
Personal Productivity Quotes

There are 86 quotes

"Focus on why you like to bullet journal, aka find your purpose and stick to it."
"Resolved, Never to lose one moment of time, but to improve it the most profitable way I possibly can."
"So without further ado, my plan for today is to jump right into mechanism."
"Automate this so I don't have to do this no mores."
"Be in the present. Don't let yourself be distracted."
"Getting one tiny thing done in a day is a huge feat."
"Most people that are well-balanced are not the ones going on social media and spouting things. They're the ones that are living productive lives with their friends and family and earning income, and just want to get through a day to day."
"Time is something that I've been thinking more about as a currency and trying to allocate different times to different things or different amount of times, different amount of time to different things."
"It's really about managing your priorities and managing your energy. When you get those two things right, usually you'll find you have enough time."
"You get 24 hours a day just like Bill Gates. You get 24 hours a day just like Beyoncé."
"Spend less time doing tasks you don't enjoy and more time on tasks you do."
"Rest is for the weak... manage your energy... create separation between yourself and the light."
"What better thing to do on a Friday night than organize your pantry?"
"Find the routine that works for you, but it must be a routine."
"Girl, you gotta keep yourself busy, and the way I kept myself busy obviously was going to the gym."
"Many people consider this like creating a second brain because it can easily handle a huge amount of knowledge and also remind you of connections between those topics very effectively."
"So you can just sync those plain text files and the important thing is that you don't actually have to sync Org-roam's own database."
"I've solved nearly every single one of those issues and have come up with what I think is the best iOS home screen setup that I've ever made."
"Creating that white space allows you to say, 'Oh, I'm really interested in doing that today.'"
"Writing down that mission statement, am I living according to this mission statement? I have a spreadsheet that I keep literally in my life of the different micronutrients of my happiness equation."
"It's all about what you do with your 24 hours."
"Your energy fluctuates, so understand yourself."
"Finding a way to enjoy the journey is just the ultimate hack to personal productivity."
"Wherever your time goes, your life will follow."
"Consider what gets you into the creative headspace for effective prep."
"Find out when your personal peaks of attention are."
"I'm a big fan of setting Do Not Disturb schedules so that in the middle of the night I don't get notifications."
"I'm so hyper-focused, everything else is noise."
"You overestimate what you can do in a day but underestimate what you can accomplish in a year."
"I feel like I am is a reasonable time to start 9:00 or 10:00 as well is totally fine it really just depends on how you structure your days."
"I want to refresh Notion and my spreadsheets for 2023."
"Life means to evolve, and if you're not evolving through small incremental changes that build up over time to create a large change, then you're probably dead. And that shouldn't really be a goal of anyone."
"What I love about Notion is that it is so customizable."
"I'm hoping to make some progress this morning before I head off to work."
"That's the kind of one that leaves you sweating the backlog and you're like, oh man."
"Things are easy to do, they're hard to start."
"I'm in a really good mood because I am ahead of schedule."
"Checking things off is like the best feeling in the whole entire world."
"Once I complete one of my tasks, it's very easy to cross it off my list."
"The last thing I want to show is the assigned to me view."
"I'm so happy because not only do I feel extremely productive, I also feel very responsible."
"Having a morning routine gives you so much clarity."
"It's crunch time, folks. Time to make decisions and see how you're using your time. Time is the most valuable thing we have right now."
"It kind of refreshes my mind and keeps me motivated for the second half of the year."
"Don't let notifications beat you to your knees."
"Time management and saying, 'This time is for this, this time is for this,' is the only way I manage to get all the things done."
"Channel your energy into really productive and healthy outlets."
"You want to get these things done? Get them done now."
"I think it's better to start with 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and then create momentum around that."
"Your bullet journal is supposed to help you, not cause you stress."
"If you are a little bit of a procrastinator and avoider you like to put things off this is your sign to at least do one thing today that's on your long mental list of things to do."
"Make something, anything. Cook, weld, carve, sculpt—anything that you need to make."
"Time is a depreciating asset. You can never get more of it, so it's about what you do with the time that you have."
"I feel like I can do this. I can make my own schedule and be productive."
"It's amazing what happens when you remove your distractions."
"When I'm dieting, I get more energy to do stuff."
"Life is getting really, really busy right now, so I'm trying to get things done while I can."
"You can accomplish so much with this iPad Mini."
"Designing it so intentionally where I have a workspace, I have a space for each individual thing that I want to do has helped me tremendously."
"It gets you a little bit excited for your week, you're like wow like I'm actually going to kill it if I do all of this stuff this week."
"Staying busy is your biggest thing, man. You gotta stay good."
"That smartphone in your hand is gonna be your biggest enemy."
"I can finally let go of my keyboard shortcuts somewhat."
"Get rid of any distractions. Whatever distractions, whatever chokeholds, you really need to get rid of that."
"I like a minimalist approach to everything when it comes to work."
"It really helps me feel like I'm kind of staying in control of my time."
"All of that nosiness is really just a waste of your time. You could be doing something more productive and more life-enhancing for yourself."
"It's amazing how much it frees up your time."
"OneNote is an incredibly powerful tool, but it's only as powerful as you are creative."
"The only things that matter to me is its usability and the way that the tool allows me to perform."
"Whether you're a creator, freelancer, entrepreneur, or side hustler, I hope this tour gives you some inspiration of your own to approach getting organized in Notion."
"A smartphone is a dangerous weapon in the hands of someone like me because it just gives you something to do instead of the things that you should be doing."
"I don't know why I let myself procrastinate for so long on things like this because this really didn't take me very long, and it made such a huge difference."
"Make lists and tasks in a creative planner to organize your thoughts and to inspire yourself."
"You're saying you got your flow and you want to stay in that flow."
"I am afraid I am under tremendous pressure in terms of time, which sadly I cannot create."
"It just works so much better for how I plan, how my brain thinks."
"I'm very excited to be finishing up my desktop organization."
"Your mornings, your nights determine your mornings."
"This week has been super productive for me."
"I'm gonna start working out in the mornings because I wake up so much earlier, I'm so much more energized, I'm so much more productive."
"Just do your work, do what you can every single day to the best of your ability and be done with it."