
Market Knowledge Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"In order to beat the top of the pyramid, those are the guys you're competing with, you have to know the game."
"If you're here and you're learning, even if you're not betting yet and making any money in the market yet, even if you're just learning, you're still ahead of 99% of people."
"That should tell you he knows what he's talking about."
"Understanding the market is the first key to doing well in the market."
"The community has gone from not knowing much about the market to being some weird form of a hive mind."
"I think it's just such a great opportunity to have somebody who's who seasoned with with excellent reviewers way more than me in terms of markets."
"You don't have to know what everything is worth you only have to know how to price check it."
"Know your order types: market, limit, and stop loss."
"Understanding Chinese regulation is crucial for investing in China."
"Equip yourself, work on your credit, your income, your assets, become an expert in your local housing market."
"Educated consumers know how to buy and sell products."
"Gold and silver know what's going on right now."
"This is not genius, this is basic knowledge of how markets work."
"So the most successful Traders are traders who are they're they're they're smart they're driven they have a real aptitude for the markets but very importantly they have discipline."
"The icon market is all about knowing card prices."
"Knowing what they're up to gives you a huge Advantage as an investor."
"Learning about markets is one of the greatest skills."
"You got to become a real estate professional, know your market."
"Let's not be hopeful traders, let's be informed traders."
"Retail investors are getting smarter and not falling for the FUD as much."
"I think you're so spot on with land house is a little bit less because you just know there's a buyer because it's houses right but with land I think you really want to understand that land buyer your ideal buyer before you start going and getting land deals."
"You've got to really know your Market, know what's going to do well, figure out what those high price point things are, those things of value and grow those things."
"Exactly this type of thinking produces exceptional returns when Mr. Market is deeply prejudiced against what you know to be a wonderful business."
"There are going to be two kinds of buyers: the savvy buyers who know how the game works."
"If you're investing out of your own market you really need to find somebody who knows the market well, who can guide you onto what's going to work, what's not going to work."
"Everything that you learn in this market is there's not one golden tool, ladies and gentlemen."
"You need to get a mortgage advisor. They are worth every penny, highly recommend. They know so much about the market. They can help you out quite a lot."
"Knowing what buyers want is key to selling your home."
"The advantage of India has versus the US is a lot of companies are underfollowed or they are not well understood, and so I can find more gap between price and value."
"I would say some understanding of where to fish, I found useful. I think we do really well on our Turkey investments."
"It boggles my mind how many people out there just don't understand how the used guitar and musical instrument market works."
"So, look for Justin Mamish. They're still out there. There's a few things that are dated and don't apply to today's market, but you'll sift through it. There's still some timeless stuff in there that's good."
"The markets are bigger than all of us combined. Be humble with it all."
"You have to understand the market in a deep way."
"Know the market. Paying attention to the market will help in your negotiation strategy."
"Now it's very important you learn what your cash buyers want so that you can bring them deals that fit their criteria."
"Don't let the fear of being priced out of the market cause you to do something stupid."
"Just trade what you know and you will make."
"Sometimes we just relearn the same things we already know which is why history and reading and just like knowing market history in general is really helpful..."
"If you're brand new to the real estate industry, you can use a part-time career to learn more about the market before you invest."
"We need to know about our market, what drives the market."
"Know your market, know your cattle."
"Buy what you love, sell what you know. It's the only way you consistently survive and make money in this business."
"There's great opportunity in becoming familiar with these general characteristics that make higher-end items."
"Know where you are in the market."
"Once you begin to know the market itself and its behavioral patterns, the world will open up to you as far as how to approach it."
"Do you know the difference between a buyer's market and a seller's market?"
"Your knowledge of the market and the industry, and your ability to think strategically, can build a strategy."
"Know your market, know your audience."
"Understanding how the market moves and when it's going to move and why it's going to move."
"Make sure you understand what you're doing first, make sure you understand how the markets really work, and absolutely make sure you understand the risk involved."
"You need to know your value and you need to know your market so you can charge accordingly."
"We need to know all the facts, and I believe the market will eventually balance itself out once all this information comes out."
"You get people who understand the product and markets, not career corporate executives."
"I understand the problem, I understand the market, understand tech, I understand business."
"There is no substitute for real life trading experience."
"It's not just about creating the product, right? It's also about setting the price and you got to know the market that you're selling into."
"Not knowing how to differentiate between a bull market versus a bear market versus a neutral market is why you keep failing."
"Core tenants to high probability trading is you got to know yourself, know the market you're trading, don't dilute your attention, trade only the model you're working with."
"No man can succeed in the market unless he acquires a fundamental knowledge of economics and thoroughly familiarizes himself with conditions of every sort."
"Market experience is absolutely key."
"In a bull market, I do very well because I understand the tech."
"I'm a firm believer that the Bond Market knows more than anyone else with the exception of short-term money markets."
"I've seen it all before, and I'm talking from experience being in this market for the last seven years."
"If you don't understand the structure of the market, you'll never understand which way to trade."