
Missionary Work Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"Christianity was the only religion that was exclusive, that said we're right and therefore you're wrong. And they're missionary. But it means that if they just convert, you know, if you've got 100 people and they convert three people this year, okay, well, you got 103."
"I think missionaries are some of the most courageous people."
"In virtue of their baptism, all members of the people of God have become missionary disciples."
"A church which goes forth is a community of missionary disciples who bear fruit and rejoice."
"People who are gifted by God to begin new churches, to begin new ministries, to start and open new mission fields."
"I just felt deep in my heart that God is calling me to go preach the gospel. I somehow had a sense I will go to the nations and I'll check the Word of God to the nations."
"We are reaching more people through the show than you are here on the mission field."
"Therefore, it's urgent that we carry out our missionary vocation."
"Sufi missionaries successfully spread Islam throughout the Indian Ocean basin."
"Time is running out to evangelize the world."
"He didn't go to colonize the people of Hawaii. He went to serve them, knowing it was a death sentence."
"I dream of Christian communities capable generous commitment incarnate in the Amazon region."
"It's really quite simple: do anything on either side of the veil to help more people come to Christ by making and keeping sacred covenants."
"I love missionaries, I always try to make sure people know like these guys are trying their best."
"Remember who you are in His eyes. You are a missionary of the Lord Jesus Christ."
"He doesn't send people on a mission to go and preach a Christless conservatism. He tells his disciples to go make disciples."
"When missionaries like Samuel Moffat arrived in Korea 2 decades later, they heard the story of the man who had thrown Bibles down from a burning ship."
"Missionaries went to preach the gospel, not because people looked different, but because they were human beings made in God's image."
"You can be a missionary by walking out your front door."
"There is no greater cause than winning the lost."
"I feel strongly that I need to go on a mission before I go to college."
"I feel this missionary character developing where I feel called to the new missionary territory of being present in the digital continent as a missionary."
"God will give you the power to accomplish the Great Commission because it's his purpose for your life."
"She only had one life on this Earth and she wanted to live it for His glory."
"The gospel reaching the ends of the earth means the church would rise up in every nation."
"Canonized by Pope Francis in 2015, Saint Junipero Serra stands out as the greatest missionary in U.S. history."
"Did you come to Hong Kong to save drug addicts? I want to see if I could serve the people here and bring them to know Jesus, show them love."
"We need more missionaries more people declaring that the truth because peace is going to come ultimately only through Jesus Christ."
"I can remember being impressed in church hearing about the missionary doctors who traveled all over the world to bring not only physical but also mental and spiritual healing."
"We will have the knowledge and power of God to help us take the blessings of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ to every nation, kindred, tongue, and people."
"Go out, get baptized, and make disciples of all nations."
"If you get to see that happen as a missionary, it's like, dude, you've succeeded."
"A great one to look to is, of course, David Brainerd, who served among the tribal peoples during the colonial period."
"You're there to go and teach, to testify, to baptize, and then teach them the Commandments, the things that he's commanded you."
"Paul the Apostle traveled the world extensively."
"Paul traveled the world preaching the gospel."
"The British brought the gospel here, but the people that will bring revival there will be from an African heritage."
"You've got to get to the missionary before you can get to the investigator."
"The regrettable thing about the Christian Missionary movement is that all too often the Christian missionaries failed to realize the people they were converting were as or more holy than they were."
"I'm a missionary. I want to go out into the streets."
"Gregory took that as God's message to him that he was supposed to go to those people as a missionary to bring them the good news of Christ."
"Sharing the gospel with Jewish people is part of the Great Commission to provoke Jewish people to jealousy."
"I would in a heartbeat go help them plant water wells and preach the gospel somewhere else."
"He was going into jungle work, pioneer work, the sort which other missionaries had told him required single men."
"Those things trapped me because I had this concept, missionaries aren't supposed to have any money. That was my concept and so all of those things I allowed to trap me in my in my bubble of life."
"The best missionaries aren't the ones who can merely explain the plan of salvation. The best missionaries are the ones for whom the plan of salvation describes the world they live in."
