
Handwriting Quotes

There are 132 quotes

"Handwriting has... a uniqueness to it, an energy behind it, like a card written with so much love."
"You see handwriting analysis gave me, a shy 12-year-old boy who was terrified of speaking in front of others, the realization that I had it within me to express myself with words."
"I just really love handwriting notes and letters to people. I just think it's a really beautiful form of communication that should not die."
"For method number two on this same WikiHow, it says, 'Create a unique handwriting style.'"
"There's nothing more personal than your own handwriting."
"I hope my penmanship was good enough because I cannot see that at all." - Hank Ketchum
"Research generally shows that handwriting notes means that you can remember the material better."
"Your handwriting is beautiful and is unique to you."
"Typing is becoming so ubiquitous in the modern world it's in danger of killing off handwriting altogether."
"I was told that... she did not write the note but that there were some similarities which exist in all of our handwriting."
"I was told that... she could not be absolutely eliminated but it was highly improbable that she wrote the note."
"Next week, I'm going to talk about Korean handwriting. I got lots of comments and messages from my student that it's very difficult to read native people's handwriting because it's different from us, different from the computer font of course."
"The handwriting of the note was not Alicia's normal handwriting. It was actually very messy, and Alicia had very good handwriting."
"Scribble actually turns your handwriting into typed text."
"Paleography is the study of old handwriting and the manuscripts that that handwriting is written on."
"Can you show people your cursive? 'Cause it's real nice."
"The iPad is Simply the Best for handwriting."
"Have you seen her handwriting though? It's elite."
"Cursive has become an outdated skill that is rarely taught today."
"...it really is super therapeutic and just fun and to practice handwriting."
"I really do appreciate that cuz most people's handwriting is horrible."
"It's true I do a lot before so he would wash the truck. That's true. You would wash the truck. You would write the devotional, you'd write everything, and you wrote it, you didn't type it. Yeah, I had a knot right there, I still write longhand."
"I really love the idea of having a digital device that replicated a lot of the feel and aesthetic of writing by hand but merged that with some of the conveniences of digital software and management and files and all that other kind of stuff."
"The worse your handwriting, the more intelligent you are."
"Jesus, that handwriting, my boy, jeez."
"She drew an O over the weekend that was a cursive O."
"It's like French handwriting, it's so pretty."
"I did a one-semester class in paleography. It's basically the art of Science of deciphering old handwriting and it was perhaps the single most useful class I took as a graduate student because it really does unlock the archives for you."
"A shiver ran down my spine as the note was not in his handwriting but in the handwriting of what I could only assume to be a young child."
"...being as how nobody can read my handwriting you can teach me how to run this little Gadget how about it sure why not"
"Miss McGee, according to the handwriting analyst, this was indeed written by you."
"There is something magical and Studies have proven it over and over again that when you write things down by hand you remember it."
"I write like a chicken but I'm giving this to you."
"Having good penmanship is like doing everybody else a favor. It's giving us eye candy on the little things like an envelope."
"Joanne made several follow-up calls to find out if the police could analyze the handwriting samples she had sent."
"Handwriting is the ultimate encryption device."
"Kids don't even learn cursive. You're writing your name and you could write and say we're gonna learn cursive now."
"Cursive writing is good for the brain. It adds another circuit which has to do with recognizing the gestures of writing and it helps children learn to read."
"Being intentional with like your handwriting and stuff it just feels like a more sacred practice"
"I think this is the birthday card, and it's in a woman's handwriting."
"There is something where you write down with pencil that goes to the brain and you remember it as opposed to just looking at some spreadsheet like this."
"I think it really works, you know, writing stuff down by hand."
"I remember things better if I write it down. If I just put it in my phone, my brain does not do it."
"And what a book it was. It was written, not printed, written in a clear even hand with thick down strokes and thin up strokes - very large, easier than print, and so beautiful that Lucy stared at it for a whole minute and forgot anything about reading it."
"Sorry for the atrocious handwriting, I'm not the best with handwriting."
"Scribble out a word to delete it and so long as the cursor is now where that word was, handwrite a replacement word and that word will go over the top of it."
"Oh, that's beautiful penmanship, I like that."
"I love that old handwriting there."
"Handwriting in a notebook triggers more robust brain activity."
"Writing by hand is associated with stronger neural encoding and memory retrieval."
"Using a fountain pen gives you that unique character to your handwriting that can't be replicated by anyone else."
"The broader your nib, the more ink will transport onto the paper and the longer it takes to dry."
"Everything's level and even and I know sometimes my handwriting is not as pretty as I'd like for it to be, so I am excited about using all the different kinds of fonts that are available."
"Handwriting activates much more of your brain than a keyboard does."
"People with bad handwriting could actually be a genius."
