
Racial Stereotypes Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"I can swear or dress in second-hand clothes without having people attribute these choices to the bad morals, poverty, or the illiteracy of my race."
"Dressing up like another racial group for Halloween is never acceptable. Ever."
"That's what I don't like when is somebody black, oh you all know what to do."
"You should never generalize about people on the basis of their skin color because it reduces them to the sum total of their skin color."
"Intelligence is often linked to whiteness so black people are often encouraged in professional settings to use a quote-unquote white voice."
"Carlton is forcing us to take a three-dimensional look at a black trope and archetype that we know very well but have never liked very much."
"If that means my first five jobs have to be Robin white people on law and order and a do-rag, I got to eat."
"There is no particular way a black person walks. There is no particular way a black person talks."
"I feel like people online have very weird views of how Hispanic and black people function."
"Black fathers taking care of their kids is abnormal when it's not."
"Not every white person is a racist, not every black person is an ignorant person."
"I don't know a black person that don't have ID, that's a lie."
"You're so articulate... perpetuates racial stereotypes."
"Racial stereotypes are not funny, they are not a joke and they should never be joked about."
"Mainstream media ran with that story: 'Black men are the problem.'"
"I think Bill Styron knew exactly what he was doing. He played at the worst fears of white America, fantasizing about the lustful feelings that black men had for white women."
"The whole idea that one race good, other race bad is just empty and shallow, stupid, reductive thinking."
"The flawless black computer nerd guy sacrifices himself for the group."
"We're sort of up against a century of these messages and these ideas around who we are as people based on our race."
"Black women's pain and suffering is so easily made into a joke."
"The cartoons you are about to see are products of their time. They may depict some of the ethnic and racial prejudices that were commonplace in American society. These depictions were wrong then and are wrong today."
"I don't want to say white men aren't dangerous, but my body goes girl run, girl run."
"She didn't have the platform to be labeled as an angry black woman... it's easy to do away with us than to deal with us."
"I want you all to know that I am NOT a threat, that young black males are not inherently dangerous or criminal."
"Channel you're looking for black men to be the villain will be the villain."
"Break the stereotype that black men and black women cannot work together."
"Stop thinking that black people can't think for themselves."
"Is there anything more racist than saying you can only stay in the lane of whatever is stereotypically okay for your race?"
"The myth oh it's like do I have an advantage because I'm Asian like am I smarter am I like you know all these things um no I'm Not Jesus Christ no I'm not at all um"
"White people have been reinforcing the idea that blackness is ugly and inferior."
"Why does truth, dark skin, and confidence equal aggression?"
"Black men's actions speak very loudly—they're known globally for not picking you."
"Dandridge refused to play demanding roles like savages, slaves, and mammies since these were expected of black actors in the 1950s."
"Fetishizing black male virility not only perpetuates racial biases but also reinforces a harmful power dynamic."
"It's the tale of two Shugs: the big mean black guy and the black woman."
"It insinuates the idea that all Asian men are alike irrespective of heights, skin tone, personality, upbringing, class..."
"White folks always wanted the safest black they could have."
"I know sometimes people talk about the angry black woman, but I'm gonna tell you something: if you ain't mad as a mother about what's going on here, something is wrong with you."
"Black people aren't criminals, we're entrepreneurs."
"Now arguably as important yeah and so and by the way it now of course the demons will be unleashed in the conservative circles you see we knew it a black thug that's how they are."
"Discussing a model minority is a classic example of assimilating Asian Americans. No, it's not. It's a classic example of internment."
"I really hate this implication that black and Trump have to be opposed ideas inherently."
"Those other places are all One race and immigrants are just inherently criminal. Whoa, I've never heard someone say something like that."
"I hate the idea that if I want to date a black man, I need to be so patient, so kind, so forgiving."
"As soon as the white people weren't in charge once you gave power back to those black people suddenly it's chaos and savagery again."
"We've got to fight to resist this notion that if somebody black does something, it reflects on all of us."
"So, one, for instance, this is how you get into model minority myths. You have certain ethnicities who are not disadvantaged in the same way as other ethnicities being used as a kind of, well, look, we're so diverse."
"Unfortunately, this country has a history of characterizing black men..."
"The token black character is a lone black character among a sea of white folks. They don't have any lines, they don't contribute much to the story, and if they do, it's just to motivate the MC."
"The mental capacity of the black race is not borderline [ __ ]; there's much better to look at them as having a mental age relative to the 16-year-olds of Europe."
"I put myself and everyone else at risk to prove a point that it's not about what an African-American man looks like in this town."
"Blackness prototypically and phenotypically African features such as dark skin, a broad nose, tightly coiled hair were the undeniable markers of inferiority."
"And when it suits our fancy we as black people buy into the white women being weak and feeble."
"A lot of times when I was doing those skits and cooning and clowning, that's the Box you put me in. But I'm a [__] that bought the box company that created the Box."
"And it’s even ruder to accuse black parents of not doing the best they can to care for their kids, when in a lot of cases, they’re doing better than you."
"It's wrong to contribute to racial stereotypes."
"...we're supposed to allow black people in to do things that are more spiritual, more impressionistic, and frankly easier."
"Yo, why are y'all stealing our clothes? Just because we black, we stealing your [__]. What? Look at your shirt. Why don't you sing us a little Reba song? Your favorite. Uh, I'm a woman, I'm a strong black."
"It casts black people as unintelligent babies to suppose that we need someone to lose their job because they use a word in passing."
"With things like there's a movie called birth of a nation by d.w griffith and it established this idea that black men in particular are criminals, black men in particular ain't [ __ ] and white people drank the kool-aid we drank the kool-aid too."
"How deeply embedded these ideas of black woman's threat dangerousness are."
"Being black don't mean you got to be poor."