
Judicial Process Quotes

There are 198 quotes

"No one type of evidence is ever going to be flawless, even video evidence."
"Is it important to have those trials? Of course, it is. If you don't have the trials, you have no way of establishing the truth and showing the victims that you really care."
"Due process exists because we don't believe that we can simply adjudicate the results."
"Britney has not been able to have a single hearing before the court and was stripped of the right to access counsel."
"Isn't I can't speak to that uh at all which is what a jury basically has to rely upon by the time they're making their decision."
"The only thing that you can surmise as a result of that verdict is that the prosecution didn't meet its burden, that there might have been reasonable doubts."
"That would have given a lot of people pause with respect to this jury."
"It seems like we have seen no actual evidence of that."
"He said he believed her but at the same time he uh he didn't try to brow beat thomas enough."
"If you and I represented Donald Trump... we would file that within a month of the indictment."
"That's where they're going to sort of justify opposing the conviction of the president."
"No lawyers, no judges, get to decide. It's up to the jury."
"If you can't even file a lawsuit to challenge procedure without being accused of stealing, well where do you go?"
"The reason why we have trials is to get to the truth at hand."
"Qualified nominees should be considered and treated with fairness."
"The prosecution rested on June 15, 15 days later the defense rested."
"Damages in a court must be proven. You must prove that you lost money because of the action of the other individual."
"The sanctity of the jury system is to be maintained. A new trial must be granted unless it clearly appears that the subject matter of the communication was harmless and could not have affected the verdict."
"Thank god there was video in this case but it still doesn't give William Bryant a pass because he was able to produce the video."
"The timing shows this was a thoughtful jury but this was a jury that was determined to hold these three men accountable for all of the crimes they committed but none of the crimes the jury believed were not proved by the evidence."
"Georgia, like every state, has long allowed those who believe election results are wrong, whether because of intentional wrongdoing or unintentional error, to challenge those results in state courts."
"If there is not enough time for Depp's side to do that forensic analysis, I would expect the judge to delay trial."
"Ultimately she entered a plea to third-degree murder."
"He assembled the Sanhedrin of judges and brought before them the brother of Jesus who was called Christ whose name was James and some others."
"It's disheartening to me to see the way in which that case played out."
"To accept any accusation immediately and without question is to embrace Anarchy."
"Juries have a right to know the context that's happening in a case."
"That's a confession okay that's what's called a confession that will be used against him at trial he confessed to doing this he has no defense."
"Defendants have a right at sentencing to speak and to refute allegedly inaccurate information that the court might otherwise consider during sentencing."
"I don't understand how it impacts what he is far afield from the issue at hand."
"A mistrial just means something bad happened during the trial."
"President Trump's nominee will receive a vote on the floor of the United States Senate."
"Nobody in the courtroom, maybe even including me, wants the case resolved more than Judge Hall."
"Should we see all the evidence come out? Absolutely."
"I trust Jack Smith here. I trust that he knows exactly what he's doing."
"I didn't do it. It's infuriating, stressful, difficult. It's like an enormous circus."
"If we think that the prior precedents are seriously wrong, why then doesn't the history of this court's practice with respect to those cases tell us what the right answer is?"
"The courts have rejected all of the evidence that was presented... it's just mind-boggling."
"You don't just get to say I was in bed sleeping, you have to provide Witnesses."
"Defendant has more than satisfied its burden of proof."
"If any of these supposedly glaring instances of fraud had any legitimacy to them, they would be litigated in the courts. And the fact that they're not should speak volumes."
"The leaders of organized crime-- the most powerful, corrupt, violent offenders in this country could be brought into a courtroom and made to sit, made to listen to the evidence, and found guilty, and then sent to jail."
"All I know is I have a status hearing coming up and if the government wants to take this lie this complete sham to trial I'm just gonna have to let the facts speak for themselves."
"It's like a mini trial. The judge presides over it, swears in the witnesses, witnesses take the stand, they're examined if you will by the side that has called them, they are cross-examined by the side that is opposed to them, and people testify."
"It was a good case to test the waters... probably because it opened the door on the streets of Washington DC."
"Anything right judge? We're assuming responsibility to follow the notice of appeal."
