
Communication Impact Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"Master communicators can change the world by projecting their ideas and making others agree with what they think."
"It's the context in which words are spoken that give them the power or meaning."
"Some things never change but the tone and tenor of the show does."
"Sending a powerful message on social media I did not expect it to go that while. But then I understood that this is a powerful tool."
"Words impact the atmosphere whenever you're trying to build something."
"This is a story about relationships with very personal stakes, where a well-chosen word or a slip of the tongue can change everything."
"Strong words, ladies and gentlemen, strong verbs."
"Words are like a weapon and the target for this weapon is your heart."
"You gotta take them very seriously, honestly. Like, this ain't no, like, not no disrespect to nobody or nothing. They're like, you know what I mean? Just words, but words are powerful."
"I was tired of people never thinking about their words before they say them."
"What if they say something that changes someone's life?"
"Your mouth will either make you great or get you killed."
"Energetic communication affects your own life and those around you."
"Intent doesn't matter in human communication...how a word or action makes somebody feel."
"Sometimes they bounce off the person, and if the person is really enthusiastic then they're really like, 'Whoa, what is that?'"
"It's like the end to the means, type of message that sends to the veins."
"It gets you to understand the psychology of people right... so when I'm speaking I, I know what it's doing to people."
"This is the type of stuff that we need to be focusing on and really using our voice because if we all speak in the same direction together we're going to get that megaphone effect opposed to like wasting time on other nonsensical bullshit things."
"Your message can and will be heard, so choose your words wisely."
"Posting that information isn't what causes mental health crisis or breakdowns; it's what people say in response that does."
"Words do have a oh you're good shit just be aware of what you're sharing can potentially do to someone's real life what your choice of words where your choice of action how that can affect people around you and even people you don't know"
"You can paint a thousand pictures, but one misspoken word can tear everything down in a matter of seconds."
"Whatever you say, whether it's positive or negative, if you're sincere with it, I think that's the... And that sincerity comes through to them, and then they feel like they could address it with you."
"A picture is worth a thousand words, but a video is worth a thousand pictures."
"It all comes down to what you say and how you say it."
"Your words have impact and import and exhortation."
"You have to have credibility behind your words, or you just [ __ ] up."
"Even if you don't mean it in a hurtful manner, it's still hurtful."
"That to me is more important, telling the narrative."
"Build castles with your words, don't dig graves."
"Words are the most powerful things in the earth. Speak up, get your tongue right and see."
"Your letters, your comments, they just genuinely make me feel happy during times when I really, really need to feel happy." - Alexi
"When you speak to people, things will happen. When you pray for people, things will happen."
"Conversations can be really powerful in changing minds, not just the person you're talking to but also their viewers."
"We hear her broadcasts but more than that we feel the energy of her words in the air sharp as blades pointed at an enemy at us."
"Words like these we're hearing now with false accusations, those words matter."
"You're saying hey, and subconsciously you're teaching them how to be."
"Your words are heard the loudest during an eclipse, and it is the easiest to jump from one timeline."
"Words matter. Just be careful what you say because even the internet got to me and I have no reason to go to bed worrying about some person on the internet telling me I look too skinny. Like I know I'm healthy."
"We need better and more powerful... convincing stories."
"Ruby on Rails: A powerful framework for building web applications."
"Words so innocent and powerful as they are, standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them."
"It's not helpful for people to use nazi comparisons, not doing the cause any favors."
"Larry's cries for help were heard and reported by CB radio operators from coast to coast in America."
"My life changes every day. You see one email, one message could change the outcome of the next few weeks."
"Even though this machine is super obscure, it has generated a tsunami of email from computer hobbyists."
"All comments are good comments because it means they're talking about you."
"It's not about what we actually say, it's about how people perceive it."
"So be careful what you say with your tongue like what come out your mouth you know you can't take the words back it's shatter it shatters people."
"Language controls perception and perception controls reality. Watch what you say to the masses cuz sometimes different people can perceive different things based off the words you select to give them."
"Confusion creates division. Clarity creates Unity."
"This communication is going to bring in so much Clarity."
"People don't remember what you say, people hear what they want to hear."
"Just one word or one experience alone opens up so many doors."
"Every time we speak to you, we get 10 times wiser."
"A witness is more powerful than an advocate."
"It's not just about using the right words; it's the intentions behind those words."
"It's so freaking refreshing when you hear someone tell the truth right. Like, you feel that you're listening to him and you're like, 'Oh, I don't have to contort and I don't feel weird like when you're hearing lies all the time.'"
"I think the tongue is mightier than the sword any given day of the week."
"Every time you are doing a sales presentation, the words that are coming out of your mouth are either creating inertia and overcoming momentum or creating momentum and overcoming inertia."
"Saying 'have a nice day' sounds friendly, but 'enjoy your next 24 hours' sounds threatening."
"The less you say the more impact you will have."
"A communication could change the way you view things."
"Words, whether spoken or written, have power."
"This kind of rhetoric is stochastic terrorism."
"The biggest success you can have is when you hear someone parrot your idea back."
"A lot of people get hurt about it sometimes you say things about certain people that can hurt people brands that could take people food off their table."
"People don't buy into what you say, they buy into how you say it."
"Every single thing we say can either make things better or worse."
"You'll be surprised how much influence you have over your fandoms or supporters or fans or whatever you want to call them if you just say something."
"This may sound like a small thing but I'm sure Lewis can communicate how utterly mind-blowing this is."
"If you truly believe I'm misinformed, consider the way you communicate with them can be the turning point for people."
"You need to be thinking about the potential ripple effects that the words you use can have."
"You can literally save lives if you are simply good at saying words the right way."
"We are the people that the words are supposed to go in the ears and enter upon the heart and effect our actions."