
Yoga Philosophy Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"Our yoga is all about being in the moment and enjoying the journey rather than the destination."
"Stability or sthira is so important as we navigate the asana branch of yoga but this definitely bleeds into how we move and relate to others in our daily life."
"Yoga means just this that if you sit here you're in union with everything else in your experience."
"Why do we need to put pressure on older or less capable students? Yoga is being flexible, pliable, adaptable."
"In yoga, you don't have to make anything happen, you just gotta allow it to happen."
"Feeling that sense of manipura, that igniting our inner fire, that personal power, that self-belief, and that confidence."
"So hatha yoga means Sun and Moon yoga, so we're balancing the active and the passive qualities in the body."
"Remember thinking of hatha not going too far or straining but not taking it easy either, finding that perfect balance between strength and ease."
"Set your mind that you don't need to be strong or flexible. Your leg never needs to go behind your head in order for you to really understand the inner journey, and that's really the heart of yoga."
"So taking charge of the elements is the most fundamental form of yoga and all yoga, whatever kind of yoga, everything is an offshoot of Bhuta Shuddhi."
"Yoga is the union itself. Yoga doesn't mean just these fancy poses all the time. Yes, it's great for the physiology side of things, but yoga is to be in that self-actualized union with self ultimately."
"Never underestimate the power of your breath."
"Nobody owns Ashtanga vinyasa, nobody owns yoga."
"It's not what we do on the yoga mat today like the moves or the poses, but how we do it."
"Remember, it's not something we're trying to bring about, it's not the goal of a yoga practice."
"The practice continues from the mat into the world, to your life, from right here, forever."
"In yoga, we don't care about the end result. We're not worrying about perfectionism."
"So for me, Flow is not a style of yoga, a flavor, I mean sure it is. For me, it's about alignment. It's about knowing what you are allowing to guide you and control you, and what you're inviting to be a leader, a guide in your life."
"Yoga is not a system of thought. Yoga is to wake up from all systems of thought."
"The whole purpose of yoga, yoga chitta vritti nirodhah, Yoga is the suppression of the modifications of the mind."
"Yoga is not about the pose; it's an inside job."
"These postures are said to be like the bank of the river that directs and channels the water."
"There is nothing in existence which is not yoga; the word yoga means everything has become one."
"Yoga is talking about a level of perception where you have seen everything as one."
"This is the power of what we call Sankalpa in yoga; it's the power of intention."
"No worries, no judgments, just practice self-love and acceptance as you're practicing your yoga practice."
"It's not about how deep you're going in the pose, it's that you're staying connected to that open feeling of creating health, space, life in your body."
"Yoga is much more than asanas; it's a union of your mind and your body, your spirit, your soul."
"It doesn't matter how deep you go, it matters how deep you breathe."
"Yoga is chitta vritti nirodh, stopping the modifications of your mind."
"In yoga, what is sought is the possibility of a higher state of consciousness in which awareness is not obliterated but transformed."
"It's not about doing the poses perfectly, it's about the effort and intention you bring."
"Yoga believes in transforming the individuals before transforming the world. Whatever change we want to happen outside should happen within."
"There's no criticism or judgment in yoga. There's being present, being kind, being mindful."
"We all have blessings and we all have our burdens to carry, and the idea with the yoga practice is that it cannot be judged from the outside looking in but can only be felt from the inside radiating outward."
"Yoga means the linking together of man with God."
"When breath, body, and mind come into unity, then we have the state of yoga."
"The perfection of yoga is to become detached; the perfection of detachment is to become completely attached."
"Yoga has taught me how to adapt and to actually flow with change."
"This yoga is indestructible because it's part and parcel of who and what we are."
"Inhale a lot of prana, life force, into the body."
"Life itself is yoga, the whole of life is actually yoga."
"Find a level of comfort in discomfort; it's exactly what yoga asks us to do."
"This practice of letting go, it's the beautiful thing about this style of yoga that we teach here at Suka Yoga."