
Critical View Quotes

There are 312 quotes

"There is a separate category for blasphemous hair and makeup because the actual bane of my existence."
"The only thing that matters is the overarching narrative—a narrative that the Democrats keep backing."
"What we're looking at right now very simply could be the end of our democracy."
"But since it is merely a meaningless list, and it is a list based entirely on the things that I had fun with this year, what's missing from it is perhaps the least relevant thing I can think of."
"Elron Hubbard was so obviously a fraud, a con man, and a liar during his entire life."
"They seek to kill and steal and destroy human beings."
"The Catholic Church is an enemy, and to pretend it's anything but is ridiculous."
"Technology has changed society massively, and even though it's offered some perks, it has not changed society for the better."
"Scientology couldn't have a worse Public Image but they labor under the delusion that the world actually welcomes Scientology."
"2020: the year things started to get really crazy when the left decided to abandon common sense and decency."
"If people actually did adhere to the morality in the Bible, it would not be a pretty world."
"This is an absolute controlled demolition of our society, economy, way of life."
"We're already using pacemakers and our cell phones and googling everything and the scary part about that argument that you always hear being made is how admittedly true it already was."
"No matter how pretty the dress is if I know that this person is basically killing themselves on a daily by not eating by doing drugs so they don't eat in order to fit into the dress that dress is automatically horrible."
"Education is a central Battlefield upon which this country's future will be settled."
"I started this video with the intent to Forever change the way that you look at these wrinkly ball sack chin zealots."
"There's absolutely almost zero benefit in doing this."
"American Vandal therefore serves as a reminder that we are indeed working with limited information."
"There are far worse things in this record to be dwelling upon."
"January 6th shouldn't have alarmed you because by January 6th, you should have already been alarmed."
"Religion can be misused for evil purposes, and even many Christian fundamentalists will understand that there are people who are like false prophets, so to speak."
"Our nation is starving for more than empty platitudes."
"So this is your future, huh? Wow, looks way worse than I thought."
"People don't trust the mainstream; they know they're gonna do them dirty."
"Bernie was a letdown. Talk about talk about a betrayal."
"The media has effectively become propaganda."
"America really (beep) up somewhere down the line and decided that hospitals would operate no different than a movie theater or porn theater or some other porn thing."
"This is the biggest global power grab that we've seen in our lifetimes."
"Anyone who’s worked in a job where they say 'we’re like family here' knows that that’s just an excuse your boss uses to guilt you into overworking."
"I'm no longer watching like I don't even want to say what I'm about to say because there's no way to say it nice."
"They think they know better than everybody." - "They think they know better than everybody."
"I don't know that it was all bad like some people say, but there are definitely facets that hampered our enjoyment of the experience."
"Don't Google trickle-down. It's a nonsense term made up by the left."
"I don't know if everyone is the new tobacco, yeah I think that's of everything that's the worst."
"Social media is melting the brains of humanity."
"It's truly insane, and it's only getting worse."
"The state of the world is a little bit broken right now."
"Also, some people are just assholes, they really are."
"The game feels like perhaps the best possible version of a fundamentally flawed design ideology."
"We're on the precipice of a generations-long planned depopulation agenda."
"We cannot have a Republican Party that in 2024 and in every cycle beyond that looks back and thinks that running as the Trump candidate is the path to success."
"The system doesn't have a reverse gear. For our economy to continue, it has to grow."
"The Vatican is a Global organized crime Institution."
"Potential just means you haven't done [ __ ] yet right that's all potential is right."
"Daniela Pineda's Faye Valentine is easily the biggest departure from her anime counterpart in ways that are apparent just looking at her."
"People who claim to love America would ever brutalize police officers and beat them up with American flags."
"There's no way to slice that where that is not bad stuff and it appears to be bad stuff."
"We live in a moment where the world is upside down in the collective West in the United States things are falling apart, the Empire is crumbling."
"The Republican party was against the Affordable Care period."
"We live in a world where people dream sick until proven healthy."
"Pickup artists promote dishonesty and to see dating as a game literally."
"I just think that all of this rhetoric is dangerous to say the least."
"There is nothing to show for the majority but chaos, cruelty."
"It all kind of starts to paint honestly like an uncomfortable picture."
"Watch out for nationalism and patriotism, it's cult behavior."
"MLMs are an almost guaranteed economic loss and a very not fun culty vibe."
"Business is not something we should take for granted or vilify."
"Quarantine was effectively a death sentence."
"There's something fundamentally wrong with this worldview."
"99% of what you call science is purely conceptual."
"Russ fully shuts down and wants to pull the plug on the entire walkthr and that's because there is no Mami Manor I am positive of this."
"The kind of things that are going on in China are pretty damn appalling."
"Most people are going to look at this and go, 'Okay, this is not good.'"
"If you pay thirty dollars to watch a lifeless, pointless, rehashed remake of a Disney cartoon that you've already seen, you should lose your citizenship rights."
"Sacrifice that year of education, millions of jobs, lives of people committing suicide, including kids. Not enough."
"Teachers like government, especially when they're in unions. I like government too. I admire it but it's so often wrong."
