
Bronze Age Quotes

There are 81 quotes

"Bronze, with its many advantages, eventually established its supremacy."
"In reality, the arrival of the bronze axe sounded the death knell for much of Britain's ancient woodland."
"In the centuries to come, the life of ordinary people was about to change, and it was all down to the magic of bronze."
"Clearly, horned helmets were widely distributed during this period of the Bronze Age, but why? What do they mean, and are they connected in some way?"
"As such, Britain became the Silicon Valley of the Bronze Age world, the key terminus of a trade network with tendrils that spread across huge swaths of Europe and the Near East."
"The Bronze Age represents the emergence of a militarized society with a martial culture materialized in a package of new efficient weapons."
"The shard is just shy of 4,000 years old and was part of a burial urn from the Bronze Age."
"Bronze making has developed uniquely in many places on earth, but arguably the earliest and the most important for our story was in Mesopotamia."
"I'm staggered we may actually have something Bronze Age in our sights."
"I definitely learned a little bit more about some of the options and especially some of the more indirect possibilities for the Bronze Age collapse."
"Chariot warfare exploded from the steppes in the Late Bronze Age, changing the world."
"Games like subnautica, death stranding, outer wilds, and ancestors are able to explore that foundational Bronze Age struggle between man versus nature to a new level."
"If you have a lot of money, you can use the law for your own ends."
"Another piece of the Bronze Age ceremonial landscape falls into place."
"The Bronze Age collapse ushered in a prolonged Dark Age."
"In the 15-hundred years before that in the Bronze Age the locals buried their dead in the Barrow."
"The hairstyles of the elites in the Bronze Age Aegean clearly represented an individual's age, status, or position."
"The story of the Bronze Age collapse and the Sea Peoples, on whom it is so commonly blamed, has sparked a century of debate amongst archaeologists."
"Was it the fault of the mysterious Sea Peoples, or were other factors behind the demise of the bronze age nations of the eastern Mediterranean?"
"It's the end of day one and we're now almost certain this is what we hoped it would be, a Bronze Age henge."
"To a modern person, these are not that great, but someone in the Bronze Age, this is cutting-edge technology."
"The Bronze Age collapse: a thriving and integrated civilization."
"The Sanxingdui are a lost civilization of the Bronze Age in ancient China."
"We got a date back on it three and a half thousand years ago so we're looking at around about 1500 BC that is Bronze Age isn't it?"
"Bronze Age Warfare some 3 300 years ago a horrifying battle unfolded on the banks of tolens Europe's oldest Battlefield around 1200 BC hundreds of men fought and lost their lives in this very place."
"The Trundholm Sun Chariot represents a fundamental aspect of Scandinavian Bronze Age cosmology."
"In the late Bronze Age, Ramesses had arguably transformed New Kingdom Egypt into the most powerful state in the known world."
"During the Bronze Age, the typical alloy ratio to create bronze would have varied from region to region."
"The discovery of the city challenges our current understanding of Bronze Age Chinese society."
"This was the end of an era that will forever be known as the Triumph and Tragedy of Batman in the Bronze Age of Comics."
"The Harappan or Indus River Valley civilization of the Bronze Age which archaeologists have dated as lasting from the late 4th to the early 2nd millennium BCE."
"The bronze age wheel recovered from the site in 2016 is the most complete example ever to be discovered in Britain."
"Bronze is considered such a huge jump forward that we only consider the copper age to be important as a stepping stone towards the Bronze Age."
"They finally built new civilizations to replace the ones they had destroyed, but it would be a long time before they reached the level of sophistication and urbanization seen during the Bronze Age."
"This is completely unexpected. Looking for signs of Iron Age settlement, it seems we found a Bronze Age grave, not two, but four thousand years old."
"...more than 3,000 years old, the houses are among the oldest and best preserved of all the Bronze Age dwellings ever uncovered on the British Isles."
"It's new age, I'm spicing it up. This sounded like Grimes, just like the bronze age."
"We are here on Paris mountain, finding evidence of Bronze Age mining."
"The only reason we really know Egypt was struggling during the Bronze Age collapse is because of letters between the king and Egyptian pharaohs."
"This was a Bronze Age civilization which emerged on the island of Crete and is something that is an enduring source of fascination for archaeologists and amateurs alike."
"Maybe the myth of Atlantis came from this very dimly remembered event in the Bronze Age."
"This book explains how human and natural events coalesced to create a perfect storm that brought Bronze Age civilization to an end."
"Farming was eventually introduced and during the Nordic Bronze Age, the yields increased and trading began."
"The island is dotted with mysterious Druid burials with the crumbling remains of ancient Bronze Age ceremonial sites."
"It's the only ancient pyramid ever found in Eastern Europe and could change everything we know about the Bronze Age people here."
"Welcome to the Bronze Age, everybody. It is the great city of Ur, one of the cradles of civilization."
"The horse, the wheel, and language, how Bronze Age riders from the Eurasian steppes shaped the modern world."
"The events of the late Bronze Age remind us just how fragile a thing civilization is."
"The usage of bronze... permitted the manufacture of a wide range of metal tools... that provided for improved living standards."
"These bronze items brought the dawn of mobile and unalterable wealth."
"The early Bronze Age in Canaan also saw the development of stronger and more effective defensive structures such as city walls."
"Things would pick up again around 2000 BCE during the start of the middle Bronze Age."
"Tin was a valuable commodity because it was needed for making bronze."
"We think that the Bronze Age was full of people making beautiful things and appreciating beauty."
"It's hard to emphasize how important this city was at the end of the Bronze Age."
"The Mycenaean age lasts from about 1600 to 1100 BCE."
"Bronze Age bioengineers managed to create the very first hybrid animal."
"The Bronze Age was a period in time from 3000 to 1200 BC, 4-5000 years ago."
"About a third of the known Luvian hieroglyphics from the Bronze Age occur in this one document."
"What we proved today is that it is possible to reach your memories with our powers, and I am confident that we can fully restore them in time. War and Love encompass the bulk of humanity, especially in the Bronze Age, we are fully equipped."
"I love buying Bronze Age comic books."
"Almost every major Bronze Age civilization collapsed in less than the span of a single human lifetime."
"I love the Bronze Age comics, there's something about them that's very nice to me."
"The Late Bronze Age collapse... happened around 1200 BC, more precisely 1190 before Christ."
"Many Comics historians point to this story as the beginning of the Bronze Age, a time when superhero comics... grew up with its audience."
"We are going to be discussing none other than Alossia and the Bronze Age collapse."
"Cyprus was a very important source of copper in the Bronze Age."
"This is the lecture where I'm going to bring all of our Bronze Age collapse material together into one final lecture."
"The Temple of the lady of Byblos was the largest and most complex shrine in the Canaanite city during the early Bronze Age."