
Sermon Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"After this sermon, I want you to be blown away at one of the most wonderful, and quite frankly, scariest attributes of God: His omniscience."
"What I'm preaching, by God's permission, is designed to clean your temple and clean your soul, amen."
"Christ preached all the virtues from the cross."
"For those who'll be honest today, when I and the Holy Ghost has finished teaching the Word of God, all of you that right now have issues, they will be gone."
"There should be nothing that would overshadow [the sermon], and sometimes you see that in music today."
"Your marriage is a sermon illustration, done right."
"The greatest sermon you will ever preach is a life that you live."
"What a priest should be doing is thinking to himself, what can I say to these people that they might not already know or might not fully understand? What is it that they actually need to hear?"
"What we need in this world today is not another sermon, we need individuals who are committed to Jesus Christ, willing to allow Him to use their life so that He can change the world."
"Have we reduced the power of God to some cute sugar-coated inspirational 25-minute message?"
"So, I preached yesterday on the section that we've been studying."
"Don't teach a good sermon, teach the truth of the passage."
"We're trying to keep it within 10 or 12 minutes by the grace of god. Amen. Pack it with information. Trust the Holy Spirit will use it for the glory of Jesus."
"Go back to Psalm 110 and you will see the very good news that Jesus is Lord, he's Messiah, and he is the eternal high priest."
"I'm preaching in Modesto tomorrow night, doors open at six!"
"And so when we were planning the Sermon on the Mount we were looking for ways to kind of introduce it in a unique way."
"The priest gave a sermon about love."
"The greatest sermon that you will ever preach is the life that you live."
"Welcome rad friends to this week's sermon."
"Hoping you have received much grace through these words of God, I'd like to conclude today's sermon."
"I invite you to be seated as we hear from God's word."
"The greatest sermon, the greatest meditation, is that which is devoted to the service of others."
"70% of the sermons were regarding how you needed to give the shirt off your back to the church or else you didn't love God."
"...this is the inaugural sermon on this subject."
"A good sermon should lead to a good conversation."
"As a Presbyterian Pastor, my mind is always on the hunt for new sermon material."
"Humanity has a purpose, a meaning to exist while alive, a purpose and meaning of which the remainder of the sermon speaks on."
"45 people healed during the sermon."
"Forgive me if every now and then in the midst of the sermon I asked for a name, an eye I just need to hear the goodness of God."
"...this was a coffin sermon... this was a spotlight is being turned on and this is an indictment... this was not a suitcase sermon... this was a coffin sermon."
"There is a sense of urgency about the moment in the bringing of a sermon because it calls for the verdict in the listener's heart."
"It's quite within the rules, clergymen do it all the time. They aren't expected to make up the sermons they preach."
"If The Sermon on the Mount is the first recorded sermon then this is the last recorded sermon."
"What that narrow door means as if his sermon was exclusively for me."
"The goal of every sermon, the goal of every teaching is to see Christ."
"You're dealing in the spirit see I'm preaching this sermon today in the spirit,"
"Even that sermon as unusual as it was was still really more about mercy and Grace than about wrath which is the way it's often presented"
"The sermon becomes the place of pain and passion, the sight of struggle, the crucible of confrontation."
"Interesting sermon today... what did you find interesting?"
"A sermon should do four things for you: stretch your mind, tan your hide, warm your heart, provoke the will."
"Help each other. It seems like a really simple title, but it was actually a powerful sermon."
"Last thing I'm gonna say, they use your struggle. They'll make a whole sermon about it."
"This sermon is so Bible saturated it is a fountain of biblical citations."
"...every sermon needs to have some kind of a front porch, a front porch that leads you into the house."
"The heavens are preaching a sermon, he said. In his words, they 'utter speech.'"
"I am a false prophet, say it like it's your sermon."
"A sermon without Christ is like an ocean without water. It’s like bread without flour. It’s like a well without water. It’s like the sky without the sun."
"If your surrender has a butt to it, if your surrender has compromise to it, if your surrender is conditional, this sermon is going to tick you off."
"So, I thank you in advance for listening to my Sunday school lesson tonight. I'm gonna do the best I can, and I only ask that you remember the Golden Rule. You know what that is, do unto one preacher as you would have another preacher do unto you. You reap what you sow."
"The Sermon on the Mount is arguably the essence of Christianity, the marrow of Christian ethics."
"This video sermon should supplement, not replace, your relationship with the Lord and your church community. Enjoy and be blessed!"
"Treat this as more than just another message or sermon."
"This is His first post-resurrection sermon, and it's a mandate."
"A sermon creates a picture a space an image and experience and encounter a world a place that allows people to find themselves in it."
"The sermon opens you up to critique and misunderstanding and judgment and criticism and baggage and agendas, and it also opens up truth and repentance and hope and light."
"That's the mystery of the sermon bringing a word creating a space giving a gift in which each person goes that was for me you you."
