniel gets a vision of seventy weeks divided into three periods: the rebuilding of the temple, the arrival of the anointed one, and the events leading to the end."
"Our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit."
"Behold the man... he'll build the temple of the Lord."
"We go to the temple to receive the ordinances, and we leave the temple to live them."
"Our bodies are a residing place of the Holy Spirit."
"I had built a temple to my personal version of faith."
"The temples He cares most about are not the ones that we build; it's the ones that we become."
"The effect of this temple will be incalculably great."
"The red heer is like the key for the temple, and the temple is the house of prayer and love for all."
"The temple being rebuilt is a sign of the return of Christ."
"So important and wealthy was Ephesus that its Temple of Artemis was the biggest on the earth."
"The temple will provide direction for you and your family in a world filled with chaos; it is an eternal guidepost which will help you from getting lost in the midst of darkness."
"As we touch the temple, the temple will touch us."
"For the temple is a holy place where we are sealed together. As a child of God, I've learned this truth: a family is forever."
"It's a really important temple, thousands of Hindus make pilgrimage to come visit this temple every single year."
"Jesus wants to be in your house, your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit."
"The temple was the place on earth where you would find yourself in heaven."
"You were made in the image of God set up so you could be a temple."
"Our Lady is in fact the true temple, the true Ark of the Covenant."
"The stone lion that still stands may have been part of a temple built to commemorate the myth."
"Meet you in the temple at the eleventh hour."
"You're supposed to value your body; this is the temple."
"The door and windows of the undersea temple hewn from the rocky hill were vividly aglow with a flickering radiance."
"My impulse to visit an end to the temple has now become an inexplicable and imperious command."
"You are the temple of the Spirit who dwells in you."
"The human temple that has been made the vehicle of so overpowering a revelation must... remain entirely distinguished from that innermost spirit of spirits, that eternal essence of essences."
"The world is laid out in this way we can understand the human body that's first and foremost a temple of the Holy Spirit."
"The temple which is raised high above the city gives a source of unity and direction to the people."
"The mightiest of them, Thor, occupies a throne in the middle of the chamber; Odin and Freyr have places on either side."
"Your body is literally a temple; you deserve to be putting in it things that actually make you feel good."
"Every household resembled a temple during this time."
"The veil of the temple had rent in two when Christ was crucified."
"We should all honor our bodies and acknowledge it as the temple of God and make it a living sacrifice to God every day."
"Ancient Egyptian name for the temple was 'Ipet-isut,' literally 'the most select of places.'"
"...a theater that has a temple as an integral part of it."
"The temple is placed on a very very tall podium, 19 ft tall, why? To raise it up over the wall so that you could see it from a distance."
"Why do you rebuild or cleanse the temple? So that the presence of God may fill the temple."
"They had become a spiritual priesthood in a spiritual temple that is made of living stones."
"My body is a temple for the Holy Spirit, redeemed, cleansed, sanctified by the blood of Jesus."
"We're at the Fushimi Inari Temple now. Which is like the famous temple with like the orange gates."
"Here we have a fully functioning Judean temple with its own priesthood and its own rituals and its own offerings, a rival of the Jerusalem Temple."
"The temple area extends across an area of several hundred meters."
"If you're born again and Jesus Christ lives inside of you, we are now the temple of the Living God."
"The building of the temple was achieved by David's son and successor, Solomon."
"The gathering together and remembering the temple, facing towards Jerusalem, constructing certain things that would remind them of the temple."
"Solomon is said to have used such forces to construct the Holy Temple in Jerusalem."
"It's astronomical temple doubled as a calendar, reputed to be one of the most precise in all antiquity."
"The veil of the temple was rent in twain from top to bottom."
"This is the largest Buddhist temple in the world and one of the most iconic and ancient destinations in all of Indonesia."
"God lives within you; your body is a living temple where God lives."
"I'm on my way to the temple; I'll be in the celestial room."