
Coping With Loss Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The good news is, you can get through it. Your son will always be with you in your heart and your mind."
"Don't cry, Max. You're fine. It's just death."
"There's never a good time for somebody to pass away but they're still with you because they changed who you are."
"Nessie knows from experience that life is not fair, but she is inspired by Lou and Leo every day. Way up in the stars, they are inspired by her."
"My dad taught me so much about life but never how to live without it."
"Grief is one of the worst emotions, if not the worst emotion that we have to deal with."
"Sometimes there are simply battles you can't win."
"I know how much the loss hurts. I know the black hole that leaves in the middle of your chest. While I know nothing I can say to ease the pain, I just know that each year it gets a little bit, a little bit easier."
"We lost, you lose in life, that's what it is."
"But what happens when someone can’t accept the death of their beloved animal companion? When the unconditional love of their pet is suddenly missing from their life, how far will a person go to recapture that feeling?"
"Every day that followed, Erin would come home to her stuffed animal, her ‘Poncho II’ as she liked to think of it."
"I would like to believe that even our loved ones we have died would want us to live a happy life."
"It's the same thing when somebody passes, you want to find the silver lining somewhere."
"Grief and loneliness are some of life’s most painful experiences."
"I'd rather get swept because when I was down 0-3 mentally before we just went home."
"Life goes on and our pack, they're sad but they're not deteriorating."
"Every loss is an anchor on a rope, you let it go or it's gonna drown you."
"I might be losing out on a permanent Kitsune, but worse could have happened."
"Don't grieve, for every loss paves the way for who you are becoming."
"Focus on the moments gain more than those loss and they'll create a nice it's up look up into the sky it helps me sometimes go outside and just and just what what you just did talking about it with people."
"Hi my name is Ray with the E Y roundabout is closure isn't really necessary for every situation because what I'm going through I'll never be able to get closure on that like literally ever."
"Losses are part of life but they make you better."
"Be happy for them [family members who have passed], be happy."
"Here's to hoping less families have to cope with the early loss of loved ones."
"Vanya deals with their father’s death like she does everything else, quietly, unobtrusively, with acceptance."
"I can't change what these last five games have been like."
"It's okay to grieve that, but man, you've got to get to 'what are we gonna do now?'"
"I appreciate a great dad. When my mom died, it was my dad being there to give me the warmest hug ever to save me from depression."
"There's nothing to say, so you try to be the person who's there to make it not quite as bad as it has to be."
"This loss will open up new opportunities for you, stay positive through the darkness."
"Honour your losses, keep hope in your heart for what is meant to be."
"You're dealing with a very big loss, so be proud of yourself for still showing up to work and doing your job."
"Death infused my life with an unwillingness I have to live for both of us."
"When my mom died, I thought that because I was a nurse, I should have been able to prevent it somehow. But over time, I realized that bad things are going to happen, and beating yourself up isn't going to help anyone."
"I want to be kind and patient, just as I hope he would be if I suffered a devastating loss and wasn't myself for a while."
"I can't tell you how to mourn or how to feel because I'll never know what you feel, not completely anyway. Just don't drown in those feelings, kid. As long as you can keep moving, there's hope," the blonde said simply.
"After Dad passed, she decided to head out to Florida. She says she loves it, gators and huge bugs aside."
"I can help out one kid who feels a little bit lost because they lost their dad."
"Nothing will bring Daniel back, but there's so much that can be revealed."
"...every time you experience loss, it comes with a whole new array of emotions, and you have to recognize how to move forward and push through that and come out a better version of yourself."
"Being a musician helped him pay tribute to his father who died in 2008. Music contributed a lot to his dealing with the loss."
"It's about loss, it's about the response to loss."
"You and your friends have made it bearable and allowed me an escape from my grief."
"It is quite strange, obviously nothing is going to replace Jasper, but having another dog to focus on helps."
"I'm dedicating a lot of time to the kids to help them cope with the loss, ensuring they don't solely rely on their mother for emotional support."
"We're also going to be asked to deal with devastations and loss in a new way, maybe through acceptance and surrender rather than through trying to control."
"The only comfort Marie could take from the terrible loss was that Paul's death was incredibly quick and that he died doing what he loved."
"She told them how much she loved them, as she braided Husker's hair, adding that they should not be sad about her death for too long."