
3D Quotes

There are 162 quotes

"The system's 3D capabilities, as showcased by Mario 64, were a revelation, a benchmark for what the third dimension could be for an industry still working out the kinks."
"The next generation of these experiences is not just text and video; it's real-time 3D. It's a social experience where players together."
"It's absolutely fascinating because in terms of the computational expense, it's kind of almost 3D-like."
"3D TV is amazing, especially for gaming - it's a whole new world of thrilling experiences."
"Spline is pretty much the Figma of 3D tools."
"The shift to 3D really feels like the natural evolution of the series."
"Origami is a really effective way of making the transition between flat and 3D states."
"The potential of dungeons exploded exponentially into the third dimension."
"Horror movies in particular were popular to shoot in 3D movies from the '50s like it came from outer space and Creature from the Black Lagoon used creative framing for certain scenes to give the audience a more immersive experience."
"Andre De Toth actually didn't use 3D as the whole purpose of the movie. He wanted to tell a great story."
"When 3D works well, there's nothing better than to have something come right at you off the screen."
"This is a fun movie, you know this was fun to see in 3d it's still fun to rewatch in 2D it's a schlockfest but what it's trying to do I'm entertained by."
"Many people who are watching this channel and who are in Discord, they want to work as a 3D artist."
"I think they did really well with making the 3D feel very flat. Regardless if I couldn't tell, mission accomplished, right?"
"It's always better in live and 3D."
"A very interesting feature wall behind your bed first starting with these black slats and then transferring into this really interesting designer wall with these gold touches which come out of the wall giving this 3D feeling."
"...every single time you have a highlight you need to have a shadow next to it that's going to create that 3d look..."
"I really wish there were a lot more just-for-fun 3D tournaments."
"3D data sets or z-stacks are simply 2D scans collected at different focus positions throughout a three-dimensional structure."
"The 3d is a little like it's a little distractingly annoying which is the thing I used to not like about it."
"We also can work with 3d data. You can take your 3d data and visualize it online, and ArcGIS Enterprise has a scene viewer for viewing your 3d content."
"Some of the best 3D I've seen, almost at Avatar levels."
"If you don't use quads with subsurf, you're going to have a bad day."
"3D is pretty much you can do pretty much anything you can make scary scale things you know"
"Now that's some serious 3-D action."
"I've never seen a device with this many high-red 3D games."
"...there's no doubt that it was a technological marvel for its time that really took 3D to the next level."
"The flying scenes alone in that film are just, you can't beat them in 3D."
"Gravity is worth seeing in 3D. That's all."
"I love that you have a 3D piece. I think it's great that it's done in concrete."
"So fear no more, there's someone here to make this much easier for you 'cause all you really need in 3D is math."
"And as you can see it's created a camera in the scene and once we go into it, everything looks correct."
"This was the first instance of 3D animated human characters."
"So now we have a real 3D depth in our scene."
"I find it beautiful, interesting, especially the fact that it's on the corner, so it's like 3D, you can see it in three dimensions and that's absolutely great. Cool, yeah."
"It's so 3D realistic like I could just grab it."
"It's more about this movement, this 3D effect which is really cool."
"React 3 Fiber is a wrapper of 3 JS, which is the easiest way to do 3D rendering in WebGL and the canvas."
"Calling a map on a JavaScript object to render 3D assets is mindblowing."
"The mesh normal material is mainly to show the shape of something."
"You can do colors in 3js... it's really interesting."
"I'm going to create the ultimate 3D painting using the 3D parallax effect."
"Transformers: The Ride, the ultimate 3D battle."
"A cube map is a kind of texture that consists of six individual 2D textures that are assigned to a 3D cube."
"Are you looking to take boring 2D images and turn them into 3D photos that are cinematic and look like video? Well, this tutorial has you covered."
"You gotta see it in 3D, you have to."
"It was a very 3D experience for me."
"Now let's check out the magic, the character is in 3D space, it is stabilized, and it looks just like it was taken with a static camera."