"As lawyers all too often we see cases as battles to be won but for judges cases are problems to be solved so help the judge solve the problem."
"An FBI supplemental background investigation that did not include an interview of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford nor the witnesses who corroborate her testimony cannot be called an investigation."
"There is no political motivation for Robert her report."
"We have responsibility to confirm presidential nominations so that they can carry out the missions that we want them to carry out."
"Verdict will be in 50 minutes, but obviously, you know, we set these up a little bit earlier."
"President Trump believes setting oral argument in January 2023 or later is appropriate."
"The trial lasts several weeks; the jury delivers a guilty verdict without hesitation."
"Summary judgment is going to make the decision and I think we have a judge that's going to be able to make that distinction."
"It takes a good deal of time to assemble that little piece of evidence into a fabric that can be arguably proved Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"It would return us to the sensible process envisioned by the founders."
"The case is pretty much closed for anyone looking at it objectively and without bias."
"No prosecutor would like this to be released because if it does get released the defendants will likely in the future say I did not get a fair trial."
"My strong position is nobody should be trying to instruct the jury on the law because that's my job at the end of the case."
"But Charles has always maintained his innocence."
"There has been no true adversarial testing of the prosecution case as it is anticipated/guaranteed by the constitution."
"I want Kyle Rittenhouse to stand a fair trial."
"Reasonable doubt may arise from a careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence."
"Let him clear it up, and reapply when there’s another vacancy. But he should be done."
"In weighing the evidence, give every piece of evidence and testimony the way you think it is due, hold us to our burden."
"You're here to determine if there even was a conspiracy. Cases again can be solved with evidence, they can be solved with lack of evidence."
"He faced over 17 hours of interrogation... detectives had no doubt... all they needed from him was a confession."
"Jurors like DNA evidence, it's very tangible, concrete. They trust it."
"At his trial, the jury deliberated for just 15 minutes."
"Believe your eyes and I'm hopeful, although I have some of the same reservations that Dr. Davis has, relative to a conviction."
"They can obtain the warrants, a second warrant, and, so long as they meet probable cause and have a judge sign off on it, then execute those warrants based on the new evidence that was found."
"It is the right decision, the claims are meritless..."
"If the opinion is substantially different from this draft, then we will know that the libs have succeeded at pressuring and threatening violence."
"It's not going to get delayed all that long because there is no constitutional issue."
"There's going to be reasonable evidence and a reasonable jury could decide for either party at the end of this case."
"It's a lot harder to charge someone, never mind get them prosecuted for, and have them ultimately be found guilty of it."
"Tell us your side of the story so we can help you."
"Decide this case on the facts rather than the emotion."
"If this is a person that Luis Rivera ran his mouth to and they go to the police, it's going to be worth zero."
"We the jury find Mark Hauck count one not guilty."
"I think it's a bad idea to find the person and then find the crime. Do the investigation and see where it goes from there."
"The Department of Justice seems to be dragging its feet in the investigation."
"There's just always room for surprise with the jury."
"I've met with them twice, they are wonderful courageous strong people and I'll tell you they're going to need all the courage and strength they can as we go through this process."
"Circumstantial evidence can be very, very powerful... indicative of something that's happened."
"There were clear signs that the long-awaited indictment in Fulton County, Georgia, was truly imminent."
"Jack Smith removes Trump case from court calendar... it's a massive Trump win..."
"Establishing a tribunal is about revelation, about investigation, about exposure and disclosure."
"Based on nothing... they still don't know if they had anything because they never had anything to start with."
"They took a man who’s a general and a respected person and a nice man, they took a general that they said didn’t lie, and they convinced him he did lie."
"I think we're going to find out more in the coming days and weeks as to why those charges were warranted and why they believe that harm or death was high."
"Once you get convicted on a felony murder, you're looking at the max sentence."
"You are going to be tried for second degree homicide."
"At the end of the day, it's whether the state has met its burden."
"It's a lot of money, it's because Donald Trump stole a lot of money, and that's why the number's so high. He's being disgorged from his ill-gotten gains."
"Her detention hearing, originally scheduled for May 19th to determine a possible release, was continued due to amended charges filed against her."
