
Cultural Legacy Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"Without MAD, we might never have gotten the Garbage Pail Kids or Weird Al Yankovic."
"If we have an appreciation of the limitations of our own intelligence, how can we possibly have any confidence that we can create things that are far more intelligent than we are?"
"The legacy of the Bronze Age civilizations echoes in the practices and traditions of the ancient Greeks."
"I think it's just, it's just the one thing that you can always protect yourself with, that and this is something that I have learned from my, you know, Iranian family, is you know, when, when the revolution happened in Iran, we talk about legacy."
"We've been doing this for hundreds of years and created millions of other things for generations and that's okay cuz I Believe in Us."
"Nomadic herders: the enduring legacy of Genghis Khan."
"Tupac lives on through his music and words he said, but also memorabilia."
"Arthur embodies a brave new world in which descendants of Roman Britain began to build an independent future."
"When did black people start educating our children? Since the beginning of time."
"There are stories that a large portion of the activity at this Plantation has to do with the countless Voodoo curses that were placed on the original owners."
"Phoenicians: creators of the alphabet, masters of trade."
"The language of the Celts, their most important legacy."
"Ultimately the legend of the Jomsvikings would live on."
"Their greatest legacy to England is the language."
"It's time to honor Ruben's lasting legacy with respect and adoration."
"To make sense of SpongeBob's enduring legacy, we need to talk about childhood."
"Ancient Rome: foundations of our modern society, from democracy to three-course meals."
"Olympia: where history, religion, and athleticism converged to create a timeless legacy."
"The ancient Olympics: where victory wasn't just about glory, it was about immortality."
"Stan Lee's leaving behind an incredible legacy that so many people like myself can experience and enjoy."
"The rainbow man's Legacy has lived on in many forms since his incarceration."
"I think we should be talking about how much Beauty there is in our civilizational Legacy."
"Shout out to the legends, you know, so much information has come out afterwards to just affirm, like I said, from the universe."
"Richtofen's larger-than-life persona persisted well after his death, ensuring that his name and deeds will live on forever."
"Half a century later, I really think people are starting to realize the genius of the 60s rock and roll hall of fame group."
"Philip's passing marked the end of a life intertwined with the legacy of one of America's most iconic entertainment families."
"The end of an era - but the Marvel legacy lives on."
"Thanks to this, a new generation of movie and TV buffs have been introduced to her and her iconic film roles from the 80s and 90s."
"May his Legend endure Forever. The Legend will forever be in our hearts."
"The superstitions that Stoker harnessed in writing Dracula are still alive in the 21st century."
"These ideologies and archetypes are all going back to the original teachings of Thoth from the Emerald Tablets."
"One of the things that should be said about something like Dragon Ball Z is while it is nowhere near at the level of say, a Star Wars, like a Star Wars, it's true. But like Star Wars, it has cultivated fans that be fans for like 20 years."
"Marley's legacy as an influential musician and cultural icon cannot be overstated."
"I think we should be grateful that we had 'em at all."
"We're charged not to drop the baton of our ancestors. We're taking this all the way, baby."
"One of the cornerstones of Spider-Man comics and even the movies 60 years later."
"Vice City has grown beyond its inspirations, coming full circle to inspire an entire generation of music, art, and style."
"The enduring legacy of the Ridgeway goes beyond its position as a natural line of defense."
"I think these 50th Anniversary remixes are an excellent way for people to continue discovering and enjoying the Beatles music for years to come."
"Machu Picchu is one of the last surviving links to a great vanquished civilization."
"Most we can do now is hope for the best and continue blasting Nick Blicky through the speakers, so his music never fades. Long live Nick Blicky."
"Adventure Time is just too big and too legendary to stop."
"Milestone's first run may have only been four years, but what it accomplished will last four lifetimes."
"In five hundred years, people will know who Darth Vader is."
"The legacy of ancient Egypt: a testament to the greatness of black civilization."
"Someday they'll be living dead, but their legacy is already incredibly strong."
"Despite its fall from grace, the hippie subculture has still positively affected culture in plenty of ways."
"2001 holds up to today and I don't think that we would have had a Star Wars or George Lucas if Stanley Kubrick had not made 2001."
"Vienna at the start of the early 20th century was the home of a bustling new artistic community that Hitler simply did not fit into."
"Master Oogway's legacy ensured the existence of Kung Fu as a respected weapon for peace."
"The Black Panther is not a burden story must carry alone anymore her brother is gone but wakanda is forever now."
"It's a world which has existed long before you and you feel like there is so much depth to be mined there."
"It's likely that they were destroyed at some point during World War II. It's an incredible shame, though at the very least a fragment of Yamanaka's legacy is preserved and appreciated today."
"We still have a cultural thing from the '60s."
"Lorenzo the Magnificent remained deeply committed to the Arts honoring the cultural Legacy of his ancestors."
"Leo the 10th remained deeply committed to the Arts honoring the cultural Legacy of his ancestors."
"Hershey's legacy lives on in the adventures of Tintin. The characters appear in film and figurines, but the books will always stay the same."
"The thing that keeps me super motivated over time with all this is the notion that we could be building these like cultural memories."
"By the time Elvis was through, he had left an indelible mark on the quivering soul of Atlanta."
"The mark he left on Chinese culture is one that is still felt today, and always will be."
"No seat in the Seven Kingdoms has been more celebrated in song than Highgarden, thanks to the imprint of Garth Greenhand and the cultural legacy he left in the Reach."
"I think James Dean will live forever and I think that his image will be part of the iconography of this culture for as long as I'm living and maybe into other generations."
"My underground will always live, Freddie up."
"the motion picture it is how memories have been captured for more than a hundred years it is how examples of true excellence are passed down from generation to generation"
"The Fatimid state trudged along and braved the numerous foes and issues it faced in the process, leaving an indelible mark on Egypt and the territories it ruled."
"The legacy would be big hair, cool music, and the survivor from that era of music that generated so many other talents that fell by the wayside."
"I'd love to go back and visit this in a thousand years, what teachings they laid down."
"Amelia Earhart was here for the ribbon cutting and she also stayed at this hotel."
"Her legacy lives on through her work in television, film, and music."
"I fully expect that 300 years from now, that base will still be making music."
"Cleopatra's cultural legacy is vast and enduring, spanning centuries and influencing art, literature, and popular culture."
"A great philosophy is a philosophy that left behind an adjective in popular language."
"There's a deep part inside me that wants to let them know that what they went through to keep these traditions and our culture alive isn't going to be wasted."
"What we do have is just a wealth of information from all these ancient cultures and the things that they went to great lengths to communicate to us."
"The beauty is though they disappear off the coastline of Canaan, the story does not end there."
"The legacy for Texas Chainsaw Massacre and the character of Leatherface are cemented and will never go away."
"As the curtains of time draw closer, only one of these beloved icons remains, bridging the gap between a bygone era and the present."
"Most Iranians, whether they think in terms of their historical legacy or not, they live that historical Legacy."
"The legacy of Jervaulx Abbey lives on because this was the first place anyone ever ate Wensleydale Cheese."
"Baghdad remained a global example of progress and enlightenment for centuries."
"The Maya live on thanks to what they have left for our civilization to discover."
"...there is something quite astonishing that the effect he had on so many other poets, writers, artists, and musicians."
"The sands have destroyed only the body of ancient Egypt; its spirit survives in the lore and memory of our race."
"Reflecting on Andy Griffith's legacy, we are reminded of the impact he has had on culture and the collective consciousness."
"We're trying to keep the legacy alive."