
Arousal Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"In idiomatic swearing, words are being used purely for their ability to arouse the listener's autonomic nervous system, to gain their attention, to assert a macho or cool pose, or to express informality."
"Relationship attraction versus arousal are two different things."
"A woman's arousal is not like a man's, it's more about feeling wanted and desired."
"Sexual arousal leads to an increase in short-term mating interest."
"Experience our body gets aroused there is an intrinsic connection with what our mind does."
"It's a new relationship things are highly arousing."
"Arousal nonconcordance: genital response doesn't necessarily predict subjective experience."
"Before all that happens, a man will need to be aroused."
"Your heartbeat increases, your airways allow for greater air to come in."
"We're more turned on by how you make us feel."
"I need air and an ice cold shower"
"Women don't care about right or wrong, they care about what excites them, what turns them on."
"I never had any of that stuff that you're talking about. It never even aroused me."
"It damn near gives me a boner and today is no exception."
"It's the contrast of these two sensations particularly arousing."
"Women's arousal is created through mental stimulation, mental fantasy, emotional stimulation, and emotional fantasy."
"I can't bear the fact that it's totally dirty and disease-carrying and could suddenly land on me. That really turns me on."
"I woke up at dawn this morning and I was looking at the shape of the bars on the window and the Moonlight was shining through just right. I started getting horny."
"Sex is not the largest sexual organ, it's the brain."
"There's one called Zestra, has that come here yet? It's like women's Viagra."
"'It just gives me so hot and bothered.'"
"The prince feels aroused and desires more, and from his gleaming eyes and flushed face, Sean can tell what he is thinking."
"If I dated a woman with an English accent, my arousal factor with the woman would never deplete because the accent is such a turn on."
"We are all kind of walking around with full-blown erections all the time and it feels good."
"A moderate amount of arousal is gonna help these mice perform well in a maze."
"That got my heart going in a good way."
"Reticular formation serves as a sensory filter and regulates arousal."
"Oh, you know, I've never been aroused by a table before, but there's a first time for everything."
"I am super excited. I've never been this aroused by something so small."
"I'm hard as a [ __ ] right now, I'd be diamond in a [ __ ] ice storm."
"This is so sexy. I'm steaming. Oh, offense."
"I turn myself on when I go dancing."
"I am as close to sexually aroused by this as I could be."
"Oh man I have like literal Goosebumps across all of my ears yeah."
"Okay, rule number one: don't think about it because it's only going to turn you on."
"Touching my skin was exciting. I'm on fire."
"I just spilled my milkshake all over my boobs, and I got strangely aroused by it."
"You know what, that makes me feel real good right now. My temperature just went up like a hundred levels. You know what I'm saying?"
"When the time and the mood strikes you get harder than you ever thought you possibly could."
"She liked it. How could her body betray her like that? How could he make her pulse race?"
"That's flipping fantastic really turns me on actually."
"I think there's people who would be envious of how quick you can get hard."
"I've dreamed about being cuffed underneath him. I felt that fear and then a mix of desire. I mean it, I want this."
"It's like going to the store and buying a little bit of horny."
"Every naked person I see turns me on. Well, I'd hope so, otherwise they'd be standing in there for no reason and it would get really awkward really fast."
"For the man arousal is visible, visual, and it's obvious, but for a woman, it's totally invisible. It's only what's going on inside, and so, but just you have to."
"I am a little bit aroused to be honest with you."
"Music brings out arousal, energy, and evokes emotion."
"Sometimes you just get wet from the inside."
"She'd be heavily aroused after Gohan's Defiance."
"True Confessions of the Rich and Famous can be a turn on."
"So if we can get out of those shame compartments, clean up our sexuality, right, just get it clean, you'll see that it'll start not being aroused and you'll start noticing when it just has little ups and downs, too."
"Sex for a woman, for the most part, starts in the mind."
"Sympathy and arousal cannot coexist."
"This weather is getting me in the mood, I'm a little bit horny for some live sports."
"Yorkies-Dodson Law: we perform our best at a moderate level of arousal."
"Instead of Tensing Your Muscles As You Become Sexually Stimulated, Learn to Relax Them"
"Arousal: A state of alertness or being awake, preparing the body to react to stimuli."
"Nothing can give me a chub in my pants except for the sound of an opening playing at a very climactic moment in an anime."
"Everybody's horny. Women are horny."
"I'm hot and bothered, not in the fun way but in the bad way."
"I'm chubbing up over here, dude, that just happened!"
"Foot fetishes are so weird, sorry to shame anyone, but I looked it up and there are sensors in our brain where sexual arousal feelings are right next to the feelings in our foot, basically."
"Damn, that's kind of hot. Oh my God."
"Pornography increases dopamine in the brain, so you get this natural high."
"I, my nipples got so erect when I was watching that scene."
"Having a fever makes me more horny."
"You're gonna roast each other, but it turns you on."
"I'm getting all hot and bothered right now."
