
Religious Reform Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"If Christianity can be reformed, Hinduism can be reformed, then Islam can be reformed too."
"During his reign, the Pharaoh Akhenaten was able to abolish the complex pantheon of the ancient Egyptian religion and replace it with a single God, Aten, who had no image or form."
"Akhenaten gave orders to his troops instructing them to close all the temples, confiscate its estates, and sacked the priests, leaving only Aten's temples throughout the country."
"During King Josiah's rule, he eradicated the site of child sacrifice to Moloch outside Jerusalem, as stated in 2 Kings 23:10."
"He purified it of its idols, he made it the Qibla, and he returned it to the glory that it was."
"There's only two possibilities: Reformation in our preaching or fierce, horrifying persecution."
"Jesus Christ himself was someone who fought against the religious conventions of his time."
"Islam is a religion of peace. If you talk about reformation, absolutely there are challenges."
"His message was to call humanity to the worshipping of the Creator and to destroy all kinds of injustice in the earth."
"Now is the time for the Catholic Church to throw off the shackles of the spirit of that cursed Second Vatican Council and make the church Catholic again."
"The great awakening was recognizing the... mccarrick infiltration... the sex abuse crisis."
"We're only at the top of the first inning... it's the greatest crisis the church has had since the Reformation."
"Many long-standing denominations are going to end up being brought down."
"Protestantism arose in response to real error, real idolatry, real violence and abuse."
"It's crazy... it's also the reason why it's so important to get Scientology's tax-exempt status revoked."
"Luther became the most published author of his time."
"The only thing that would allow for a genuine Reformation in Islam would be a school of thought that rejected the literal understanding of the Quran."
"I am NOT reforming Islam; I am restoring Islam."
"Reviving and reforming Hinduism, especially establishing the path of non-dualism."
"Stop holding on to your church tradition, your church custom. Don't be afraid to say it's wrong."
"Holiness cultivated in devout families that will spring a new life in the church over the course of a few generations a grassroots solution to reform to the reform of the church if you will."
"I believe this election cycle has revealed how desperately we need reformation in the prophetic movement."
"I actually believe we need an absolute overhaul in the prophetic charismatic movement."
"Sufism has a potential that kind of breaks through this institutionalized understanding."
"Christ was a protestant, a reformer. He protested against the formal worship."
"It's not an exaggeration to say that as a result of Luther's ideas, the modern individual was born, a free actor endowed with God-given rights that exist independent of government or any other institution."
"Christian spirituality and Christian apologetics needs to get out of the box they've been trapped in for the last 50 years."
"This new Church of England didn’t lean that hard into Protestant theology, but the real swerve was that the church answered only to the King."
"Jesus came to put an end to religion, not to create it."
"We need a progressive group of Muslims that break away from the pack."
"We need a prophet in every pulpit in the land today."
"Protestant Reformation: Magisterial vs. Radical."
"It's the day that Martin Luther nailed the 95 thesis to the door of the Wittenberg chapel, and so it's ironically it's the day God starts to shake up the religious order."
"My purpose here is to show you exactly what needs to be left within Islam."
"Every reformation... is always an attempt to get back to the roots of what Jesus was all about."
"Martin Luther protested against the Catholic Church's sale of indulgences by nailing his 95 Theses to the door of the castle Church in Wittenberg in 1517."
"I removed the high places of pagan worship, wrote down the images, memorial stones, and cut down the Asherim."
"I hope that I at age 65 I hope I live to see the day maybe under a future papacy in which a real reform of the reform of the Catholic liturgy takes place."
"It's time for the Church of Jesus Christ to do one or two things: to practice being Kingdom people living Kingdom lives, or take down the sign."
"Hezekiah was one of the few kings who abolished the high places of worship."
"We want to see it hurt but we want to see it flourish and the only way that's gonna happen is when Jesus Christ is honored and his truth is exalted and so we want to give bishops a way to do that to bring Reformation and good renewal to their own diocese."
"Josiah is remembered for pushing Yahweh-only worship, destroying rival worship centers."
"Josiah's reforms are celebrated as a direct fulfillment of prophecy."
"Judah expands under Josiah, cleansing rival shrines."
"Josiah's reign is written into the text as a direct fulfillment of prophecy."
"I want to be the Martin Luther of the 20th century and take the gifts of the Spirit from the five-fold ministry and liberate this great Army for the kingdom of God."
"More radical reformers like Rabbis Abraham Geiger and Samuel Holdheim believed that all ritual was an irrational superstition that should be eliminated."
"Jesus was revolutionary in his empowerment of women."
"Thomas Cromwell himself proposing that the great shrine monastery at little Walsingham in Norfolk... should become a college and be saved."
"Anne Boleyn was almost a kind of saint, thanks to her generosity to the poor and her defense of evangelicals."
"She came to champion seeing the Bible translated into English rather than that Latin."
"I think the church needs its own kind of reformation in its worship."
"King Josiah's reforms certainly led to a situation where monotheism slowly imposed itself."
"What Reform Judaism did was bridge that gap."
"The vision for the new Bible was not just an English translation to make it accessible to the everyday people; it was also a statement of Henry the eighth's political power and new authority as head of the church separated from Rome."
"The religious reforms introduced by Edward's government and overseen by Cranmer met with fierce opposition in the summer of 1549."
"All the false cults will be abolished, all the abuses of the revolution will be destroyed, and the altars of the true God restored."
"The purpose of all community is to care for the poor, to preach the gospel, and to work for the reform of the church."
"And Josiah took away all the abominations out of all the countries that pertained to the children of Israel, and made all that were present in Israel to serve, even to serve the Lord their God."
"The Catholic Church underwent its own Reformation, known as the Catholic Reformation or the Counter-Reformation."
"Martin Luther... starts in 1517 the Protestant Reformation. He challenges the authority of the Catholic Church."
"The Stela of Akhenaten and his family is an extraordinary ancient Egyptian artifact that offers unique insights into the reign of Pharaoh Akhenaten and his revolutionary religious reforms."
"He simply wanted the church to look to the Bible and embrace the teachings of Jesus and allow people to read the Bible for themselves and be guided by the Holy Spirit."
"If the church is doing harm and you care enough about the people that are being harmed... the church changes."
"I am rising now only to reform the Ummah of my grandfather."
"I don't believe that correction is only needed in the Catholic church; I believe correction is needed in every area of Christianity, in every denomination."
"I will erase all idol worshiping out of the land; I will remove both the false prophets and the spirit of impurity that came with them."
"Henry finally declared the invalidity of his first marriage with Catherine, but it wasn’t without any consequences since he had to break with Rome and affirm the royal supremacy over the Church of England."
"Elizabeth's father, Henry VIII, had broken from Rome."