
Mental Shift Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"You are about to go through a major shift in how you feel and your mentality. Your emotional and mental state is about to completely transform."
"The first change that takes place is in your mind."
"There's nothing that I've experienced that requires anything that a physical and it's the interest for me in meditation isn't the difference between happiness and suffering."
"It's happening and once we come to that realization it really changes our whole perspective in life."
"Your brain is no longer a record of the past, now it's a map to the future."
"The idea of meditation is to move from thinking to feeling."
"Sometimes closing a chapter is beginning a new chapter in our minds."
"Getting out of your head into some other kind of mental and emotional and physical space."
"I'm gonna go for a walk it can do that tiny tiny shift to change the way you look at things."
"Physically, it's changing the mindset and what's around you to the point where you can further yourself naturally."
"I think the key is to just really make sure you actually give yourself a break just like anyone else would at a typical job."
"We are removing the spell that we of you feel this way right now because I do too."
"Gain a new perspective; sometimes we cannot see things for what they are."
"Transmute negative thoughts to positive ones."
"I lost everything at 23... but when I hit rock bottom, my entire mindset changed."
"The side benefit of all this is that mental shift."
"Whether that's a relocation of your thoughts because thoughts become things."
"Your biggest challenge here is to shift your focus from fear and anxiety to actually happiness. It's like, what is going to make me happy?"
"Remember, the key to forgetting your past is fixing your focus."
"Take every negative thought and decide to be like, you know what, I don't like this thing but what if I wasn't thinking limited?"
"Isn't it nice to think about something good and positive for a change?"
"There's a paradigm shift that happens in your head, but it's a real thing that happens to you in Hell Week--something that shifts in your mind from 'There are limits' to 'There are no limits.'"
"It isn't hokey. It can really shift the way you are with yourself."
"Sometimes, if you find yourself in a funk, looking at your problems from a different perspective can help."
"You gotta come out of your mind and encourage yourself."
"Instead of being like, 'Well, I don't like it because I won't be able to do it,' why not think of the positives that are gonna happen from it?"
"It's like a shift in the kaleidoscope, where you see a different picture."
"Now that the space has been made by Saturn forcing a release on old ways of thinking, Jupiter is now saying let's fill this space with new progressive thoughts and ideas."
"Separating your attention from the thoughts in your head is a paradigm shift in consciousness."
"It's these kinds of changes in mental frame that are really helpful and, of course, action."
"Every time you catch that negative thought or that negative energy flip it get rid of it and switch it around for some optimism switch it around for some gratitude."
"Mindfulness is about recognizing when thinking becomes overthinking and rumination, and knowing how to change gear into a mode of mind which is more nourishing."
"Move your body, change your mind."
"Whenever I think about something negative instantly I try to get my mind off of it."
"She realized she had to ditch all negative thoughts and focus solely on Survival."
"It's sometimes just a slight mental shift to be more aware of how we're talking to ourselves."
"54321 brings you out of your lizard brain and into the frontal lobe of your head in your brain here and it gives you the ability to think and choose."
"It's challenging mentally what we've learned our entire lives."
"As soon as I step out of it, I snap out of it."
"Observe the quality of the breath and notice the shift in your mental state."
"The healing is about looking at things differently."
"Sometimes one photograph puts a key in your mind and just turns it until you hear it all click into place."
"And that realization I think was the biggest influence of those, that mental shift."
"It's absolute heaven for switching my brain into a completely different mode."
"54321... It'll switch the gears in your brain, it'll interrupt the negative thought pattern."
"If you take the focus off of just the external and you really look at it at Fitness as an internal shift... it's a lot easier to make the mental shift over to doing it."
"Call to your attention a moment that was actually really good and start to focus on that."
"When the negative mind chatter begins to take over, how do we shift out of that state? Pay close attention because I'm about to show you how."
"This is a week where you could feel a strong mental shift into a higher frequency of understanding that is in direct communication with your soul."
"I'm just really glad that this year I'm taking on this mental shift and allowing this fresh start."
"Mentally, the Divine Feminine is realizing the importance of getting into the space of unconditional love."
"Change is not quite a physical change like we may think it is; it's more of a mental change, it's a heart change, it's a mind change, and it's a body change."