
Distinctiveness Quotes

There are 244 quotes

"A character who has a really strong silhouette is going to be more memorable."
"But if you're going to have the mind of Christ, you will stand out."
"The way that it fits, how comfortable this boot is, is to me what sets it apart from everything else."
"It's just trying to be an entertaining kid show and it stands out from the crowd."
"This Congress is a lot different than others."
"That's just such a distinct and interesting character."
"Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks may be flawed, but they were wonderfully distinct yet endearingly simple adventures that I won’t soon forget."
"Deadly Premonition... very unique, that's for sure."
"If your lifestyle is not different from unbelievers, by what means will you prove that you are saved?"
"So different, so different." - Emphasizing uniqueness or distinctiveness.
"If we start looking like the world, we ought to look different."
"You've got a very different sort of feel to things right away."
"We're aiming to make Ross Crie visually distinct from Skyrim, with familiar themes but different cultural nuances."
"There's something completely different about Adam that both the Quran and Muhammad in the Hadith say."
"Hazard Zone: a modern take on the multiplayer experience that is distinctly dice but very different from what we've seen before."
"It may be advantageous for candidates who be in and of themselves optimally distinct from the group they represent."
"It's a city that's been done to death in open world games too, but the industrial revolution setting does a lot to make the city feel distinct."
"Uniques are unique. They give you something extra."
"That's what makes this brand stand out from the rest."
"The ability to rationalize, the ability to reason is what makes us distinctly human."
"Numenoreans really are not like other men in Middle-earth."
"Be different, that's all I can say, be different."
"True wit is distinct from everyday conversational wittiness."
"If you are walking with God, obeying his word, and living a holy life, you will stand out."
"There are a lot of very unique elements in this game."
"I've always thought you're actually best on the analyst desk... you always have distinct points to other people."
"Plague doctor's attire was easily recognizable, and more than a little ominous in appearance."
"Part of what makes the four horse women of wrestling so great is that they each have something distinct that they bring to the equation."
"It's the sound of it when you hear the PKA meter, it is different from any other sound."
"Isn't it kind of insane that he's gone on to have one of the most distinct and memorable personalities out of every Nintendo character?"
"Put your personalized touches on these videos because it's what's going to make you stand out."
"When you go into a church, it should have the experience of elevating you. It should be something that's distinct and set apart, bringing you up into something elevated and mystical."
"A man with standards really sticks out from the bunch."
"Make every character instantly recognizable by their outward appearance alone." - Koyoharu Gotoge
"They're so unique in so many ways, hence why they're a fan favorite."
"Creative gags like this made Scrubs stand out from other sitcoms."
"Not all the characters are direct references... say what you feel about lies of P it's distinctly unique."
"What a fantastically unique specimen this game is."
"Your uniqueness is going to be what makes you shine."
"Scorn, which I don't remember seeing anywhere else."
"The Chris Vector... makes it also very iconic."
"We are set apart, a peculiar people to serve Him."
"Modern architecture doesn't want to fit in; it wants to stand out."
"It's unlike anything out there at the moment."
"The identity of the Hillbilly suited his character perfectly in a way that made him distinct from his inspirations because of one central theme that tied the whole thing together: isolation."
"There's something totally unique about the Ray Gun."
"There's something different about the way we are."
"That guy's hair really stands out."
"It has a really aggressive, not aggressive, it has like a very kind of a standout sporty look to it."
"Style defined is a manner of doing something, a distinctive appearance, typically determined by the principles according to which something is designed."
"This felt like it had its own identity."
"It's a truly memorable speaker because it doesn't really sound like anything else."
"Everything about her is different from the rest of the world."
"It's not too late to make the sequel trilogy era something distinct and above all else special."
"It just feels like something different."
"There is no other car on the planet that sounds like an S65 AMG."
"I mean it's cool but it's like... it's just different isn't it? It's different."
"...so unique only alpine does this."
"It's not like anything else on the road so it's going to give you something that nobody else has and yes it has all the features you need to be a good daily driver."
"The FJ is a hard vehicle to miss, making it easy to spot in parking lots and easily noticeable from a distance when driving down the road."
"Tonally distinct projects from the get-go."
"The final product is undoubtedly Kaufmanesque."
"This is different, this is on some other [__] like just taste it."