"Look at that, three-dimensional just pop up out of there, I mean it really is cool."
"The ability to move them in full 3D is really, really powerful."
"Storyboard Pro actually has a complete 3D environment."
"We need some pretty sophisticated algorithms for working with three-dimensional data."
"Things in 3D can appear very flat unless you start to change your view of the world."
"Discover a complete WebGL/WebGPU solution that makes the creation of 3D interactive web applications easy and fun."
"Babylon.js provides a big set of built-in meshes that we can introduce to our scene."
"So let's jump into camera navigation or how we're able to fly around our 3D world and view our world from different angles."
"Virtual reality has some really cool 3D interfaces."
"We're going to look at how we can take our InfraWorks model and view it in 3D using a smartphone without any extra software."
"I like to preview procedural materials on spheres."
"This pipeline allows us to finally output a high fidelity mesh representation for each detected object."
"I'm trying to model everything now in three dimensions."
"This is actually 3D done intelligently."
"You can even draw 3D graphs, I can zoom into those 3D graphs, and do a lot of stuff."
"There's nothing better than having your reference in full 3D."
"If you're a 3D animator, something very exciting is when you get your hands on a new character rig."
"The performance increase in actual 3D rendering is ridiculous."
"The games on Top 11 are now in 3D, so you can watch as your tactics take shape."
"Because this is a 3D texture, when you rotate through it, these things change, so you can get some cool effects."
"With the new cinematic wallpaper feature, you can create a stunning 3D image from any regular photo."
"It's like a little made 3D thing, it looks like some type of like Asian village."
"And so if I make a scatter plot, all the points will line up into this 3D object."
"It creates a 3D holographic soundstage."
"You're getting that sense of 3D space and that's what the computer does to solve the actual scene."
"Hey party people, in this video, I'm going to go over shading bodies and drapes and clothing to make your illustrations look more 3D."
"Mario 64 was a complete departure, reinvent itself to work in 3D."
"What creates that emotion are the 3D reflections."
"A whole bunch of consumer experiences are going to change because they're real-time 3D."
"To actually see our data in three dimensions."
"3js is a JavaScript library that allows you to create 3D scenes directly in the browser."
"It's definitely worth it if you want to dip your toe into the wonderful world of 3D."
"To conclude, PyTorch 3D is a fast, modular, and differentiable library for 3D deep learning."
"We're deeply interested in understanding the 3D because our world around us is composed of 3D geometry."
"Understanding 3D has very broad applications like in robotics, augmented reality, autom driving, or medical imaging."
"This trick makes it look like it's have a volume like it's in 3D actually."
"I thought this was amazing, it's got vanishing point 3D."
"More than 50% of our students actually start with zero knowledge of 3D."
"Adobe Dimension is Adobe's way of allowing us as designers to enter into that 3D space."
"Voxels are volume elements and are the building block of our 3D pictures."
"3D imaging is best when trying to determine a volume of something because it is taking measurements in three different planes."
"It's actually based on and originated from the concept of using joysticks and slider controls for facial animation inside of 3D."
"When we work with 3D, we'll have some fun today because, hey, you know what it is? Friday!"
"You get to see the 3D visualization of building systems."
"I try to stock up on those when that happens, and these are kind of 3D; there's about three different layers to them, so it gives it some depth."
"The Lego Batman movie in 3D, it's great."
"The ultimate goal is to get a model of the skeleton of the person, so you figure out where their joints are in 3D space and what angles they're at."
"It's pretty cool that you're able to look at this 3D object on their main website."
"Here's a 3D plot of a potential. I took a random image that I drew in two dimensions and I found the potential everywhere. This is super cool."
"We need to be able to localize objects not only in the image domain but also in 3D space."
"We foresee USD as being kind of the equivalent of HTML for 3D worlds moving forward."
"Game Guru Max itself, it's an interesting engine, it's one of the easiest 3D engines I still hold to that."