"An incredible biblical and Gospel Center talk from someone who clearly knows the theology behind the issue and is reflecting the heart of God."
"Everything in a sermon is related to everything else in the sermon."
"...I want you to turn was to scripture with me this afternoon I want you to turn to a text first Peter chapter 1 beginning in verse."
"The sermon that God preaches here pronounces both condemnation and salvation, there is both guilt and grace."
"Wow, this sermon is so inspiring."
"This sermon is literally a praise of the Angel of the house."
"I decided to not preach you a sermon. Is that okay?"
"Hands down, this is the most important sermon I've preached on spiritual warfare."
"Every sermon is born out of a pastor's frustration sitting in the presence of God, saying, 'God, I want more.'"
"Powerful sermon that will move you forward in your faith."
"God has sent us his choice servant to bring a word of life for us on this evening."
"I'm asking Father that in this sermon the Holy Spirit would so move through the word that human hearts would be built on mercy, would be saturated with mercy down to the core of their being, and that mercy would be the mercy manifest in Jesus Christ crucified and risen."
"One day you'll hear your last sermon, one day I'll preach my last sermon, but we have today, we have right now."
"Preach sermons for adults. That does not mean that they should be complicated or difficult to understand, but they should be as serious and as weighty as life itself."
"Their amazement and their legitimate and honest questioning was answered in the sermon, and they came to salvation."
"The sermon seems like it's the time to boldly, unapologetically proclaim the full counsel of God and speak prophetically against the powers of this world."
"A sermon doesn't have to be eternal to be divine."
"I hope that the next chunk of time as you watch this sermon you find your affections for Jesus soaring."
"The best sermon is a consistent lifestyle, a consecrated lifestyle."
"The Sermon on the Mount is very nice."
"Scripture reading, a sermon, corporate prayer, the regular observance of the Lord's table, congregational worship, and a free will offering."
"I have many sermons, but I only have one message: my message is a man, and that man is Jesus."
"Are you ready to hear the word of God today?"
"Howdy ho, we have some questions for today's sermon, take a pew."
"A sermon is not a show; it's about the application of the Word of God to the lives of both the preacher and those gathered to hear the word proclaimed."
"We need you to take one sermon and make it applicable to more than a thousand people."
"Hundreds of thousands are gathered this morning to hear the word of the Lord."
"It is a sermon that has made generals out of men."
"There's nothing like hearing a great sermon, especially one that incorporates humor, rhetorical devices, as well as emphasis of a major theme."
"The Sermon on the Mount is a preview of the church and its life."
"Every sermon is God cooking for you. Eat it."
"It was if the preacher in the pulpit knew everything that was going on in my life and not just my life in my head as well."
"The sermon on the mount... the greatest concentration of Jesus' teaching."
"Preached a sermon this morning, lovely."
"The sermon was really good and all of that."
"A sermon without a story is useless because it will not stick in your mind."
"If that sermon didn't light your fire, your wood's wet."
"Thank God for loving me enough to send a whole sermon just to get me straight."
"...Prophet Muhammad in his last sermon he says the Arabs are no better than the non-arabs and the non-arabs are no better than the Arabs."
"An extended sermon from the church of Marvel... you sit down in attendance and you hear the good word."
"This sermon is for all the people who have not been okay."
"This sermon is for everybody that's been holding on to pain that wasn't your fault."
"We're gathered here because it's time to reclaim sermon as the beautiful, sacred, compelling art form that it is."
"The sermon is this beautiful, ancient art form, and I believe you're here like me because you believe it's time for a resurgence, a reclaiming of this art form."
"Christ's major discourses in the New Testament are for the Sermon on the Mount, the manifesto of the kingdom."
"Genuine exposition takes place when the preacher sets forth the meaning and message of the biblical text."
"That one sermon just fundamentally changed my life."
"I want this to be beneficial for people; I want God to be the one that gets the final message in the sermon versus myself."
"The title of our message this morning is a bittersweet experience."
"For the Divine hour, we have a sermon entitled 'Seven Churches, Seven Messages'."
"I have a message this morning... Christ in Bible prophecy."
"Blessed assurance, I've heard this sermon before and it's one of my favorites."
"A sermon is God's urgent and scripturally grounded appeal by His people to His people."
"More ministry takes place between you in the pew than it does between me and you from the pulpit to the pew."
"There's something more important than just giving a good sermon, and that's helping the people who hear the sermon understand how they can find the same sort of material you share with them on their own."
"This is the anniversary, this day in history, of when Yeshua delivered the sermon on the mount."
"God Consciousness buys it, so he abolished this kind of racism in his very last sermon."
"This is arguably the most important or influential sermon in the history and character of Christianity."
"A powerful sermon that will move you forward in your faith."
"God is love, and that is what I'm going to talk about today."
"No text in the Bible is more important or has had more influence on the history and character of Christianity than The Sermon on the Mount."
"Our sermons whisper, but our life shouts."
"It was one of the most wonderful, faith-inspiring sermons."