"For every one of them we've revealed the tablet but for you, I have written a tablet in my own handwriting. You will get that."
"Handwriting on paper actually engages different parts of the brain associated with creativity and motor skills than using a computer does."
"This is the most beautiful penmanship I have ever seen."
"When you highlight a sentence, it automatically straightens it out. As you can see, it makes a nice straight line."
"Honestly, how incredible is that? If you ask me, this word does not look like 'tension,' yeah, GoodNotes still manages to find those words."
"In 27 pages of nearly illegible script, Tony's claims of innocence...are the only words he underlines."
"I'm not used to writing things by hand, but I thought you deserve the effort."
"Your handwriting is actually just your hand's accent."
"Handwriting is kind of a window to the soul."
"I definitely recommend handwriting notes whenever you can."
"Scribble is one of those tools that I can see being really handy for people that like handwriting things out."
"You have very nice handwriting by the way; it's very neat and legible."
"Everything meaning phonics, handwriting, it also covers beginning reading and beginning spelling."
"Handwriting something a second time, that reiteration is what makes me learn it."
"Doctors have terrible handwriting. Thank God for electronic medical records."
"The art of handwriting is like this dying thing and it's so unfortunate because it's so intimate to see someone's handwriting."
"My new year's resolution is to have better handwriting because I have really bad handwriting."
"Handwriting your notes is much more slower and more tedious than typing, which is a disadvantage, but it's because of that disadvantage you have to become more selective with what you write down."
"Handwriting needs to be explicitly taught in kindergarten and first grade."
"You can personalize using your own handwriting."
"Cheryl says fun fact, I can write in cursive backwards, upside down, and upside down backwards, I can do that too, really? Yeah, really, yeah."
"Your handwriting is just your hand's accent."
"I especially like the smiley face over the 'i'."
"There's something about it when you write by hand, you memorize things better."
"Your handwriting is almost like computer fonts."
"I think the handwriting it's important to make the brain work."
"Handwriting Without Tears is a wonderful program with all kinds of compliments from occupational therapists and teachers."
"By the end of this lesson, you'll be able to read Korean handwritings written by native Korean people and write Korean like a native."
"I really loved her handwriting style, it was scripty but really kind of edgy."
"There's something about that handwriting process of looking at a calendar, filling the paper, writing in it, changing things in here that is such a deep and visceral and comforting experience for me."
"When we're evaluating handwriting, it becomes part of our analysis because ink that is in the same hand and the same ink, same pressure, you can tell when different pens were being used were likely written at different times."
"As long as there will always be people that are passionate about it, that's what matters."
"Handwriting without tears, but really any handwriting book with praise from a parent, is going to be enough for your child to learn."
"Very fine bold handwriting, very proud of Chicago."
"I love these handwriting, and they teach cursive in such a really unique way."
"For some reason, Americans have to handwrite differently than Germans."
"His handwriting is just gorgeous."
"Abraham Lincoln is my name and with my pen I wrote the same."
"Your handwriting is really pretty; keep going."
"Handwriting is vital to providing a kinesthetic avenue to learning how to read and to spell."
"Good handwriting and people who have good handwriting have a rhythm to their writing and it's very automatic."
"The goal of teaching handwriting is to develop rhythmic and automatic muscle memory."
"...the network was able to produce remarkably realistic looking handwriting."
"Fantastic penmanship, I must say."
"We love the good and the Beautiful's handwriting."
"What's your favorite word to write in cursive?"
"This nib is very enjoyable; you can really notice the line variations in the strokes, and it really adds a lot of character to your handwriting."
"If ever there was a reason to write your legislature, getting cursive back in schools would probably be the most fitting topic."
"Handwriting is kind of a dying art... but I can tell you that when I type up a story, I tell a different kind of story than if I'm handwriting."
"Bad handwriting can pretty much kill people."
"Your handwriting alone is going to be unique, let alone the fact that you're writing with a fountain pen."
"Our handwriting can end up into something completely unique and completely different from what we started with."
"Your handwriting has the potential for great expressive beauty."
"No two people's handwriting are exactly the same, yet we were all taught the same principles."
"The handwriting was such a powerful thing for others."
"That's great for when you want to use your handwriting to do some brush lettering."
"Excellent penmanship, I must say, young man."
"I thought my writing was bad, this guy must have been an ER Doc in a former life."
"I really loved your letters. I love when you handwrite me letters, and I can read them."
"We have always used A Reason for Handwriting and it has worked well for us."
"It allows for a much more natural handwriting, note-taking, and drawing."
"It's a great handwriting recognition pen that's going to be a great choice for students."
"Write your notes by hand, I promise you will process it more."
"Believe in cursive, it's really nice for only five bucks."
"I love stuff like this because the handwriting is just so cool to me."