"Our hearts overflowed with a strong and unquenchable desire that they might also receive the Gospel and the blessings of the Gospel as we had received them."
"Missionaries who live in glass houses are not very impressive. Missionaries who go and live with the people and suffer with them, those are the ones who are impressive."
"It gives them something to hand to the potential convert that teaches about God and Christ and the atonement and does not have peculiar Mormon doctrine in it. So, it's kind of like the worm on the hook to get you to swallow Mormonism."
"Even though Heber and his companions didn't feel like they were fully qualified, in fact, I don't know very many missionaries who show up at the MTC saying, I am so prepared, I am going to be one of the finest missionaries in the history of the Church; bring it on."
"For people who are watching and feel that calling to go to the Nations to be a missionary... wait on the Lord and be obedient to what he has for us."
"Your gift is a missionary gift, and it will change this country!"
"Protestantism was from its first beginnings a missionary religion."
"Focusing you and focusing me, the missionary and the investigator again and again and again on the atonement, on salvation, on the gift that only Christ can give."
"Throughout the teaching experience, encourage the missionary to bear testimony of the Savior and his gift of salvation to us."
"Paul boldly entered the rough waters of this pagan Roman world to persuade them to abandon the ship of all they had believed."
"Paul makes it to Rome... how the Gospel through his messengers primarily Paul gets the message of the gospel from Jerusalem where Jesus took it the center of Judaism to Rome the center of the world."
"If the Thai people hear me they'll believe on Jesus I know I was the first one to go to Thailand 1954 there were less than twelve spirit-filled people in the whole nation 18,000 buddhist temples are you hearing me and I stood out there and preached Jesus."
"600 missions in just five years, not one failure among them."
"Missionary endeavor requires patience, and there will be times of defeat."
"I always had a bad conscience that I did not pay more attention to missionaries... I stood up as a bishop and greeted them."
"Through the Holy Spirit, St. Paul spread Christianity all over the world with faith and became the greatest missionary who ever lived."
"Raven talked constantly about his faith and his mission work in Peru."
"The work that began here in tromelin though small would spread much further than this small country church."
"We prepare the way for the glorious future in which missionaries telling the same tale of love will convert by every sermon."
"Our team mission is to go into all the world and make disciples unto Jesus Christ."
"Paul went to the Godless heart of the Eastern Roman Empire City of Ephesus."
"Surely Western culture is the most challenging missionary frontier of our time."
"A missionary encounter is not withdrawal, it's not takeover, but it's an encounter that confronts, converts, and deals with the idols of the culture."
"I remember signing that piece of paper and saying yes, I want to be a missionary for the Lord."
"What missionary would not be glad to be endowed with power to heal diseases as conferred by Jesus Christ on his disciples?"
"I remember thinking someday I'm going to be a missionary to these people."
"I once met an American missionary woman who said these people have no religion. I said, 'I differ with you.'"
"Missionary work never does; the converted cannot help but want to share what's happened to them with other people."
"The church at Antioch had strong leaders, potent pastors, elders, and missionaries."
"They were just unusually sold out to God and were willing to go anywhere, anytime, pay any price, to do with anyone."
"It was the best two years of my life and the best thing I've ever done, bringing souls to Christ."
"I grew up in a very religious household; my sister was a missionary."
"What we need now is the greatest generation of missionaries in the history of the Church."
"The love of our brothers and sisters for them to bring this gospel message to this part of the world."
"There are a lot of unsung heroes that have given their lives for the Lord in missionary service."
"Columba himself was active in missionary work and is credited with having evangelized the Picts."
"The temple helps to prepare us to go forth and share the gospel with the world."
"In 1779... he was desirous of returning to Africa as a missionary."
"Truly they were being thrust out to carry the word of God to the Alkas."
"Let us use our energy, strengths, and testimonies in assisting our missionaries to find, teach, and baptize God's children."
"The Great Commission is clear: Go therefore and Make Disciples of all nations."
"It's not a Church's seating capacity, it's its sending capacity."
"Joy is the idea most associated with missionary work in the scriptures."
"Missionary work is so marvelous, it's the kind of work you could do forever."