
Business Valuation Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"The intrinsic value can be defined simply: It is the discounted value of the cash that can be taken out of a business during its remaining life."
"Uncertainty scares people...but the more uncomfortable you feel valuing a company, the greater the payoff to doing evaluation."
"A great business isn't a great investment if you get it at the wrong price."
"Scientology is an abusive family-destroying cult."
"Earnings is not the metric to use when you are valuing Amazon."
"Just because the market price is down doesn't mean that a business isn't fundamentally valuable and going to grow... that distinction starts to present significant opportunities in a market condition like this."
"The Yeezy business is valued at between 3.2 and 4.7 billion."
"The investment is rumored to have valued Canyon at 800 million euros."
"I believe the valuation of the company is attractive."
"Starlink's optimistic projections... give Starlink a valuation of at least 70 billion dollars."
"Kitsch's valuation plummeted after false safety allegations."
"It's better to buy a great business at a fair price than a fair business at a great price."
"The payment side of things will probably be more valuable than all the rest of Twitter combined."
"Tesla isn't priced on their cash flow, Tesla is priced on their ability to grow and maintain margin."
"So that is what renown is you might then be wondering well i want more of this renown how do i actually get it and what is my weekly gameplay going to be well let's answer that you get two renown levels per week by doing each of two weekly quests."
"Palantir IPO'd in September of 2020 at an initial evaluation of $15.2 billion."
"So if you take all the shares outstanding, times the share price, you've kind of got the market cap, which is roughly what the company's worth, if, you know, if someone's willing to buy it."
"One small part of Tesla may soon be worth a trillion dollars."
"Private companies are often worth very different amounts to different buyers or investors."
"Private companies are generally worth less than public companies of the same size."
"So, this IPo values Rivian at about 100 billion dollars, making it the eighth most valuable auto company in the world."
"Even if my three boxing events make 80 to 100 million dollars in total, the valuation of this company will be three to six billion."
"Everything that you've said doesn't match your intention, and to come back and say you'd go for a range between five and ten, value your company anywhere between one and two million, is a bit of a joke actually."
"Beyond Meat sells for 14 times 2021 revenue, the tattooed chef sells for 5.4 times 2021 projected revenue."
"I think if someone does swoop them at a value... the board would vote to not sell it for less than a lead asset value."
"So Uber is a business that if I'm looking at on a long term basis, it should be a company that has a market cap someday of 150 billion dollars, 200 billion, 250 billion if they can get there over let's say the next five years."
"The stock market actually does, for being as frenetic as it is, it does a really good job of reflecting the actual value that is created by these companies over time."
"Napkin math: quickly valuing a company with just a piece of paper."
"Valuing a company is part science, part art."
"Risk factors must be considered in projecting a company's future worth."
"Understanding investor mindset is key to valuing a company."
"Picking the right company at the right valuation is key."
"The reason why Tesla is significantly more valuable than other automakers... it's the return on invested capital."
"I need to get access to their numbers so I can figure out exactly how much this place actually makes and ultimately how much it's really worth."
"I came here looking to make partners with you at a very reasonable valuation that was done by experts not by someone that says well I see what the wine industry is."
"We believe the price fairly represents the value of what's being offered."
"Extreme commitment is essential for achieving greatness."
"Cash flow companies will always be more valuable than those that don't produce cash flow."
"Tesla is pretty much at a $10 billion per year EBITDA run rate which is fantastic... pov ratios don't give adequate valuation metric or framework to really know how to value growth companies."
"Value is driven by what you are as a business."
"To me, its valuation of 530 million is just too low for the world it's about to disrupt."
"Your company's actually worth a lot less, and then you're free falling between where your company was valued and what the reality is, and man that could be a large large drop for some companies."
"And so, obviously, having a third-party report like that gives you a lot of confidence, and it certainly did give confidence to our investors, which is why we're at 1.5 billion evaluation."
"Starlink will IPO in three to five years and it will be very valuable."
"FTX, the second largest crypto Exchange in the world, valued at 32 billion dollars at its peak."
"Reservations for the Cybertruck are up to one million two hundred seventy thousand."
"I've learned that without a good story, valuations lose their meaning."
"Lucid now sitting at a 90 billion dollar valuation, still uncertain about manufacturing."
"Lucid's valuation is soaring, but we still don't have certainty about manufacturing."
"I took the business valuation, my net worth valuation, from 40 million to 120 million."
"The asking price for the business is less than the value to you."
"That's not a choice. You gotta value companies in the world you're in, not the world you wished you were in."
"To value any business, you have to ask: How much money am I getting? When am I getting my money? How certain is it that I'm going to get my money?"
"Don't price your item based on what you paid for something and what you want to get for something price your item based off the market value and what sold comps are telling you to price at sold and available comps are telling you to price at."
"If you had that business making you, and I'm saying net profit $100,000, and it was on Shopify, you would be able to sell that for a minimum of 300 to $400,000, okay?"
"Open AI's valuation exploded rocketing up to $90 billion."
"Adjusted present value and valuation are equally relevant."
"The majority of the value of a company comes in its ability to generate cash flows."
"This company is going to be worth billions and billions of dollars in my opinion."
"Every discounted cash flow valuation is built on the presumption that your company is a going concern."
"When you value a company, leave the room, show your valuation to people who think least like you."
"When you buy a company, you're buying a piece of the business, and every investment is the present value of all future cash flow."
"We've calculated the net present value of this business using a discounted cash flow analysis."
"Enterprise value is the gross value of all assets of the target company, be tangible or intangible."
"This amount establishes their proposed valuation which should ideally relate to actual business numbers such as sales."
"They're worth $9 billion, even though yeah, they're running through money, they're thinking that they're going to be profitable by the end of the year."
"Elon Musk stated that Tesla's insurance division could be worth 30 to 40 percent of the value of the entire automotive company."
"The valuation multiples themselves are just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to valuing a company."
"Unlevered free cash flow gives you a better idea of what the core business is worth, ignoring the cost of the company's funding from outside investors."
"Companies that have options to expand and options to abandon are going to be undervalued using conventional valuation approaches."
"Adani group has gone from a valuation of 16 billion dollars in the year 2015 to a hopping evaluation of 240 billion dollars in the year 2022."
"A business is ultimately equal to the sum of all the future cash flow it can provide."
"The present value of the free cash flow and terminal value are summed to determine an enterprise value."
"Enterprise value values the core operations of a business attributable to both debt and equity holders."
"Valuation is all about the future."
"Estimate the value of your business as if it had no debt, an unlevered firm value."
"The value of a company is the present value of all the cash it generates in the future."
"A good valuation connects stories to numbers; storytelling alone doesn't do it, and number crunching alone doesn't do it."
"A business with a CRM full of data is worth a lot more money if you ever needed to sell it."