"I think this could be very bad for Trumpism."
"If these people are so craving and desperate that they will support this man even with this, they will do whatever is necessary to hold on to power."
"The cult of Onision already puts Onision and his self in a religious context because outside of that, we again tend to think of cults as not being religious."
"Toxic diet culture language fuels unrealistic body expectations."
"Scott Mendelsohn is the journalism equivalent of John Campea."
"Can you believe that a school can go as far as organizing a 'special', but fake prom in order to punish your unsuitable behavior, choice, or appearance?"
"For all the good that video games do, there's a sinister side."
"The whole idea that one race good, other race bad is just empty and shallow, stupid, reductive thinking."
"I lost faith in the government in 9/11... I know that they were doing some shady stuff."
"Americans right now are getting the politics that they deserve good and hard"
"The rejection of faith in favor of science has led to the destruction of both faith and science."
"The country is falling apart, my friends. It's that simple."
"Reality has a way of getting in the way of people's dreams to centrally plan a society." - Austin Peterson
"Religion mandates slavery, rape, and genocide in holy books."
"I loved it for every single thing. I loved it for how terrible it was."
"The magical thinking fueling the idea of Oprah in 2020 is a worrisome sign."
"The advice in Rachel Hollis' book is essentially what the worst part of your brain is telling you when you're actively suffering from an eating disorder."
"It doesn't fill one with hope that we've now got our priorities correct."
"The customer is always right? No, they really, really are not."
"America is so behind on our prison systems that it's disgusting."
"It's clear to all the top bras around him that it's Hitler's fault this did not need to happen."
"That's not Catholicism, I'm sorry. Let's increase our devotion to the Blessed Mother, that's the answer."
"Beauty gurus came out here worse than all under the bad lighting, before the lip jobs and the teeth jobs, and before the filters and the fillers."
"If I was on the government side, that's for sure. I'm going to be highly skeptical."
"Although I appreciate Kanye's honesty, I think most of his agenda is about Kanye."
"Why this isn't that's precisely it that why we didn't I mean we've had these I knew at the outset of this pandemic that no one in the world is better."
"I think that it might have revived the thinking of the establishment."
"Rise of Skywalker does almost nothing but depreciate the films before it."
"Let's start looking at these games seriously: Roblox might be worse than Fortnite."
"The pretext and justification which the lies surrounding 9/11 have given to waging a war of conquest under the banner of what we call the war on terrorism."
"The so-called fed pivot is the most ominous sign."
"Facebook is literally one of the worst things humanity has created unfortunately."
"Do we even have a democracy? No, no, no, we don't. It's not even close. We're not even in the same universe as a democracy or a republic."
"Throw out everything else, it's the economy, you silly goose!"
"Mostly what's happening in the world is negative... it is the old world showing its truth... we start going on the path of what we do want the world to happen until the first 18 days of October."
"This fraud cannot continue; it is collapsing, and this is the peak of it all."
"America's stance on climate change is crucial."
"I feel like society, although information is way more accessible than ever, is getting so much dumber."
"The fear that's being promulgated in this society worldwide is probably the most dangerous thing."
"The solution has got to be shutting these places down."
"The Bears aren't as bad as I probably say they are."
"There are some sick little bastards out there."
"The Pride movement is so enticing CU it deceives you into thinking it holds all the answers."
"Beliefs turn our natural impulses against us like autoimmune diseases."
"Most religions have been created by people on earth to suppress and control other people."
"Not to sound like an edgelord, but Christianity is fundamentally a doomsday cult."
"In some ways it can be a revolution but in a lot of ways it's overhyped."
"Nobody's held them accountable to their claims."
"A lot of this country's foundings are based on the idea that we thought we had the right to take over somebody else's land."
"Equality of outcome becomes an appalling doctrine because you didn't earn it, bitch. You don't fucking deserve it."
"Hyperinflation, taxation, migration, frustration, manifestation, irritation—all of it's happening."
"I think it's a good thing that kids are getting stupider with technology."
"Man of Steel is iconic despite its major faults."
"The woke coalition is cancerous and it will infect everything."
"The evidence is not only scathing but it's very suspicious as well."
"Pushing this woke agenda is always worth it financially and socially—well, no, it's not."
"They are the Prestige and the Illusionist of video games."
"Our financial situation right now, our financial systems right now, like you were just saying Max, take an exorbitant amount of power."
"Americans need to wake up, this democracy has become a meaningless facade."
"I personally think they're very predatory they're very scammy they tend to target like moms stay-at-home moms."
"The idea that everyone had to take this one vaccine and that everyone had consequences if they didn't it's like what a disgusting collectivist like hive mind nightmare fuel situation is that."
"There needs to be massive change at that football club."
"This straight up felt like they were just filling up time until the next series arrived."
"The United States military is becoming a college campus, a social experiment, and he's exactly right."
"He is 100% owned by Israel, owned in his mind as well as possibly literally."
"If we don't win the election in 2024, I really believe that America is finished."
"Putin man bad... Putin is bad... he's an irredeemable piece of [ __ ]."
"PG&E is not only not in prison, it is still supplying power to millions of Californians who have no choice in the matter. And if you're thinking how the heck is that possible, that is what this story is about."
