
Artistic Interpretation Quotes

There are 151 quotes

"Art can stand just on its visual appearance as well. That's okay."
"Crimes isn't quite as gory or horror-centric as some of his earlier work, but it is a much more thoughtful and strange look into the future as well as what it means to be an artist."
"I think authors of content should leave their interpretive aspects of their narrative work alone once it goes out into the world for consumption."
"Janis Joplin's scorching interpretation stands as one of the most profoundly passionate performances."
"Janis Joplin wasn't singing the song, the song seemed to be singing Janis."
"I don't think anyone can play it right. I have seen a video of Mason Stoops do it pretty well, but that's one of those like, I've never heard Nafler play it the same way."
"I obviously couldn't do an exact replica but I still feel like we got some thin fairly close."
"That all that stuff is B.S. imposed by critics and camp followers afterwards."
"I think 'Eternals' felt more like an art piece than most MCU movies."
"You just need to give it to somebody who can actually faithfully adapt the original and be like, okay this is what's important about it, you know, capture the tone."
"Literally like every second of that launch is represented in the music."
"Interpret and translate themes, not just illustrate scenes."
"That means I'm doing something right, you know? Like when someone doesn't get what you're doing, then you're doing a good job, you know?"
"Why like just because I think that's his art man?"
"Dune lets you do the work on your own as you should as movie should be as art should be."
"Isn't that the entire concept of modern art though? It's like subversion... Oh, you want art? Well, I'm not giving you it. I'm giving you this post-post meta-ironic subversion of art."
"I think a lot of people who get something out of Snyder’s work feel seen in that pain and isolation."
"These details give a new layer of meaning. It's not always an easter egg pointed to some character's arrival or some big theory that's been confirmed, but it just shows you that this is art and there's a lot of craft that goes into it."
"How a song is misinterpreted and misused by people has nothing to do with the authorial intent."
"I strongly believe this story is messy and conflicted and not even close to being the deep artistic masterpiece so many critics depict it as."
"His vision from the novel was lost in translation."
"This is a Little Mermaid robbed of its voice, its choices ruled largely by fear rather than the thrill of creative risk."
"The textures, colors, shadows, and lines speak of a life once lived within the confines, and the absence is as empty as it is filled." - Mike Corral
"J Cole, why? Because I felt like the album, him giving the three different meanings."
"It wasn't really a theme, it was just a motif for Khan."
"Whatever interpretation you might have, I'm just happy this movie exists."
"Is there a really great version of the Phantom of the Opera? No. But there are compelling versions."
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but there's a reason Weber wrote the numbers in the show the way that he did."
"It's called quotation. When you take somebody else's work and organically mesh it into your own, you're showing people that you have actively engaged with the history."
"It absolutely hit home for me... the interpretation or the emotions that you receive during it is the main point."
"This piece reminds me of Game of Thrones for some reason—we have this really epic brooding Santa at the helm of his sleigh with an army of slaves pulled by reindeer and loaded with presents."
"It's the idea of making something if let's say you're not a fan of something and you make it based on pure reasons because you've discovered the source material not because of your reverence to the source material."
"I think it's so cool where you can take one character and transform them into another style; it's just so interesting to see them like that."
"Without game critics to think about games as something that are human and metaphorical and contextual, games will just become commodities."
"Not everything is on the page... moments can be crafted by the way you shoot it and the way you stage the actors."
"James Blake had meticulously reconstructed every single melody from roll with the punches."
"James Blake had captured the hypnotic feel of roll with the punches."
"How did they tell a story through their photograph?"
"When justice fails to hold her father accountable for his brutal slaying of Mayan descendants in a past Civil War, his victims take matters into their own hands."
"Even if some stuff might not be in the original, it probably has heavy references."
"This movie is full of all sorts of fantastic artistic liberties when it comes to representing this story as a comic adaptation and it's done in multiple different ways that are each so perfectly executed."
"The Last of Us Part Two: A misunderstood masterpiece."
"Maybe it's not going for a super fast sword fight thing, it's going for more of an artistic samurai feel."
"It's not about doing an impression, it's about finding the humanity."
"You can tell that this artist was referencing a human skeleton but obviously this doesn't look like a human skeleton."
