
Relationship Healing Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"I pray that you heal their relationship, I pray that you remove people that don't need to be in their lives."
"This full moon can heal relationships, allowing you to release pain and embrace opportunities for healing and growth."
"Your current relationship is undergoing deep healing and transformation."
"Healing requires action and accountability from both partners."
"They're wanting to heal this relationship with you but it's like they have all of these words... but then when it comes down to it... they're still all right."
"Most good couples therapists will start with those kinds of questions."
"Both of you can find a way to mend this connection."
"They're hoping that the universe is still watching over the connection... helping you both to heal and come back together."
"They really want to heal things though and be able to move forward with you one day."
"If you find it hard to trust in a new relationship, it means you haven't healed from your last one."
"To heal the relational Dynamic on a deep level, both parties need to do significant Shadow work."
"You have something really good, a commitment coming here in a relationship that's going to heal."
"If your heart is longing towards someone who, for example, that you've separated from and you want to find a solution with, then there is a good fortune turning point in that relationship because that is what your heart is desiring."
"Their heart is awakening, these things can be healed."
"They want to bridge the gap between your differences and reconnect."
"This is someone that wants some form of reconciliation with you."
"They want to heal a marriage or heal a situation with you."
"This communication... is going to bring an end to all these difficult energies."
"You guys will always have this loving, forgiving energy with one another."
"They really understand that they hurt you and they don't want to do that anymore."
"Endings bring new beginnings. There is movement forward, a rebirth of relationships for a healthier way of being."
"Your future, your focus right now, okay for many of you is about healing the difficulty within the relationship."
"Your financial situation will greatly improve and you and your loved ones will experience healing and restoration in your relationships."
"We talked enough that night and on all the nights that followed to turn the knitted scab of our new relationship into a permanent ridge of smooth strong scar tissue bonding us together."
"They need emotional support on how to cope, how to set boundaries, how to earn respect, how to heal this important relationship."
"You're manifesting communication with someone who you need to forgive or they need to forgive."
"I think about every day is how to get my family back."
"I believe we can heal in relationships. It's easy to be alone and say, 'Okay, nothing's bothering me anymore,' but you're not in the environment of the potential for something to bother you."
"There's also a lot of healing in long-term homosexual relationships."
"Sex is one of the things that helps to smooth over the painful parts of a relationship."
"Treat sex as sacred inside of a relationship, as part of the healing balm and the ointment that brings us back together when there is conflict."
"This relationship is going to be the key to opening your heart again."
"Ruptures in relationships are very similar to wounds in the body: if ignored or put off, they fester and get worse."
"I feel like the star card is a renewal energy, a renewal of hope this is about can we gain clarity on this can we make this work can we have faith and put this relationship in the spotlight and heal it."
"It looks like it's going to be a very positive movement forward, Aquarius, whether you heal this with this person and then move forward with or without them. That is your call. We all have free will. There is love."
"You're not going to rebuild trust by continuing to abuse someone."
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know what I was causing you."
"Surrender the idea that you can fix someone."
"Finally, if you have a chance to travel with a main partner in your life to take a journey or a trip even if it's just a short distance, this can open up a healing quarter."
"A broken relationship can be healed, and sometimes the healing needs you to let go."
"Let me heal myself, and then I want to go to you."
"You're willing to forgive your person which is a very beautiful energy."
"Somebody wanting to apologize for something, somebody's telling me they love you and they want to apologize maybe for giving up on something too soon."
"Christmas is a time for forgiving, a time to heal old wounds and restore relationships that have gone awry."
"You're going to have a reconciliation with this person. It's going to be a huge breakthrough."
"Whatever this relationship is, it's eventually going to heal, there's eventually going to be communication."
"Hearts can heal and love can restore when both parties want to put in the effort."
"This person wants to return to you, they're learning, and they want to make it right."
"Since we found each other again, I feel complete. And now it's not just me and Mom but Dad too."
"A power move is about to be made that's going to shock and surprise you to make the effort to reconcile and being very nurturing and supportive."
"This is going to be a relationship of healing."
"Reconciliation in relationships, clear communication leads to understanding and dedication."
"Manifest as a soulmate partnership... some sort of reconciliation... a karmic partnership."
"Relationships for you are going over a major healing point right now."
"Even still, despite the pain, they would like to come back together."
"If you want the relationship in the past to be healed, there has to be a letting go."
"This is truly about a deep healing and a reconnection, where we've had a falling out, major fight."
"This is not a karmic person. Your karmic debts have been repaid."
"Definitely a feeling of harmony being restored if something has happened in a relationship."
"Phoenix rising from the ashes, you could also see relationships that have really been strained challenged a lot of pain, there's healing to that through this Libra new moon."
"Some of you will be coming back together with this person."
"They want to release the karma, rediscover the connection, experience harmony and healing."
"I'm in love with you. I care about you. Let's fix whatever it is that has been hidden in the dark."
"They want to offer you love, they want to bring clarity in this situation again."
"He's renewing what's broken, he's renewing the relationship, he's restoring. It's done in the mighty name of Jesus."
"There is potential for you and this person to come together and heal things."
"As you heal, equal relationships will get easier for you."
"They find you very attractive, they want this passionate beginning, they think about you a lot. They want to heal the situation."
"Just the fact that I could get an opportunity to apologize to you would mean the world to me."
"Your person wants to communicate with you, your person wants to speak about everything that happened in the past between you and them and they want to clear things up and they want to move forward positively."
"You have been very patient and optimistic about healing this connection and achieving balance."
"Spirit wants them to be grateful for you Pisces and bring you back around."
"You have a chance here with Divine Feminine at a whole brand-new start, a whole brand new beginning."
"Love and opportunity, but things still need to be healed and worked out."
"You guys are on a journey to union, a journey to finding balance and healing within yourself first, and I do feel very many of you that you guys are bound to find your way to one another."
"This relationship is going to be healed, they're not taking this lightly."
"What they may be accepting is okay well it's going to take me a while to regain Pisces trust."
"They're tired of doing this in moderation. They're tired of whatever distance you guys have had. They want to bridge the gap."
"I really want to have those relationships and I think that things can be healed where people want to heal them."
"A person who messed up has a much greater chance of being forgiven and repairing the relationship."
"Time will tell and that's the story of a man who had to confront his deep fears and face the cracks in his relationships."
"The more you keep investing in yourself... the faster you're going to heal your relationship because you're going to heal you."
"Touch disarms people and if you're having any sort of strife or any tension in your relationships, incorporating touch can heal it."
"To be able to speak life into a marriage that seems like it's ending is so powerful."
"I had healed a lot of those relationships with my parents, with friends."
"It's healing when someone you feel like just doesn't understand you, did all this stuff that destroyed safety, now all of a sudden they can paraphrase exactly how you're feeling and they understand it."
"A lot of you have come back into union with someone that you love, and that is amazing, freaking beautiful."
"God is so good to bring restoration when two people drift far apart."
"I'm letting go of the things that come between us."
"What's love got to do with it? That's what we're going to talk about: healing the crisis in black male-female relationships."
"Having a trial separation can be a beautiful healing space where both people come together and there's a renewed sense of appreciation."
"You gave me love and validation when I felt rejected from my marriage."
"They're hoping that the two of you can restore this connection to a state of peace and a state of harmony."
"This relationship has the power to be regenerated."
"Reconciliation, reunion, back together. I miss you."