"The Mercedes AMG EQE SUV will be recognized as something special if people hear it coming."
"There's something quite unique in the area."
"The more I think about it, this show is just different."
"This truly is like te prime or challenger or killed these this is its own entity."
"This person just feels so unique, so different."
"Languages are significantly different."
"There is just something different."
"You're someone who's very out of the ordinary, very unique."
"Every human being has a unique handwriting."
"Every human being has a unique smell."
"We shouldn't fold climate change into a bundle of every other issue."
"And what an ending. It's really cool and it's distinctly Daredevil."
"When the crazy stuff happened, they stood out a mile."
"This exists in its own little bubble of the Leica universe."
"This one ended up standing out quite a bit."
"You have something different here."
"It's different from everything else. It's so unique."
"There's really nothing else that sounds exactly like them."
"They're pretty unique in my collection."
"It's unique, it's different, it's really quite special."
"It does feel like a really different language for comics."
"You might as well get this [ __ ] a bandana around his face and a do-rag, bro, 'cause this [ __ ] is different."
"This program is just completely different to any other program."
"There's something different about them."
"Charlotte cattle are easily recognizable. When these cattle come through an auction ring or show up on a video, you can tell what they are by looking."
"There's very few breeds that you can recognize just by looking at them."
"Real different and really unique."
"You're genuinely different, and it's your differences that set you apart."
"It's amazing just how much of it is retained while still feeling distinct and, dare I say, better."
"There is no matching pair, my Lord."
"I want to give this a little bit of an edge."
"God's original intent for the body of Christ was not that we would be like the world but that we would provoke the world to jealousy."
"Both books are really, really fun and they're very distinct from one another. I highly recommend it."
"...the tall man's personality is really distinct and well-formed without needing jokes and monologues."
"This is the story of a Pokémon that was like no other."
"I like every part of it, even the weird Whispering, the unsettling sounds. It feels distinct to this project."
"It's definitely something different, mate."
"They have a very unique coupling."
"...there came in a moment in the 90s where we stopped sounding like everybody else."
"That pure TV static like almost like pop rock sound that he has though, that's the wildest part."
"Because I think Gerrard was a different type of captain... it's more eye-catching."
"I think that's what makes it unique."
"Everything about him screams different."
"The Aces have a particular feel to them."
"...just from handling it... I've never seen anything like this."
"Citroen is a company with a reputation for trying to do things differently."
"The most unique thing about this particular model has to be the fretboard inlays being spider webs."
"It really is something quite different, quite refreshing."
"But I will tell you, there is one really weird thing about Ashland."
"...he was different, he wasn't like anybody else."
"Salt and Light are very distinctive. They're not subtle."
"Super unique, I mean look at like the silver there on the top and just there's a lot happening."
"Words have evolved to be distinct from each other to avoid confusion."
"The very muscular forearms, I remember that's not something you forget easily."
"Among the many small homes in the area, its presence is unmistakable from the road and can be spotted from pretty far away."
"I've really enjoyed coming to see the theming in there. It's themed and it's different as well."
"She still had that same wide smile, square jaw, and slightly broad nose that made her features strong and distinctive."
"Holiness is distinctiveness from the world's pattern based on a biblical worldview."
"It's cool, it just makes it stick out."
"The Rancho goldfish is one of the world's most distinctive and adorable breeds."
"Subtlety is not your strong suit, you know? You're not blending in. Nothing subtle about that."
"He's got his own style. He does have his own style. His voice is extremely abrasive, cutting through that crowd like glass."
"It's really distinctive like there's nothing else like that around."
"The Scriptures were a thing of intrigue to me. They were intriguing because I understood by other people's perspective that they were distinct."
"The smell of sizzling bacon cooking in a pan is easily one of the most unmistakable aromas in the world of food."
"There's something really distinctive about the unity of an organism that is crucial to my mind."
"There is a very distinct peach flavor."
"It's the distinct, unequivocal bass horn presence that ultimately defines the listening experience."
"It's a smell that you just won't forget."
"It felt like its own thing right away."
"Epidemic diseases are distinctive and have left a particular legacy in their wake."
"An effective belt is one that matches the visual aesthetic of the suit that it bears while still being distinct as it's worn."
"The people that are most likely to get into the top programs are people that have a very distinct project that they want to be working on."
