
Believer Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"Every believer has the Holy Spirit. If you're a born-again believer, you've placed your faith in Christ, then you have the Holy Spirit in fullness."
"How can a Believer not take Glad Tidings that the doors of Jannah are open... and how can a sinner not take Glad Tidings that the doors of the fire are shut."
"A flourishing secret life is necessary for the believer."
"I was never a believer of the paranormal until I had this bizarre encounter that changed my life forever."
"However, Nessie die-harders are certain this is yet another piece of evidence that an ancient cryptid is living in the murky waters of Loch Ness."
"You are the real temple. If you're a true believer, you're a temple of the Holy Spirit."
"I became a Believer after our son was born."
"Victory for a believer is both in life and death because victory, success, is in their heart and in their mind."
"What distinguishes a true believer is responsiveness to divine truth."
"The True Believer begins to grow and delight in God's Commandments."
"So even if the generator goes off, there's still power. That's what happens to the believer that develops the lifestyle of priesthood and prayer."
"A prayerless church is a powerless church and a prayerless believer is a powerless believer."
"Every believer has a calling, has a location that you were ordained to express your calling."
"The Bible is very clear as to the fact that the Kingdom Life was so designed that the advancement and the progress of the believer largely principally depends on his ability to be led of God."
A plain-minded person, a believer in God, could read that and go, "That is a true document divinely written by Abraham himself."
"Worship is a heart experience of which any believer is capable at any moment in any place."
"The name of Jesus on the lips of a believer that is in submission to God has a whole new realm of effectiveness in spiritual warfare."
"God's seal gives us inclusion as a believer in Christ. You are considered to be a part of him."
"The Holy Spirit is the member of the Trinity most personally, intimately involved in the life of a believer."
"Prayer in the life of a Believer anchors the soul while lifting us to the throne of God."
"The most important thing about Queen Elizabeth II was the simple fact that she was a Believer."
"The reminder benefits the believer."
"The life of the believer is amazing and it's strange. The strangeness is in that it is good in its entirety."
"Every saved believer is part of the great commission."
"Any human being, I'm a huge believer in just... just be happy."
"The identification card for the believer is how we are able to love one another."
"A life of prayer can often be viewed as a religious routine, but it's actually the lifeline of a believer."
"Worry has no place in the life of the believer."
"Prayer is not a gift of the Spirit, it's a responsibility of every believer."
"If you're looking in the mirror to admire yourself, you're in serious trouble. The believer is a mirror of his believer."
"The believer always thinks be that is somebody who really sees kotha releases abundance."
"Every believer has a door located in the realm of the unseen."
"The Holy Spirit has set up permanent residence in the life of every believer."
"The strength of a believer comes from a place of gratitude."
"I have been summoned to bring back faith to a non-believer."
"He gave us authority, the believer has authority."
"The dynamic between the two leads is interesting right off the bat because it gives the perspective of both sides of the audience: the believer and the skeptic."
"A complaining, grumbling, disputing believer is bad advertisement for the kingdom."
"There is nothing outside of God that could ever pry you loose from the saving grace of God."
"You cannot even remove yourself from the saving grace of God, and no true believer would even want to remove himself from the saving grace of God."
"This is a slam dunk airtight argument for the eternal security of the believer."
"Anything that prevents the activity of the believer is something that we need to make sure that we bind and loose."
"The law becomes miraculously in the life of the believer a means of grace because it shows us how to please God."
"Some will have a sweet experience as they die... that is the case of the believer."
"Gratitude is one of the qualities of the believer."
"The way of the believer is indeed to cry over their sins."
"The power is in the believer, but it is prayer that makes it available for the believer to enjoy unlimited possibilities."
"This is every believer's heritage in Christ."
"The life of a believer is one of submission, surrender, and sacrifice, not self-ambition."
"How amazing is the affair of the believer."
"The new spirit of the believer is on the same wavelength with the Holy Spirit."
"A Believer does not have their stomach full while the neighbor is hungry."