"Judge Hawkins called those arguments excuses navigating this sort of proceeding is really quite simple tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth"
"The jury in the British Columbia Supreme Court finds Robert Frisbee guilty of first-degree murder in the bludgeoning death of 80-year-old San Francisco socialite, Muriel Collins Barnett."
"Had he not backed up that phone you know we might still be here today but we definitely wouldn't have the same level of conclusive evidence here..."
"It sounds like in the courtroom they were literally arguing."
"I haven't seen case law to support the claim that ethical violations warrant removal."
"The sanctity of the criminal justice process and keeping this as a trial in court and not in the court of public opinion is important."
"The wheels have been greased. Both defendants are guilty on all charges."
"Proving a crime requires proving the state of mind and overt action."
"Preponderance of the evidence means, in fact, more complete true than not true."
"More compelling testimony today in the Kimberly Potter trial murder trial."
"Now the projection is that by Monday they'll be ready to go to opening statements."
"Don't try to get up and walk out of the courtroom before you start it do your jobs listen to the evidence and the evidence is complete go back into the Jury Room and weigh the evidence."
"...Federal prosecutors overseeing the investigation are seeking to pierce assertions of eternally crime privilege..."
"Actual legal cases work... they go out and they build a body of evidence that is strong enough to make a case to convict the person."
"After 10 hours of deliberations the jury finds smullett guilty of five of six counts for filing a false police report."
"It was very difficult to get anything out of her that, to me, was inconsistent with someone who had a genuine complaint."
"This was a shot across the bow saying we have the goods and this is I think the beginning, not the end."
"The murder of police officer Byrne was a state investigation...conducted by the New York City Police Department." - Special Agent David Higgins
"Reasonable Doubt is the standard by which people get found not guilty."
"We're going to wait for the evidence to come out. We are going to approach this, and we're going to target the things we can definitively state."
"The scales are tipped just a little bit again it's not Beyond A Reasonable Doubt just greater rate of the evidence."
"You gotta remember that the prosecution has to be dead on, the defense, all they have to do is show that there's a little bit of doubt." -
"I thought it was good they took time to deliberate."
"Both you and I ended up doing time. Now, again, I don't want to put the two together because I know there were a lot of people that came in and they told their story to the judge during sentencing."
"I find that the CJC process involving Justice Smith was unfair to the point that it is contrary to the interests of justice. It was an abuse of process." - Justice Zinn
"The prosecution is going to be able to prove it Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"As prosecutors, we have ethical parameters which oblige us to assess the case to see whether there was a reasonable prospect of conviction."
"They had nothing, they could present no evidence."
"Knowing that this evidence was likely as close to a confession as they were going to get at this point..."
"So much courage at times we thought it would be impossible in a country politicized as ours now is."
"Someone may be appealing something that was supposed to be final - something needs to go to court."
"Conviction depends upon evidence and due process of law."
"We need to believe victims and at the same time let the system play out."
"There's plenty of evidence, what there isn't yet is proof."
"The goal should be the truth and the jury should have all of the information."
"In the end, it's about the evidence and reasonable doubt."
"If the books were shut the court has no basis on which to render verdicts."
"Even if the complainants were not intentionally lying, key portions of their testimony, portions that they themselves said were important and material, were found to be false or in error."
"You don't even need anybody else then you bring in Michael Cohen then you bring in Hope Hicks."
"It's like a speed bump in the prosecution, they want to take the decision away from the DOJ and give it to the courts."
"Maybe they're trying to sideline this judge."
"In February of 2012 Corey cotham was convicted of first-degree premeditated murder."
"As for the widow Nafisa we have no evidence that would support charging Mrs. Segani with any part of this crime."
"Kyle never should have gone through this trial, and now with the not guilty verdict on all counts, the judge has not issued a ruling on the motion for a mistrial with prejudice."
"He just wasn't in any position to be killing anyone."
"The burden of proof is on he who asserts, not he who denies."
"It's not a matter of having to go through the whole process of petitioning for certiorari once again."
"It's not about politics at all... it's about the truth under the law."
"It's important that it's investigated, people shouldn't be tried in the court of public opinion."
