
Cinematic Storytelling Quotes

There are 77 quotes

"It told the truth about corporate America but also the truth about an aspect of white men that makes many people who write films uncomfortable."
"Avengers: Endgame had the tough task of going back in time, including an epic scene which took place during the events of the first Avengers movie."
"Giants have a life force that's totally different, and that's why when uh in the movie you heard my voice talking about the billion dollar industry for extractable DNA."
"We wanted to explore the marriage of a cinematic experience and narrative choice-driven storytelling."
"I love in any movie when our heroes are faced with a moral dilemma that they really don't know which is the right thing to do."
"Again nearly every scene in this movie is doing at least two things at once, if not more."
"If this movie succeeds at anything, it's fleshing out Thanos and showing you he's not just another CGI movie monster but an actual character with an amazing amount of depth."
"These monsters are heroes. Kong protects our heroes on Skull Island. Godzilla protects the world from all the awakened titans."
"Marvel always has so much heart." - "Benjamin Byron Davies"
"It lets you feel the emotions so her death it sits there in it and death sequences."
"The theme of change was brought home by Tsar Fang's words in the cinematic that preceded the Makarov: breaking the cycle."
"The big T's of the post-credits sequence is that Thanos is just gonna go get the gems himself, he's gonna stop working through third-party agents."
"The shared visions between Rey and Kylo Ren... ensure that Rey and Ren have an evolving relationship."
"Tarantino fundamentally understands how much a character's relationship with music can tell us about them."
"I will say another great moment I think is her handing him the lights again. A force power that was established solely so that they could then pay it off, which I guess you know that's set up to pay off, that's fine."
"It's about families, characters, not midi-chlorians."
"Halo 6 has the potential to be one of the most cinematic but emotional sci-fi human stories to date."
"The iconic wordless montage of Carl and Ellie's married life."
"King Kong is a filmic fairy tale ultimately."
"I’d like to think this movie, since it was written by a Mayan writer/director, is the artistic interpretation of how this dictator should have met his end instead."
"The flashes of Padme begging Anakin with her eyes and then Luke doing the same suddenly snapped Vader out of existence completely."
"They wrapped up all the emotional moments... that you always wanted to have wrapped up."
"Maybe Bucky Barnes sacrifices his life to save Iron Man."
"The superhero community spirit of this climax is the most earned I think since that of NYC."
"The beauty of homecoming is how it elaborates on that by bringing the familiar the high school drama and couple that with the hero worship of Tony Stark."
"Character motivations need to be established in the context of the movie, and the justifications behind them need to be guided by past experiences to make them airtight."
"I have a lot more faith in James Gunn handling how that storyline will play out in separate movies."
"Robert Pattinson is almost in every scene, telling a Batman point of view driven story."
"If you're not willing to accept the most fundamental truth of your life that you are going to end then you're not going to be willing to accept anything else either."
"The final cinematic of Cataclysm was a sad scene of the dragonflights fulfilling their guardianship of the planet."
"My suspicion... is we're going to get one more Dune movie that wraps up the rest of the story."
"If Marvel Studios got the rights to all the Marvel characters, what storyline would you want to see on screen?"
"Epic Transformers battles will not only take place there though because part of the story also plays out in Machu Picchu in Peru."
"The action scenes are as brutal as the story."
"You've earned it. For me, that was like... he's saved the world who knows how many times and now he's able to... slow dance."
"Marvel's unsung heroes finally get sung after the mega-powered battles and Hulk-level catastrophes."
"one of the most heartbreaking character montages in film history"
"Nolan's attention to detail on the partial IMAX production — including shooting on the site of the real-life events that inspired it — will no doubt serve his tale of heroism and survival well."
"That lies the genius of the ending of The Empire Strikes Back."
"I think maybe my favorite shot in the last Jedi is the eyes of Leia on crate and that one and a half second of her eyes covered. She's just simply waiting but in that moment though, the eyes tell the story of all the loss in her life."
"Apollo 13 is an extraordinary movie because you know how it ends."
"Even though it's just a movie, it's what happens after the credits that matters."
"Naughty Dog is truly the master of balancing player agency within a tightly cinematic experience."
"Through this film, we are shown that true love can happen to anyone regardless of background. True love will come to anyone who believes in its existence in this world."
"Every scene meant something, every scene led into another scene perfectly."
"I loved it personally. I thought it did a great job of telling a self-contained story about Wanda dealing with her grief."
"This film has three acts: an opening slower act which is on the ground, a tension-filled sinking middle act which takes place in the sea, and a triumphant third act where we finally take to the skies."
"Rogue One is so epic because it puts you in the shoes of someone who has no lightsaber and puts a lightsaber across from you and says good luck."
"When listening to Yoda talk about the force, he really paints a picture of it as being a living breathing part of the universe just as real as anything else."
"And I also, you know, I wanted, I knew when people went nuts about the ending of infinity war, the end game was going to work really well mm-hmm and I was just excited to give those people the closure that they so desperately know."
"We learned that in Infinity War, it's the reaction of other characters to the deaths of characters that is the most impactful."
"The plot and theme of striving to be good may be simple, but the rest of the movie makes up for it."
"And what this multiversal war and the incursions could then lead to is the potential destruction of the 616 universe and maybe even the entire multiverse and that could then lead into Battleworld for the next Avengers movie afterwards."
"Any movie that can retroactively make other movies look better and be like 'wow that was awesome'... pay respect to a lot of characters... is actually more impressive than both endgame and maybe even Infinity War."
"I really appreciated Luke's tragic story in this movie."
"We decided to tell the journey to Atlantis on a more human scale, where you'd get all the fantastic scenery but the story that you're really tracking is more of a human one."
"This is why we don't have the full story and out of all the films that needed prequel content age of Extinction is probably the one that needed it the most."
"Thor finally becomes the leader that Odin wanted him to be in this film, lacking the nobility of a king sure, stripped away from his grandeur throne and crown or helmet or whatever, none of that matters."
"Jurassic Park ends in a wordless scene; Malcolm is humbled by nature's wrath, Hammond faces the defeat of his life's work, and Grant and Sattler become the family unit they talked about becoming at the beginning of the movie."
"Black Panther is about this entire world, it's not just about T'Challa."
"It's not just about the characters who are in it, it's also about the villains that the Cinematic Universe creates."
"I will spoil that you do learn a little bit about the backstory of Ali and Johnny before Daniel came to town."
"I loved it... the way they built this up is they go from being beaten down so now we're fighting back."
"Moonlight is just exceptionally empathetic. It just brings us right into the world of this kid who's just struggling to find warmth in his life in a world where his emotions are frequently abused."
"Manga can feel inherently cinematic even despite its lack of moving pictures."
"It's a movie about how we have nostalgia for times in which we don't live."
"To see his entire life leading up until that time laid out so poetically and cinematically has been a real gift for me."
"The storm does more than just set the mood; it's a vehicle through which Bong Joon-ho examines climate change."
"It's not just a long epic film; it's also a film that has a lot to say about grief, and a lot of it is deeply profound, remorseful, and even cathartic."
"Not only did the first entry invent stealth mechanics, but Metal Gear Solid introduced a level of cinematic quality and framing to cutscenes that meant the industry would never be the same again."
"Kendrick's writing style reminds me of Jordan Peele, John Singleton, Spike Lee."
"The ending sets up Batman's origins, I think in the best way in a long time."
"The movie also does a great job of setting up individual moments."
"The three existing films make a wonderful little trilogy."