"She was so turned on by that that she [ __ ] him in his hospital bed."
"I have never been so turned on and scared in my whole life at the same time."
"Their conversations turned her on."
"No face girls are the best. Men want to see your face and they will pay a lot of money to do that. It turns them on, like the fact that they don't know who you are."
"If you find yourself horny for no apparent reason... it's a sign that you're about to come into Union."
"This person gets you hot, they get you bothered, they get you wanting to do some things."
"Guaranteed to make you dingle dingle tingle tingle tingle."
"Watching you transform, shift, whatever was kind of a turn on."
"Mysteries always give me a boner."
"That's the hottest thing I've ever heard."
"People love your body, there's something about your naked form that is very beautiful, or like half-naked form, and it makes people wonder, you know, like how wet can I get you, how messy can I get you? It's very arousing."
"People could be very aroused by the idea of you touching yourself to them."
"Something that really arouses people about you is how wet you get, they really like that a lot."
"Everything you do is just kind of seductive. You are just a natural seductress or, you know, seducer, and people are very aroused by that."
"They find you arousing not just physically, but emotionally. Your ability to guide and accept others is a turn-on."
"You have a very warm presence; people feel comforted and aroused by your voice."
"People really like the sound of your voice; they're very comforted by it, but I think people are also honestly very aroused by your voice."
"People are aroused by the idea of being disciplined by you, feeling a thrill in surrendering to your authority."
"Your intellect and ability to challenge others mentally is a major turn-on, fascinates and arouses them."
"People are immediately turned on."
"You do a good job at whatever it is that you do, I feel like pile number three. We have sucking on your nipples. Yeah, very sexual."
"It made her feel fear yet also arousal. Devils found power attractive after all."
"The view of that wonderful pear-shaped bum and long tapered legs was starting to give me a definite stiffening in my groin."
"Guys are turned on by the girl they like, all girls, and girls who show their cleavage. So guys are basically turned on all the time."
"Guys are turned on by what they see. Show them a bit of your boob or some of that long leg of yours, and bam, testosterone city."
"Dirty talk is a lot more powerful than most guys realize."
"Dirty talk is a tool for amping up a woman's arousal in the bedroom."
"...if you're playing violent video games and you're jerking off to it, yes, go and seek help. Of course, you should not be getting sexual arousal like that."
"It's the inattention that gets this person going. It's what's going on below the surface that excites them."
"Some of the weirdest porn to jack off to... stuff that's not porn at all."
"A moderate level of arousal leads to maximum performance."
"Men who walked across the shaky bridge were more likely to call her up because they misattributed the arousal from the bridge to the woman."
"I mean, it makes you horny, it really does, it lured."
"As arousal increases, so does performance up to a certain point, but once you get into this zone, past that zone, we see that performance will start to decrease."
"It's a cocktail of fear and arousal, which is a very, very potent thing."
"Building attraction and comfort - you need to build arousal at the end of the Comfort building stage."
"I'm a sapiosexual. I love having deep conversations and learning things that I may not have known. That's the quickest way to turn me on."
"You get turned on by people who perform acts of service, especially for you."
"Why was that so hot? Oh my God, why was that so hot?"
"Does that mean you're not going to be able to get as aroused? Like I can't go lift weights heavy?"
"Responsive sex drive types are not low desire, they just need to feel physically aroused first and then that mental desire will follow."
"Music turns you on, it really does, nothing else does."
"Happiness is kind of like... it's almost like a dopaminergic feeling. It's almost like an aroused feeling, autonomically right, you just kind of feel up, like you're smiley, you're giggity."
"As an individual's arousal or state anxiety increases, so too does their performance."
"Arousal as a universal embedding for spatiotemporal brain dynamics."
"Heat and blood pulsed through me; there was no stopping the way my body swelled in reaction to her."
"The Yerkes-Dodson law says that the optimal arousal depends on the complexity and difficulty of the task to be performed."
"The components of emotion are physiological arousal, psychological appraisal, and subjective experiences."
"These dogs don't attack from nowhere; it's always arousal, and they show you a lot of warning signs generally before they do something bad."
"My heart beats so fast when you're around, you awaken my body on every level."
"The two-factor theory of emotion states that emotion is based on physiological arousal and the cognitive interpretation of that arousal."
"Performance increases with arousal but only up to a certain point."
"Arousal and anxiety is necessary for high-level performance."
"As arousal increases, so does performance, within reason."
"The reticular activating system is a bundle of nerves that sits in your brain stem and its job is to regulate behavioral arousal, consciousness, and motivation."
"This will mean that she's able to reach optimal arousal levels."
"The Yerkes-Dodson law of optimal arousal states that we ought to be a little nervous if we want to execute at our best."
"As arousal increases, so does performance, until it hits optimum."
"Optimum is where we're saying this is the best point of arousal for our performance."
"Positive self-talk generally raises your arousal."
"The body also releases dopamine when we're scared, creating a state of arousal similar to when we're excited."