
Deal Breaker Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"Unwillingness to change and just being okay with stagnation is a huge deal breaker for me."
"If he's not good in bed, it ain't happening."
"If the sex bad, that's a deal breaker all the way period."
"If he wants to keep you a secret on social media, it's goodbye."
"If he has sex with other females behind my back, that's over."
"A good relationship must have trust, and some things violate trust so badly it can never be recovered."
"One of my deal breakers is that my woman, she has to know how to cook, and she not just know how to cook, she has to have the desire to want to cook."
"When you meet a man or a woman, you look at their life at the gate. If somebody smokes cigarettes, you got an allergy, that's a deal breaker."
"It's because you have a kid. It's a deal breaker for me."
"It was a red flag at first, but it came to a point where it's a deal breaker."
"That's a good analogy versus a deal breaker. It is a non-negotiable, so it's like a strong, strong disqualifier."
"Now the final con is the one that I think will be a deal breaker for some of you it is a deal breaker for me and that's the fact that you cannot use affiliate marketing."
"If this person says, 'I don't believe in having kids, I don't want to have kids, but maybe you can convince me,' red flag, got to go run."
"Misophonia is real, loud chewing is a deal breaker."
"My deal breaker is 'I like to hit it and quit it'."
"That was like my final final confirmation that this was not my guy the dirty fingernails was the ick of all icks for me I just could not deal with the dirty long fingernails and I remember I got home and I felt so entirely drained."
"If your man leaves in boxes and comes home in briefs, that's a deal breaker, ladies."
"I won't be in a relationship with someone who does this."
"She's sorry about it until it happens again. This is not somebody you want to marry, dude. I'm sorry, but this is a [ __ ] deal-breaker."
"If partner A is empowered to stand up to these issues and partner B wants none of it, that can be a deal breaker."
"Another deal-breaker...if partner A never really loved partner B to begin with."
"If my partner ever cheated on me, it's done, no questions, like no second chance."
"I'm gonna break up with Tayo because he keeps calling other women attractive."
"Cheating is definitely automatic deal breaker."
"I'm not big on sand. It's a real deal-breaker for me."
"That's a deal-breaker in my opinion. There are some bands out there and outfits that have managed to get away with it, told it not in my opinion."
"I think non-negotiable for me, like a deal breaker, would be like, you know, you want me to be happy, you know? Yes, of course, well, I need to do things that make me happy."
"I'm big on communication. If you can't communicate when something's wrong... that's a deal breaker."
"Character is a bigger deal breaker than anything physical on this list."
"It feels disingenuous to talk about anything else as if that first thing isn't very much a deal breaker."
"At this point in 2021, little conveniences like that are major deal breakers if they don't include them."
"Compatibility matters. If she's looking for a relationship, compatibility could be a deal breaker."
"Is anything you have discovered thus far a deal breaker? If there's something you can't live with or have the desire to fix, then there's really no reason to move forward."
"If my boo kisses somebody else you are done to me."
"If it doesn't feel right and it doesn't play right, that's a deal breaker."
"One of my deal-breakers is probably rudeness, but not even just to me, but to like other people and about other people."
"In a relationship, once you don't have trust, it ain't nothing."
"Cheating is the deal breaker for most people."
"I think my biggest deal breaker is if the person isn't kind to other people."
"Might be crazy, that's a deal breaker. I'm all natural."
"I can't be with someone I don't trust."
"My biggest and only deal breaker is lying."
"If you cheat, it's a deal breaker. It's a done deal, there ain't no coming back from that."
"Communication is like 100% a deal breaker."
"My non-negotiable would be if they're not able to have conversations about diversity and race."
"My life revolves around my kids, so that is a huge deal breaker for me, a man who does not take care of his kids."
"Somebody who is mean, that's a deal breaker."
"It's about trust, and if you break that trust, then that's not your person."
"Family and children, by far the biggest, is do you want to have children, do you not want to have children, that is a real deal breaker."