
Physical Endurance Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The brain uses energy at the rate of muscles of a marathon runner."
"The cold and ice water really bring you into a natural condition of the mind to deal with stress and pain."
"He's got stamina enough he could go easy five rounds."
"He's gasping for air as no man is at a vertical base yet."
"We're in these vulnerable bodies. We've created such an amazingly safe environment relative to what these bodies can handle."
"Nate usually dictates the pace he's in your face he's slapping you he's doing that [ __ ] 15 20 minutes in a row."
"Leadville 100: more than just a hundred miles."
"Steroid use was a vital piece of the pie that allowed such brutal approaches to training."
"Sanji's endurance, just off the freakin' charts."
"You're pushing your legs to the absolute limit truly you're absolute."
"Shaolin monks display remarkable pain tolerance, resting their bodies on sharp spears without apparent discomfort."
"Blisters go away eventually and then your feet callous."
"You get the consequence. Tell me what that is. You did a triathlon."
"Fit and athletic: you can run for longer, fight longer. It's honestly just really helpful."
"Your body can stand almost anything. It's your mind now you have to convince."
"How long will it take Tyler to start sweating? I'm not sweating yet."
"Your mind will give up a thousand times before your body ever actually quits."
"I consider myself an alpha male. I've kind of been blessed physically with the endurance and the power to push through."
"Yesterday was a half marathon on foot, then eight miles, and today has been a legit full marathon."
"You cannot be tired at War because if you're tired you're dead."
"Your calves can adapt, your calves can take a beating."
"In heaven, we'll be able to perform our work in bodies that never grow tired."
"I don't have to piss blood, and we got the ball."
"It's like jogging...your body starts finding its own tempo."
"That's the biggest thing I've ever learned: whenever that voice creeps in, you're not even halfway to your body failure."
"It's a particularly barbarous form of execution... taking a day or two even for someone who's fit and strong healthy to die that way."
"One marathon runner from Florida is dead set on the idea of running from Florida to Bermuda. While it may sound crazy, it's definitely not impossible with the help of a hamster-like ball that spins and moves on water."
"The human body is capable of is quite crazy, honestly."
"Sometimes I do need to test myself in terms of my mental and physical fortitude."
"His tireless aim left me pondering what kind of physical training underpins this level of athleticism and endurance."
"Javante Williams had a carry in this game where he carried multiple defenders about 10 yards."
"If you feel like going 10 miles, go 10 miles."
"Keep in mind, everyone has a different pain tolerance."
"You do what you can do until you're out of breath and then you stop."
"Your body can do amazing things when desperate and deprived." (Repeated for emphasis)
"People in real life could dribble for hours, swim hundreds of miles across oceans. These are professional athletes."
"Josh Jacobs finishes today 33 carries for a career-high 229 yards, two touchdowns."
"At this point, I can completely keep up with a SoulCycle class."
"It takes a lot to be mentally revved up to do these kinds of weights. Five events, three hours. That in itself is a test."
"It was really hard. The actual hardest bit was when it was soft and hard sand, and one of the last runs was just a mix of the two, and that's just like a killer on the legs."
"It's hard enough, a walk through the Newfoundland wilderness. A walk with 100 pounds or more of moose meat on your back will test your heart, your lungs, and your legs."
"There's something about the miles that you put on your body in the Grand Canyon."
"And I remember that's the thing that's the we're good to go back to these guys and what they put their bodies through and uh how relentless that schedule is."
"I’ve walked thirty miles. Thirty. Miles."
"The altitude at 19,000 feet is what gets most people."
"But she's in there with the world's champion it's it you can't continue to take that much damage to your body and know that it's gonna function."
"No human being could get back up after that, but he's doing it."
"Your body will get through it. It's just if your head allows it."
"We'll also never know what it's like to have to do our jobs and not look like anything is going on or that our bodies are going through any kind of distress once a month."
"The point of training your body is to push yourself."
"It's not just what's in your legs, it's what's in your head, and how they work together."
"It was almost like a match versus myself, and it was really rewarding to challenge myself mentally and physically."
"It's as much a mental battle as physical pain."
"I'm trying to pick up as many of the Icelandic lifting stones as I can."
"Having a good chin is one of the most underrated aspects of being a top-level fighter."
"This is just as much a mental challenge as a physical challenge."
"Having grit, mentally and physically being able to push yourself beyond what you thought you were capable of."
"It's about 80% mental and about 30% physical."
"It's 50/50, you know it's the physical and the mental as well."
"Let's remember that this experience is designed to strengthen us spiritually, mentally, and physically."
"We would train on our basement floor... we'd be throwing and taking each other down on this thing and just trying to kill each other all the time."
"I survived day one total body cardio; nearly killed me, my thighs are burning."
"What a tough thing your body is, right? It's built to withstand bending, swimming, childbirth, football, rollerblading, even company meetings."
"It's about being able to push yourself mentally and physically."
"Your brain tells you stop, but if your body goes on, you can do a lot more than you think you can."
"Stunts are designed to challenge the contestants both physically and mentally."
"Kle is said to be in such great physical shape that he can run for up to 12 to 15 hours."