
Emotional Exchange Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"A relationship is a gradual exchange of trust."
"You're feeding each other fuel as you exist in the pod."
"The real currency in life is the love that we exchange, the experiences that we have."
"A healthy relationship is always a beautiful figure of eight in terms of energy, flowing between two people."
"Gifts love partnership loyalty synergy harmony balance exchange generosity reconciliation and association."
"Love is supposed to be two ways, not one way."
"These astonishingly complex biological nanomachines outstrip the best technology our best minds on planet earth can produce."
"You give little kisses, you get bigger hugs."
"Practice compassion and express love to receive love."
"Move from a space of love and you will receive it."
"You have given me so much strength, and I send it back to you."
"So much love exchanging energies, it means so much."
"Being grateful for a comfy bed is not in exchange for the years of trauma that you're gonna have after that."
"They're able to receive this love and then to give it back and they do it so easily without reservation."
"When we express love, we begin to receive more love."
"You want somebody to give you attention and you want to give somebody equal amounts of attention."
"They want equal give and take between the two of you."
"Think about all the joy that it's going to bring to people, our pain equals the audience's joy."
"A codependent is a person who gives all or most of the love, respect, and caring with hopes that it's mutual and reciprocal."
"They want you to show more love and they want you to graciously receive their love."
"Balance giving and receiving in relationships."
"They are always ready to give, they just keep on giving, but in return, they just seek love."
"As we head to this final ending saga, we may get more hints about what Luffy's dream is and finally learn what the actual goal of this whole journey is."
"When we give love in order to receive it back, it's not real authentic love, it's love with an agenda."
"Equivalent Exchange, I'll give half of my life to you if you give half of yours to me."
"Would you trade your favorite sports moment to undo your most heartbreaking one?"
"Share from your heart and receive with an open heart and success will blossom."
"The amount of hugs that I gave and the amount of hugs that people gave me was more than any other time in my life."
"You gotta give the kind of love you want to get."
"Take your fear to the Lord and you give it to him."
"You teach love when you give it, you learn love when you receive it."
"I miss you too. What, I don't miss you? Get over yourself."
"The proof of favor is loyalty to the heart of man."
"Express love to receive love; they're willing to do so."
"Love given and love received, and this is the energy that they're saying is available to you."
"If people show you love, try your best to just make sure you show that love back."
"The hardest part of being in a relationship is showing as much care as you receive."
"We're coming to give back and we really need to feel their love thing we need to feel the love in it's not just one way."
"When you're in touch with love, you get love back."
"They were never really engaged in a relationship... they were only involved in an exchange."
"Things are about to start becoming more serious in terms of communication and emotional reciprocity."
"Unconditionally loving, giving, and receiving affection."
"Smiling at strangers engages in a high vibrational energetic exchange."
"Love is giving, love is sacrificing, love is receiving."
"Some people never get to pour back into their self you ever had a conversation with somebody and you felt dry afterwards all the time you ever had a conversation with somebody and it was like this is refreshing talking to you."
"The exchange was simple yet deeply meaningful, a moment of closure and connection between a grieving mother and the bikers who had honored her son."
"I'll trade you laughter for love."
"The exchange of love, the exchange of hearts."
"Sometimes a hug is for more for the hugger than the huggy."
"We gave each other more than our hearts."
"All hearts grow; you give love, you feel love."
"That transfer of love... is a good way for you to experience that transfer of love."
"You're about to have a very emotional conversation with somebody."
"Emotional needs being met goes both ways: what you're giving to others, what you are receiving."