
Captivation Quotes

There are 600 quotes

"It's heartbreaking, it's captivating, it's beautiful."
"Unbeknownst to her, Minhyuk was instantly captivated by her charm and couldn't take his eyes off her."
"Hollow Knight's story will easily be able to Captivate you the same way it did to me."
"The key is hooks. That's the thing that grabs somebody, brings them into your world."
"There is something undeniably captivating about true crime. It doesn't let you look away."
"Erased: Few anime out there are quite as captivating to behold."
"I'm mesmerized, I really can't take my eyes off of it."
"Death Stranding was that, and it captured my imagination in a way that a game hasn't for so long."
"The magic of stories lies in their ability to evoke a wide range of emotions."
"If you guys want to check it out... I would say just read it from beginning to end... once you get started it's hard to stop guys."
"It's what captivated me about it when I was 11 years old."
"There is clearly something about this anime that grabs people and just does not let go."
"They're mesmerized, can't take their eyes off."
"A voice like a chorus of angels stopped him in his tracks. It was captivating and euphonic, like a melody from a distant galaxy."
"There is something so captivating about Pariston, a certain quality that only grand specialists in the series have displayed."
"When you watch two trains crash, you just can't pull your eyes away."
"The Thousand Sons are actually convinced that somehow they have Leman Russ trapped somewhere, and I imagine they have no intention of ever letting him go."
"The full story is really really captivating."
"Her story is captivating no matter what you hear."
"Your speech will be very effective and people will be mesmerized by the way you speak."
"I started it and once I started it, like I couldn't stop until like I had to go to bed."
"I read the bulk of this book in a day... that is how captivated I was by this book."
"I remember reading these and finally getting to at the end of one of the issues or chapters or whatever and I couldn't put it down, man."
"This is a story that's captivated people from around the world."
"They think you're very beautiful, they can't stop looking at you, they can't look away from you."
"It's an incredible concept and it's incredibly captivating."
"The story really starts with the second book. That's when it starts to hook you."
"I've missed meetings because I'm in the middle of him telling this story. I'm like, I can't I can't walk away. It's like a good car crash."
"I loved this third book, I was like gasping all the way through it, it was amazing."
"There's something so magnetic about the way he performs you can't look away from him."
"If it's engaging, I'll sit there for three hours and forget it is."
"I wanted the video to feel like you can't take your eyes off of it."
"The language of the show is entrancing."
"It's so impressive how they're able to captivate."
"There's something really captivating about this person's stare and about this person's eyes."
"Jesus isn't content with our captivity, he's captivated by you, the only you there is, and he's invested in liberating you from everything that holds you back from becoming you."
"Sometimes I can't talk because I'm so captivated."
"He's got the same storytelling ability that I do, I was glued listening to his stories."
"The iconic design captivates audiences."
"I was very surprised with how hooked I was on this from the very beginning."
"The final 30 minutes had my heart racing, it had me glued to the screen."
"If you envelop them into a story... they're going to listen and they're going to want more."
"Make sure you introduce your video with a captivating introduction."
"It's like watching a train wreck. It's horrible but at the same time you can't take your eyes off it."
"Their melodic vibe-oriented style captivated listeners."
"It's hard not to be captivated by the show's ability to anticipate these major events."
"He seemed captivated, murmuring incomprehensible sounds and words."
"I was literally stunned by how many people are captivated."
"Her stunning beauty had captivated him once again"
"Use secrecy to create captivation."
"Capturing the public's fascination."
"It oozes in such a way to spellbind using an instrument known as an onma tuna to capture its soundscape."
"I mean, he had me at a sinking boat."
"Documentaries are generally rarely mentioned in best of the year lists, for some reason, but this one needs to be talked about because it’s genuinely captivating from start to finish."
"You have a special gift. You held us all captive."
"It's so good, the opening especially, it's just so captivating."
"You're the type of woman that a man could get lost in."
"Thrilled, intrigued, and mesmerized all at once."
"...there's just something about this that just like it draws you in."
"There was not a moment where I'm like all right let's move on like the whole time you're like whoa whoa whoa."
"I feel like I was hanging on their every word."
"I needed to know what was coming next. It just really hooked me in from the very beginning."
"This sudden yet seamless shift in tone and presentation immediately captivated me."
"Prepared to be captivated by extraordinary views the opulent surroundings and the undeniable Prestige of this remarkable penthouse."
"People feel like they could lose themselves in you."
"Engaging content keeps us captivated."
"The speed at which his brain works and how his mouth, like, there's something that you can't - it's almost like a good car wreck when he's talking, you just listen."
"Absolutely enthralled by this display."
"The audience was hanging on her every word."
"I'm hooked, they just get right into it."