"It's very different, it's very unique, and I can appreciate the quality."
"...the Adam and Eve story is a distinct narrative within the Hebrew Bible."
"Each theme needs to have a clear central organizing concept and it needs to be distinctive."
"Not many songs have such a distinct style about them, you know the instant you hear the song."
"I really like the kind of gridded pattern that it has; I feel like it offers a very distinct Tom Bihn look."
"It's a head turner, it's one of those fragrances that you just know very well."
"Nothing else on this list tastes like Swedish Fish."
"The magic I find within this franchise is how symbiotically distinct and cohesive the games are."
"You smell this stuff in the air and it truly is one of a kind and different."
"She doesn't look like anyone else, she's really unique looking."
"The Thai Ridgeback's hallmark feature is the characteristic ridge down its back, which is shared by only three breeds worldwide."
"The actinides are very interesting... they modify the chemistry of elements like uranium and thorium and so on sufficiently to give them really quite distinct things and get them to behave differently."
"It's definitely got an energy out there that's different than anywhere else."
"Law is still absolutely one-of-a-kind."
"The writing style is very distinct, like N.K. Jemisin has a very clear voice."
"It's so unique, has such character."
"That's something that's pretty unique."
"He has an extremely distinct laugh that can be recognized from behind a closed door."
"Retirement income planning is distinct."
"The color is just so unique and so striking, especially from afar."
"If you want to speak as in good old Spanish and be very distinctive and exact... that's perfect."
"We have very distinct culture, and we should celebrate it."
"Like every song is so groovy, so catchy, so distinct."
"In the world of classic menswear, spectators are certainly one of the more visually-arresting styles."
"It's got that Indian Alfonso smell, very recognizable."
"We become more distinctive in our doctrines when we reveal them through Christ."
"Amber Aoud is a very unique fragrance; there's nothing out there that smells like it."
"...unity without absorption and that is what the Ordinariate is: unity with distinctiveness."
"The Toyota MR2 is definitely one of the most unique rides on this list."
"This is a very sweet tea floral fragrance and it's a very distinctive fragrance, if you smell Flowerbomb you know what it smells like, it's very easy to detect on somebody else."
"To give you a sense of its general shape, to give you a sense of what's distinctive about it."
"The insistence on the female perspective and that that's where she's writing from is one of the things that's distinctive."
"It's so different and it feels so different and it's unique."
"These Super Bees were awesome; you could totally distinguish them right away from a regular SRT8."
"It's quite unique and very attention-grabbing."
"In Hand, however, these two knives present very, very different personalities."
"This show is like so unique, you know."
"That violin is just so distinct; it's haunting, it's got so much depth."
"It's very distinctly weird which I really appreciate."
"It's different, which Madeline should be."
"It's definitely something very unique."
"The sound is loud and metallic, it has a resonance that separates it from the typical whining sewing machines that dominate the airsoft world."
"Kitty wake is known for its distinctive call which sounds like it's saying 'Kitty wake'."
"Romantic dressing is a really nice thing to channel if it's something that you love because it's very distinct."
"It's got signature scent written all over it."
"The smell after a road trip is very distinct."
"The eye movements have a distinct role in this form of therapy."
"Coney Island really is like no other place on earth."
"Those masts out there holding up the roof are quite distinctive."
"There's something so distinct about when you walk into a mall and you can just smell Lush."
"I am not everyone else and everyone else is not me."
"It's a nice color that's just so different and distinct."
"The shark tooth indices are very distinctive and bold."
"I think it's like a really unique dress, like I've never seen a dress like this."
"One of the things that's particularly distinctive to René Descartes' approach to philosophy is in fact having some sort of method."
"Being peculiar means you actually live what the Word of God says."
"Every character had a distinct kind of movement."
"I can pick out ice yarn smell from a mile away, it smells good."
"When you're designing anything like a character, you need to make sure that their silhouette is highly recognizable."
"A mature giant African Baobab has a very distinct shape to it, has a great big thick trunk on it, the branches start off really thick and they taper quickly."
"Be opinionated... it makes you instantly memorable."
"Show the judge what is different about it in a way that's easily memorable."
"It's just really memorable, really striking."
"The silhouette test is basically this concept in character design where the design of a character should be so distinct that you are capable of recognizing them solely based on their silhouette."