"They were ordered not to touch that bag and hand it over to the court."
"Judge McNight is innocent unless the Commonwealth can prove otherwise Beyond A Reasonable Doubt."
"The evidence of defendants deriving income from a known Washington resident did not present itself until a week after filing."
"Plaintiffs bring this action under 42 USC to contest the election results."
"She ruled against them and it took a lot of digging for me to find out why she did it but now we know."
"The evidence was overwhelming, the video proves what it proves, it speaks for itself."
"Durham's investigation is still going forward; witnesses have been subpoenaed and questioned before a grand jury."
"Jeopardy attaches at several critical points of a prosecution: when a jury is impaneled and sworn, when a jury is sworn, if a jury's sworn and then they're dismissed and then you bring in another jury, jeopardy has attached."
"The state has not proven its case, ladies and gentlemen."
"A judge said the prosecutor and defense in the land use case had a right to a fair and impartial jury hearing the evidence."
"Evidence comes first and conviction comes second, and so we're now going through the slow, painful process of putting the evidence together." - Joyce Vance
"Jurors favor proof because then they don't feel like they're making a stretch."
"The fact that we had a real trial is an achievement."
"Jodie communicated to the Gen 6 committee that his client is facing witness tampering and witness interference."
"Binger and Krause overplayed everything. They insulted the jury's intelligence. Media did a disservice to the public."
"The young man is still awaiting trial and his lawyers insist that he is mentally ill."
"The jury deliberated for 3 hours before they found him guilty."
"In the U.S Criminal Justice System the accused is presumed to be innocent unless and until in the absence of a plea agreement their guilt is established Beyond A Reasonable Doubt in a court of law."
"Televise the trial; I want to see for myself."
"Credibility is always an issue... Conflicting testimony can occur as a result of a witness's background, perception, bias, understanding, or misunderstanding."
"Ultimately, it comes down to what are the facts and what is the law."
"That's why we're here because some other court, a state court, Clarence Thomas says, why are we here? It's a state court, it's a state issue, we're the federal Supreme Court, why, why, why do we even accept this case?"
"Any evidence the judge weighs that makes him doubt the credibility of the complainant."
"Have you considered you might just be innocent? We don't know the full story here."
"Recusal does not necessarily mean that the judge has to get off of a case."
"The court should take your question seriously, as well as a question from somebody who might have the exact opposite views you have."
"I simply ask that you remember your role as jurors."
"Why can't we see what's happening? And the truth is, regardless of why the cameras are there and what the nature of the case is, the more Americans that see our system working, the more they'll understand it, the more they'll appreciate it."
"Candace is great, but you don't get a subpoena to raid two homes and two jurisdictions that way without having significant evidence that a crime is currently being taken place on those premises."
"It would just not be right to say that the trends and societal attitudes don't affect what the court does."
"The standard of proof in this case is beyond a reasonable doubt."
"The rule of law says that if you commit something wrong, you'll be charged and tried in a court of law."
"If you want to deny liability, that's fine, you can do that. You don't have to admit blame, but guess what, I'll put it before a judge and they'll order that you are to blame."
"You know, with all due respect, that's not for you or for me. At the end of that process, whatever the jury decides that is the result."
"The case was dismissed because the evidence is now insufficient to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt."
"I am pleased with the outcome and I appreciate all of the hard work of Judge Holmberg and the jury."
"No warrant shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."
"The work of a judge is to look at the facts and circumstances, hear the arguments of the parties, apply the law, and make a fair determination."
"Listen closely to all the witnesses. That is the best way to ensure that you decide this case based on the evidence and the law."
"Let the AG's office present the evidence, and the chips will fall as they may; that's how the judicial system works."
"The entire point of the court is that when two parties go in, the judge has to decide for one or the other."
"It's slated to be a day and a half of hearings."
"The law places the entirety of the burden to prove their case beyond a reasonable doubt."
"We don't take ourselves seriously, but we do take the process of the judicial system very, very seriously."
"Offering up transparency through the remainder of the case will increase the public trust in the judicial process."
"We don't just get warrants because we think that we're right. We have to run this by and show all the evidence to a judge."