"He was enraptured by her immediately as was the majority of men in the room."
"From the moment she enters the scene in every moment that she's in there's something about her that draws my attention towards her."
"A fire, like watching fish in an aquarium or animals in a zoo, it's endlessly captivating because it's a tiny bit of nature captured and put on display."
"For the first time in my life, I had all their undivided attention."
"You had me from the moment I saw a monkey on the screen."
"Miles Morales is more captivating in this translation."
"I love stories like this that literally captivate the entire world."
"Attack on Titan was the very first anime I watched, and it immediately hooked me in a way so few stories ever do."
"It absolutely captured the imagination of the public."
"This world has already got me captivated."
"They feel captivated by something within your energy that is drawing them in deeper."
"Any frustrations you had about reading 20 pages about tightrope walking and 28 new I old customs and traditions, well they go right out the window because the final 200 pages of this book meant I could not put it down."
"Firefly captivated a sizable, devoted fan base for the better part of a decade."
"I just saw this film and I immediately became obsessed with it."
"They did do a really good job of keeping the attention and keeping you engaged."
"It's gripping and shocking enough to keep you engaged."
"Star Wars has been capturing the imaginations of people everywhere."
"I was engaged from start to finish."
"Never in my life have I watched three hours of a movie, been so totally captivated."
"Oh my gosh, I am absolutely mesmerized."
"I find it really intriguing, and to be honest, not a lot of people get frightened by it because it just captures you."
"You pull me in like a siren; your vibe is intoxicating."
"Band that changed my life without question, in 1979 I listened to 'Paranoid' by Black Sabbath, I've never been the same. And that band continues to captivate me all these years later."
"He has created curiosity and captivated the minds of millions of readers."
"You're going to be so captivating they can't take their eyes off of you."
"It really did hook me from the very, very first chapter."
"Harman's distinct knack for obscure meta pop culture and academic references captivated more jaded viewers."
"I thought it was really great. I was completely glued to the screen, seeing what was gonna happen."
"One of the most original and captivating films I've seen in a long time."
"Moore's portrayal of the famous agent captivated audiences worldwide."
"Viola Davis is going to captivate you."
"A gripping drama that would captivate the nation."
"I find her voice very captivating when I'm watching, which is great, it's great to just be in the zone like what's going on in there, you know."
"It's this power to transfix, to hold you really, really tight in the pages of a book that I don't think anyone does better."
"They're just going to be completely mesmerized by you, it might be that they're not even going to be able to really follow the conversation as they would usually be able to follow it because they're going to be just so entranced by this whole thing coming up."
"He always makes it so like, you want to watch that, oh yeah, like now it's like damn."
"There's a weird part of me that doesn't want this video to end."
"...but somehow this movie is fascinating."
"There's not a single scene where I'm not completely caught up in it."
"Gone With the Wind is one of those movies where you turn it on and you just can't turn it off."
"Wow guys, the writing seriously, at least for me, I can't remember a television show where I've been this sucked in, invested, whatever term you want to use, I'm hooked on every single word that's happening here."
"The freedom they moved with captivated Aurora."
"Get ready to be captivated by the timeless beauty of Hoan."
"Experience the brilliance of the mini shows here with sneak peeks. Sit back, relax, and let us captivate you with this preview."
"I could sit here and watch these people do anything, yeah, they could read the [ __ ] phone book and I'd be like, yeah, wow."
"At the start of the movie, I was like, 'Okay, this is a good movie,' but by the end of the movie, I was really, really encaptured by it."
"I have to admit, she has 100% just transported me to a whole new world."
"You have to create shows that don't give the audience an out."
"As Ria stepped forward with a radiant smile to begin her introduction, Allan couldn't help but be captivated by her charm."
"If you are captured by something that completely takes you, it's almost like an inverse, a parody of the right hand."
"He could talk about paint drying and I'm like, yeah, tell me more."
"They're in love with your mind. They love the way you think, your unique perspective, and the way you express yourself. It's like they're captivated by your intellect."
"Her beauty enchanted anyone who gazed upon her, leaving them utterly mesmerized."
"The storytelling is what captivates mostly your audience. It captivated me."
"This is so cute. I love the throne. I love a prop. I like just that there was so much more to this, but she's so captivating."
"They're mad about that too. That's how the first chapter is. You're going with a coyote at the border. It's a really captivating intro. That actually would be sick."
"There's something about the Yukon Territory for anyone that's ever been there before you know how much it takes a hold of you."
"First of all, this is so compelling."
"This person cannot take their eyes off of you."
"The moment I started, I forgot I was watching a movie."
"The life of Heaven is stable and permanent, something that wholly captivates us."
"The animation was gorgeous. I could not take my eyes off of it."