"The greatest thing he did... to take this simple parish church and turn it into a great soaring cathedral."
"You can appreciate a piece of music without endorsing its lyrics."
"Transformational entertainment is at an explication of internal processes that show up as shadow play as light play on the screen of the outer world."
"Skin tones are different in any lighting, so Isabella's skin isn't going to look the same in every drawing. What you need to look at is how the skin contrasts with surrounding factors."
"BTS has made a conscious effort to shine a brighter light on the meaning of their songs."
"Each time you see the 'Mona Lisa,' you have a different feeling about what she has in mind."
"So you're playing this whole game in this song of of juxtapositions contrasts uh uh male female energies um uh on ungodly Godly man-made it's it's very it's such a smart piece man."
"Understanding this flow is feeling a battle through the tips of your fingers."
"Nobody is so cool they can tell everybody else how to interpret a record."
"Freddie transformed Brian May's words on We Will Rock You into a Die Hard movement with a vocal performance exploding from fiery passion and valor."
"AMD confirmed AV1 support on RDNA3 publicly."
"For Gyarados, I made it more serpentine, I made it so that there was still some hints of a fish, um, origin even though it went through a super miraculously fast evolution to something far more reptilian over time."
"Joey captured the essence, the playfulness, the danger of Catwoman."
"Adaptations do not have to be faithful to be good."
"Those are illustrations plucked right out of the original book in a way I really struggle to put in words."
"It's like a tone poem happening with its environment."
"This movie doesn't exist without them they created everything the writers the artists who have worked over the years interpreting and reinterpreting these amazing characters."
"Not everyone will see the same story as the photographer, but if the artist tells a good story, it's much easier for someone else to emotionally engage in the scene." - Jay Riley Stewart
"But in my mind maybe the animal is kind of a marshmallow or something."
"It depicts a black and white billy and mandy however you know they look a bit different as mandy has a gigantic smile plastered across her face."
"I love the different interpretations of my simple goofy drawings."
"One tricky thing about sculpting these ancient prehistoric creatures is that all the references that you find, they will all be different."
"To me a masterpiece is not something that is without flaws right it's not a perfect thing perfect game it's just that's not what it is."
"A good adaptation sometimes requires changing almost everything to preserve what really matters."
"Colors express emotions; the intense light matches heightened feelings."
"I love saying no, I'm now going to play my version within the bit."
"Snakes are often considered baby dragons, and Chinese dragons are always paired with their precious pearl."
"It felt like the most correct distillation of Spider-Man comic books to the movie."
"Films are subjective. That's just the nature of film."
"This film doesn't spoon-feed you—it leaves room for interpretation and contemplation."
"The videos are about and around the art, not the other way around."
"Video games are art and every interpretation is valid."
"The film leaves it to the audience to really take your own meaning and interpretation from the art."
"I have no idea how to depict any of that, but I believe every single emotion that man was going through, that act is outstanding."
"It's a little mysterious; it's got some little symbolism mixed in; it does greatly shrink down the wood areas."
"Well, this was a fun one to consider. I like creatures that are still slightly human-like but different enough."
"Just because she uses bright colors does not mean she's romanticizing."
"Every part of the heart, you've fragmented and made it look to be a part of that lion's head. It's great."
"It's cool. Like, I said, it's a bit symbolic within the cover itself."
"I think it's relative, yeah, it we all enjoy when there's room for different interpretations in art and obviously there's always like a a core idea when the piece was created but it's cool when when it can take on different lives."
"Their individual personalities still shine through."
"Giving himself permission to fail at a thing he thought himself incapable, Borges wrote 'Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote.'"
"But the way that I see the word is that it's someone calling my art A Sketch."
"I'm assuming when you say artist you mean like a painter or like a visual artist."
"My goal when I look at something like that is like try to see what were they trying to capture and does it make me feel anything."
"The faithfulness of the visuals to the film and Dr. Seuss's books."
"Your interpretation of these textures give it a different look than what's in the photo."
"Each of you are going to draw essentially a caricature of what you think the butler looks like."
"If the essence of the character is there, then it is right."
"Kelly Reichardt turns a small story of personal turmoil into a eulogy for youthful ideals."
"It was written like Nas, but it came from Quentin."