"It's all working in real 3D space, absolutely amazing."
"We're going to show you how to produce a 3D shareable link that you can send to a customer."
"Stereoscopes are one of the world's first 3D devices."
"As soon as I started working in 3D... I thought, hey, maybe there could be a really cool career in creating stuff for video games or film."
"Our mission is to organize the world's 3D information and make it universally accessible and useful."
"Plus, we will explore how to add real photos of people inside your 3D renders for an added touch of realism."
"I'm an avid fan of all things 3D."
"This is depth perception, and you've just learned how 3D pictures work."
"It's 3D all of a sudden, how cool is that?"
"It just adds a bunch of 3 dimensionality and also just a lot of visual impact is there."
"Stereo vision is the process of extracting 3D information from multiple 2D views of a scene."
"It really makes this a cool effect like something is really moving in 3D space towards us."
"This classic film in the third dimension."
"The 3D viewer is extremely nice and you can manipulate it and check it in real time."
"Look how smooth this 3D map is; there's been heaps of work done as well for the 3D navigation things. It's so much nicer now."
"Cylindrical coordinates... it's as if polar went 3D."
"Once you're happy everything is sitting the way you want, it's time for us to start doing the model work."
"We live in a 3D world. People move, and they think, and they experience in three dimensions."
"Voxels are essentially 3D pixels."
"Create a 3D movie... it's basically just like a program for kids to experiment with their creativity."
"Surround you with 3D film magic, astonishing special effects, and of course, plenty of Muppet mayhem."
"Why do we have to work in 3D? Because the world as we perceive it is three-dimensional."
"We've got the light illuminating the face of the cube."
"Let's also add a camera to this scene."
"We're taking our macro photographs into the third dimension."
"Flowers are very deep and very detailed, so this is going to make for a really nice 3D image."
"We're trying to deliver different images to each eye... then our brains will do the heavy lifting, creating the 3D effect in our heads."
"The misalignment of the different areas, the different depths of your subject, is actually what's creating the 3D effect."
"The 3D is really amazing because this is where all of the manifestations, all your desires, actually unfold right before your eyes."
"This gives us this really nice 3D looking interior of the crystal."
"Quaternions are really hard to explain... it's basically an efficient way to model rotations in 3D space."
"It's a 3D symphony of fun for everyone."
"I love how that turned out; it looks so cool and 3D, so fabulous."
"Hi and welcome to another complete 3D Concepts tutorial."
"It's very simple, very basic animation, but it's kind of in 3D space."
"Let's go ahead and make all these layers 3D layers."
"Let's go ahead and grab some of these elements and offset them into 3D space."
"A level surface is a set of points in three dimensions satisfying f of XYZ equals a constant for some constant C."
"Ultimately, everything is 3D forms sitting in 3D perspective or space."
"Our universe is 3D, and our galaxy is too."
"If we turn on the shadows, this being a 3D tree, it will draw or have a realistic shade."
"Vector3 is used to represent 3D positions or directions."
"It's about how do you create a 3D image around you."
"You can model so well in 3D that you have very little work to do in 2D to create your construction documents."
"Robotics actually needs 3D. You can't do 2D robotics. It just doesn't work."
"I absolutely love this stitch because it's got some beautiful 3D texture."
"So if we go F3, that will flick us into the 3D view."
"So that's how you can visit all these polygons, do color transitions, you can do it in 3D, make any polyhedron."
"Just from one image, we'll get a 3D model."
"It's going to be in jaw-dropping 3D."
"One of the things I really like about this is that his goggles are 3D; it's not a flat design."
"It looks like there's a 3D object inside this screen."
"Everything is stereoscopic or 3D... you're completely immersed, you know you can look all around you because your virtual environment is all around you."
"This is no joke here, this 3D technology from them is amazing."
"When you test this pad out, it really is coming out of the screen."
"It's got that wow factor when you see this."
"It was marketed as the first gaming console capable of displaying stereoscopic 3D graphics."