"It's a fascinating story and it's one that continues to captivate people."
"You have almost this magical look about you, it really captivates people's attention."
"The art style has completely captured my imagination."
"It has a romantic feel to it and an adventurous feel to it and it takes hold of you."
"I do not want to entertain you. I want to snatch you out of your chair."
"It grabbed me to the extent that I couldn't let it go."
"It took me about 12 minutes to read it, but you could hear a pin drop."
"It captured me and it made me well up when I saw the initial scenes."
"How could one dance have so much hold over them?"
"Whenever he was on stage, I could not take my eyes off him."
"There is a romance that has captivated people all over the world."
"There was just something that captured the imagination."
"I really can't move my eyes away from the screen on this one, and I really wanted to watch this in a dark room."
"Get ready to be inspired and captivated by the emotional Allure of this remarkable destination."
"It's hard to look away from this movie. There's always something interesting on screen, even when there isn't."
"I think he's got everybody here in this talk, that's impressive. I know that's not easy to do."
"I have nothing to say, I want to keep watching."
"I cannot stop staring at this thing."
"You are very intriguing, mysterious, and captivating."
"...a level of audacity that captivated the world."
"Your crush sees you as irresistible, and they're captivated by your presence and allure."
"I found myself absolutely fascinated by the story as it unfolded."
"I couldn't help but be captivated by his presence, there was something about him that drew me in."
"Captivates viewers with electric chemistry."
"Every single frame was captivating, every single one."
"This frigging record man it holds you from beginning to end."
"Outstanding facial expressions right at the beginning. She took me right into her world."
"Minimalism captures the subject in such a way that we can't miss what the photographer was captivated by."
"I couldn't put it down, I was obsessed."
"I literally sat down to read it last night just before bed. It was like half 11, and I stay up till 2:00 a.m. just sat reading this because I physically couldn't stop."
"It's like you're in a trance, like I couldn't look away, you know, and I was just staring at this thing."
"Don't become so captivated by the world that you actually begin to walk away from your relationship with God."
"I was hanging on to every single word not even exaggerating I was intoxicated with how powerful and high-octane their songs could be."
"We captivated the audience that night."
"The Six of Crows Duology grabbed me by the throat and never let me go."
"she just got that music that you want to keep your eyes closed and just listen to her talk."
"Despite its flaws, this game hooked me."
"I just felt transported to like another time and place. I never thought about real life. I never thought about my phone. I just was captivated beginning to end."
"Bathmat stands alone at the top of this content as she is able to perfectly capture that feeling of horror and dread but add just enough coziness to keep you watching."
"Po's arrest marked the beginning of a saga that would captivate and polarize opinions for decades."
"Her honesty Captivate her caught my heart."
"But have you ever sat down and watched one of them throughout the history and realize how much they captivate the ranger world?"
"I didn't want to stop listening. I could have listened to it all day."
"All of it was absolutely fascinating."
"Michelle Yao was phenomenal, as always, but seeing her in this role, exploring different versions of herself, was truly captivating."
"For many of these scenes I was essentially glued to the screen."
"It's like a little short story, it just sort of captured my attention."
"I said it in that video, I'll say it again, it's stole my heart. The colors, the absolute Beauty."
"And just look at it. You can probably tell why it's engaging."
"Sometimes you watch a show that just captivates you for no other reason other than you Just Vibe with it."
"Prepare to be captivated by a narrative that takes you from motown's stage to the unforgiving walls of prison and Beyond."
"a fire like watching fish in an aquarium or animals in a zoo is endlessly captivating because it's a tiny bit of nature captured and put on display"
"It's always evolving, makes it much more captivating to the eye."
"So that's what we're doing, we are making something with the intent to captivate for a really extended period of time."
"I just got a bit enamored by the moment."
"There's just something hypnotizing or hypnotic about you, and I can't stop looking."
"I was so captivated that I had to watch everything on the channel in just one sitting"
"I think that he finally found a hit that he knew would work and cause people to really listen to a story and be fascinated by it."
"As improbable as that is, let me show you why I'm captured by this possibility."
"Just give me one line after another and I will probably fall into a trance."
"Don't let the world captivate your heart."
"In order to captivate the listener, your vocal needs to be easy to hear, have a consistent level."
"The audience... will be sucked in like a vortex."
"But that was really what hooked me."
"Fragrance Delight: a gentle scent that's not too much, enough to captivate with a subtle touch."
"So like you have that aspect of it but I'm talking about something that's going to you grabbed."
"No plausible explanation really came to mind. Were they just captivated by her beauty? Nah, Edis was definitely growing prettier by the day, but she was still a child."
"It's so mesmerizing though, isn't it?"