"The fact that Leonardo chooses to record this encounter with the cave I think indicates that it had a significant impact on the artist, psychologically."
"The opinions I'm about to express are my own and are not influenced by anything the artists themselves have stated or intended."
"The stairs had colored lines again, this time black lines painted on them."
"It accurately reflected the message of the song."
"I really wanted to know what it was like to work with Chester on the High Rise. He really captured Scott Wyland vibe in essence without trying to imitate."
"One thing I can't say before we get started, I love Lana Del Rey's album covers. I love that it looks like almost little to no energy was put into them. But then so much energy was put into them. I like that."
"Another situation where deviation from historical accuracy is artistically justified."
"Historical accuracy is something I consider, but I do not strictly adhere to."
"I think we're trying to recreate the nativity scene."
"There's a big question in filmmaking of what the audience is going to accept, you know, leaning more toward realism or more toward the interpretation of it."
"What at first looked like a pretty standard map, it's actually starting to take on quite a dreamlike element."
"'Hopefully, I succeeded in making it have the Sinister Vibes. Thank you so much to Starks for letting me draw Zoe, she was super fun to draw.'"
"In actuality, the negative is like the composer's score; all the information is there, and then the print is the performance."
"What makes this so amazing is these kinds of interpretations and it's like a heightened reality."
"This is meant to be like the flames; this is the... it's a rocket ship, I got it."
"It doesn't matter how it's drawn, it's the stories that they're relating. That's the important part."
"This is the furthest I've ever taken a cover."
"Retouching is an interesting art because at the same time we have to make the damage go away, try to understand what the artist was doing, be limited, and also be conscious of what we're doing such that it has no personality or style."
"Every detail or form or color turns out to have come into being via a fully intelligent Genesis."
"Contemporary critics didn't always get it right."
"I'm trying to recreate what my memory of that scene was, which is always richer and always more interesting, I think, than what a photograph can capture."
"The artist should never feel the need to duplicate, copy, or imitate exactly what he or she sees but rather use it as an opportunity to interpret, make that your own using your own artistic voice."
"The work is conditioning the viewer to apprehend numerous layers of narrative and metanarrative elements."
"There is a truth of impression as well as of form."
"Instead of being happy prancing flying unicorns, it has unicorns that look more like they belong on a medieval crest or a tapestry."
"I really love just the representation of Vader in that piece."
"For all of Bernstein's supposed kind of craziness and dancing around on the podium, he's actually pretty darn consistent."
"Reborn managed to capture that beautiful look of that Tyrannosaurus from Charles R. Knight."
"The first duty of a singer/musician is to create what or rather to try to feel what the composer wanted."
"You can take a photograph and then see, okay, if Monet or Van Gogh did this, how does it look like?"
"There's something really cool about that, the lion's face reads really well, and there's this edge to the lion."
"The original song is very, very beautiful, and Liszt's transcription also, if properly played, is a wonderful, noble, and beautiful idea."
"My goal is not to reproduce a photograph in all its likeness but rather explain a human story through my personal interpretation."
"It's like a night sky interpretation of folk art and I think it looks really cool."
"Look at the fluidity in her port de bras. Watch the right hand, do you see that little like presentation? There's that like pretty, feminine fairy, but we're not Aurora."
"You guys are amazing, the variety in not only skill level but style interpretation, imagination."
"She really paid attention to performing it with her body and her face."
"I'm not copying the color of the photo, I'm creating an environment here, an atmosphere."
"Interpretation is not the responsibility of an author or of a director, interpretation is for the public."
"You can make them look better than they do in real life or worse than they realize."
"This is a painting that we see both grief and hope."
"It's so cool to look at how you can take a reference photo and then turn it into your own unique tattoo."
"This is where is my mind which is the Pixies but it's done by Maxine Siren and it's all piano and it's beautiful."
"If we look long enough we begin to figure out what Ang actually thinks of these people who are sitting to him."
"It's such an amazing interpretation, it's such a great performance."
"I'm so tickled by different artists' interpretations of characters."
"I really liked in this image the way these hands were sort of like clawed; it added a nice feeling of tension to it."
"Most importantly, it allows us to immediately get to questions of interpretation and expression."
"Are you guys seeing how to think through your references and find what about them is speaking to you?"