"It'd be hard for me to believe that a single protein causes heart damage which it does causes neurologic damage which just does and causes blood clots that the protein also causes cancer."
"Locking the entire global population in their homes was a bad idea."
"Trend is often over abused in my opinion and it is a very effective drug at what it does but it's certainly not necessary for the majority of individuals who are even performance-enhanced athletes that are trying to push the envelope."
"That's the largest transfer of wealth in human history, I want you to think about that."
"Golf seems like a bit of a fake sport if I'm being honest. Like what's the deal?"
"Prosperity Gospel is honestly just bullying and fear-mongering."
"Gun-free zones are the most dangerous places on earth."
"My friend says there's no hate like Christian love. Absolutely. And Jehovah's Witnesses are masters at that."
"It's a very superficial issue and it's a lot of noise and America is missing the point."
"They may better be able to fool you but they're not fooling me."
"It doesn't really matter if you're poor or rich... it's horse crap."
"She might just be a hater to be honest but is already the most crucial character of the season."
"The social change is appalling, drilling down to the live light."
"Democracy is now clearly just an illusion with the exception of extreme cases."
"Christianity teaches us kind of a self of this eration a self-hatred."
"Humans aren't very good at monogamy... in fact, we kind of suck at it if you look at all the data."
"If you drink beer every day... there are zero health benefits to consuming a poison."
"But I think he feels that what’s happened in this country was a bad thing and bad for our country."
"This process and almost everything about it is undemocratic."
"It's like where do you go from there other than, 'Okay, we got some serious tyranny here'?"
"It's not about breaking the fourth wave, it's about breaking people." - Christine Anderson
"Our modern conservative party more closely resembles a cult."
"We need to think about fossil fuels in the way we think of prescription drugs."
"Biden's mandate isn't a government regulation, it's a government assassination of your jobs."
"It's big stupid fantasy fun escape and my gripes about propaganda are a double-edged sword."
"The academic community has not performed well during this epidemic." - Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
"In the process of pushing their ideology, they will tear this industry to the ground."
"The entire premise of the show is basically wrong."
"Interestingly, Bloomberg's asset is money, you're saying that's what matters."
"Opinions are like everyone has one and on YouTube, they all stink."
"They lose money on every car that they sell."
"Shorting the stock market to me is the single worst trade in the world ever invented."
"It's not this policeman or that policeman... the whole idea is that there's something in the police training, in the system itself, that needs to be overhauled."
"Women benefit off men being the naive Captain Save-A-Street chick, Captain Save-A-Garden Tool, soft bastard mentality."
"Q is the realest thing you've ever set your brainwashed eyes on."
"It's like this horrible death cycle that the Chinese economy is in."
"These corporations that own 190 plus percent of the world won't do [ __ ]."
"This end goal is always apostasy but yeah there's many different... deceivers."
"To think that the big wigs of the world cannot agree to avoid mutually assured destruction sounds like madness on steroids."
"Religion can be a barrier to someone's progress in life."
"I feel personally offended by it because everything I loathe about this frankly miserable slug of a woman is what I hated about myself when I was in my early 20s."
"They are the number one, they are destroying this country. They are destroying this because what they're doing is they're keeping information from you, data from you."
"Religion was written by Bronze Age goat herders, emperors trying to answer questions, things they didn't understand, and sell wars." - Mike
"The ideas contained in these books are bad aspects."
"It's not fair to do that to an entire generation, it's sort of disgusting to me."
"Most of what passes for tradition often is not traditional at all."
"He is sometimes quite brutal in what he says. But I was impressed with the sense of alarm and even despair with which he looks at this."
"Certainly wouldn't advise anyone to buy it though, just laugh at it from a safe distance."
"The corruption here is not just in government, it's with the press."
"The Supreme Court does not know diddly about the nature and extent of the threat."
"Everybody is losing. It's the worst human science project I've ever seen."
"I hate it. I hate everything about this and this is going to have serious consequences."
"This video is weaponized optimism that steers people away from the only genuine solutions."
"We equate it to going to a doctor who draws all your blood out spills 40 of it on the floor then begins a transfusion for the remainder."
"I'm glad they're getting rid of Lynn Cheney. I wish they would get rid of all of the Republicans... have just one left."
"The media lies for a living. It should be on a t-shirt."
"There's a perception it's specifically rigged against us... it's very subtle."
"Anytime you see a bald cancer patient, that person was treated by someone who doesn't understand the biology of the disease."
"Melting down and transforming into something else entirely... that is the leftist project."
"The outcome of Andrew Tate's ideas is the continuation of a world that makes most people the playthings of bored Rich sex criminals."
"Ridiculous how everybody doesn't give a [ __ ] about creating new stars."
"I'm also truly shocked that a bunch of leftists and progressives came up with the worst idea in probably constitutional history."
"Immigration...a wall really?...doesn't even do what you want it to do."
"They're not healthy for the games industry, they're not healthy for the players."
"Twitter, I think it's a CIA op in my opinion. I think it's a scam. I just [__]."
"It's appalling really... it's not the summer it needed to be."