
Monetary Value Quotes

There are 90 quotes

"Bitcoin fits into the history of money because, like fiat currencies and like gold, it doesn't necessarily have any inherent monetary value, but it's a societal set of norms that people are accepting it as having value."
"The best thing to do is have real money, to have money with intrinsic value, to have gold as money, and just allow prices to adjust."
"Gold and silver are honest money, they're not just sound money."
"Reparations are about so much more than money."
"Gold and silver are real money... they don't need any government or central banker to say this is money."
"I want Neil Armstrong landing on the moon, I want to be sitting around a terrible looking TV with an ice cream cone, you understand, and I want to see the flag standing there all stiff."
"Money isn't a piece of paper, it's the representation of the whole system that we live in."
"Communication is difficult with this person."
"Gold and silver are money. Everything else is credit."
"If anybody had said to me, someone has left you 20,000 pounds, I should not have given tuppence for it compared with the joy I felt when I was told God had saved a soul though my ministry."
"Money is a store of value and a way to represent value that you've already created."
"Money represents an idea backed by confidence."
"What is money? Money is economic energy stored in different assets."
"No government has to say this is money. It's been money for 6,000 years."
"When you're 10 years old, $400 feels like all the money in the world."
"Every penny was worth it for an opening ceremony second to none."
"Gold is still the money of Governments, silver is still the money of people."
"Fiat currency derives its value from the confidence of the people who are using it."
"Bitcoin is the most hardcore version of gold possible."
"Gold's special because it's a almost pure monetary metal."
"It's not about $22, it's the principle of it."
"Gold is very, very good at being one thing: money."
"Gold is real money and they all know that they know the currencies work when there's confidence and gold works when there's no confidence."
"Presents are the best way to show someone how much you care. It is like this tangible thing that you can point to and say, 'Hey man, I love you this many dollars worth.'"
"Gold and silver in any form is still monetary at its base, critical for people to understand."
"If you're going to actually place a bet on a non-sovereign store of value, the dollar is not it, the euro is not it, Bitcoin is."
"Money only has value if you spend it and support the people that supported you."
"Your money is it worth the paper it's printed on... on the contrary Sagat, the Bank of England will make every bison dollar worth five British pounds."
"Money only has value if you spend it. If you don't use your money, then it's just dead cash sitting in a bank somewhere. It's not doing anything for you."
"Gold's money...it will probably be money for thousands more."
"I put all this effort into this brand deal for $3000, for me, $3000 might as well have been $30k."
"The illusion of money is one that we never really think about, but its value is determined by the importance we place on it."
"Money is a form of communication. It's explaining to someone, 'Hello, I would like that. I have something that I value equally to what you have.'"
"I want something real. I want real money. I don't want some new iteration of fool's gold."
"Money only works best if it has a stable value."
"Money can't buy happiness, kids. That's right. Money can buy you a lot of cool stuff, but it cannot buy you happiness that comes from within, you know?"
"Gold and silver represent honest weights and measures and always have and always will."
"You've just seen a world record being set: 750,000 pounds. It's the most ever paid for a letter."
"Gold and silver, if it is money, it's the standard and the anchor."
"You're looking at it right? Yeah, wow. Hey, wait a minute, uh, Poppy, does that not look like a dollar?"
"Money is nice and good... let's be a little bit careful."
"People will never quite look at money the same way."
"You ready to hear about a ton of bread? How about $12.2 billion."
"Money is just like fun coupons. It really loses its value at that point."
"The only reason today the paper monetary system has value, the only reason, are the two words: faith and confidence."
"Would you rather have a penny a day now or would you rather have thirty thousand dollars seven thousand years from now? Cheers to that!"
"Only gold and silver have proven to be money where they maintain their purchasing power over the centuries."
"I love how we all deep down know that money doesn't actually have any value."
"It's not really a hundred thousand dollars..."
"Bitcoin is a story. It's a story about the very thing that influences our actions today, the piece of paper that we call money or the numbers you see on a screen in your bank account."
"Like in Austria you know after world war one Austria's money hyperinflated like a super expensive place today."
"If you ever had a job that relied on tips, pennies are pretty much worthless."
"If money represents confidence and trust in the ability that we can then redeem it, somebody else will accept that from us, right, for their work."
"Money is all about what other people believe it's worth."
"I will purchase expansions and games I don't feel like I was ever ripped off paying for expansions in World of Warcraft."
"Somewhere in the next decade we'll need to reconnect the value of our currency to gold or silver or some other intrinsic value."
"Oh yeah Chopper is gonna get 200 million 200 no just 200."
"Gold is gold. Spot is spot. Silver is silver. This is real money."
"I love money because it represents you know a freedom to do something that you want."
"Money is the only dependable thing on earth."
"Money is valuable because it means something for the individual."
"The world as your oyster, a new lala here comes your pearl, a great prize."
"There's only so much around and and there these are the characteristics of money since the beginning of time everybody has gold in their correct value."
"Money isn't real, okay? That's becoming a serious meme."
"You're spending gold right now when you spend a dollar in a store."
"Inflation is simply saying that the amount of money is inflating like a balloon compared to the things you can buy with it."
"50 million bucks, and that's 50 million in 1958 money which would be like a billion nowadays."
"Over two billion dollars, we're at 2.1 billion dollars in stolen funds."
"Oh my gosh, $65,000, you guys, this is crazy."
"More than a quarter million EUR for Jonathan."
"The greedy ass bastards only gave us $3.5 million."
"$22,000! Oh Lord! Everybody, $2,000 dollar major in my life."
"Can you believe here Paul Revere bought this bell, like 46 bucks? Wow, 46 dollars, that's a lot of money back then."
"The total cost for the bridging is twenty-seven thousand four hundred and thirty pounds."
"I'm not after money, and I want you to know my father was not after money except for a cause."
"Money has to be a store of value."
"Money is a neutral indicator of value."
"If there was no such thing as money, I do love my job... I would do it for free."
"Those 60,000 points can be redeemed for seven hundred fifty dollars worth of travel through the Chase travel portal."
"People still see a value in coins."
"What is money, right? It's not treasuries. The rest of the world is saying, 'Hey, I don't think that's really good sound money, we're going to use gold.'"
"The good money drives out the bad."
"Silver still is money. Silver is a monetary metal."
"Cardano has monetary premium, in my opinion, because it's number seven; it obviously does objectively so."
"If people start to lose confidence in the money that they have, that money quickly becomes worth less."