
Anime Analysis Quotes

There are 84 quotes

"In order to appreciate the message of No Game No Life, we must begin from the inalienable reality that everything happens for a reason."
"Platinum End offers a logically rigorous examination of happiness and suicide as sort of dualistic philosophical themes."
"I think it makes a lot of sense and quite frankly like we said before we've always said Bojack and Wrath of the Dragon are like the two movies where it fits perfectly with almost no inconsistencies at all..."
"This series has some of the best characterization in shonen period."
"It felt very much so like, okay, it kind of reminds you of the Pain arc on the surface level. It gives you that vibe, but at the same time, I felt as though it was kind of a debate of destiny."
"The most iconic moments in One Piece all do an exceptional job at making us feel a certain way."
"The power system is only truly amazing when it doesn't just incorporate how different fighters can use different powers, but where the power system itself is contingent on the core themes of the series itself."
"What makes the Eminence in Shadow so brilliant is how it turns this problem on its head."
"Re:Zero isn't just a snack. It's a full three-course meal plus salad and dessert."
"Sanji may not be given the most time for fights and hype moments, but my god is he an amazing character with an even better backstory."
"Specifically, can One Piece actually tell us something about organized society, or even how to rebel against a society that sucks?"
"Even though Hiroaka is still young, I do feel like the Shonen scene has already kind of evolved beyond it."
"Visually, this may be the greatest arc in one piece."
"Whole Cake Island was different, it was unique, and in my opinion, a much-needed breath of fresh air for a series that had begun to fall into patterns."
"I think 'Attack on Titan' is a series about war."
"When it comes to bringing you some of the best My Hero Academia content on the platform, Plot Armor has you covered."
"That final expression, that we got of Kaido this chapter, that was probably the most important piece of this chapter."
"So just sit back and remember that the exact thing you're annoyed about is also more than likely the reason why 'One Piece' captivated you to begin with."
"Some of the imagery and characters involved in this arc whether that's the espada or the white sands of Hueco Mundo are considered to be synonymous with Bleach itself."
"Attack on Titan as a whole is a story full of massive narrative risk-taking with incredibly rewarding payoffs."
"Wano storyline foreshadows major aspects of the entire story of One Piece."
"The Elric brothers are technically uncles to the seven homunculi as they are actually related by blood."
"I've described the different ways in which this arc elevated him, and yeah, he is in my opinion at this moment the best character in One Piece for a bunch of different reasons."
"So my guess is that at the end of all this, Wano will basically be viewed as part of a new holy trinity with Enies Lobby and Marineford."
"There are scenes where I hate Sanji but there are far more scenes where I love him."
"He's just a big sweet guy and he's definitely one of the reasons whole cake Island was as good as it was."
"Mob might have been better animated, Attack on Titan might have been more compelling, Demon Slayer might have been more hype, Beastars might have been more unique, but I know the tale told in Vinland Saga will stick with me for much longer."
"What exactly are his limitations if he even has any and how far could Goku, Vegeta, and Broly really push themselves into going as far as to discover new levels of power?"
"If there's one thing that bleach has always done right it's undoubtedly the antagonist."
"My Hero Academia is very much character-driven above everything else."
"Endeavor has one of the best subtle character arcs I've seen in a while."
"Sonny boy is a demanding anime but if you give it the time it deserves, it's a rewarding experience."
"I just really wanted to throw this idea out there: Does not appear to be armament haki to me."
"Urahara has so many layers to this character, it's crazy."
"More than anything else, what I really enjoyed was seeing the fact that Vegeta was able to utilize and kind of merge together the influence and the essence of hakai to protect himself against Granola's attacks." - Narrator
"The old Kai's dialogue is misinterpreted and should always be analyzed alongside the rest of the Dragon Ball manga material."
"It's the entire Dragon Ball Z franchise, there's not that a beating so complete and thorough as the one Vegeta gave to Android 19."
"Goku might not constantly see people discuss his latent abilities, but it really is worth noting how quickly Goku grows."
"So to me, if you imagine Kid as being a Yonko by the end of Wano, like a lot of people want to happen, I think this is the path that kind of is most interesting or makes the most sense."
"Tiger & Bunny tackles themes of Japanese work culture."
"It's amazing because when I think about Dobby, his story potential doesn't lie in his quirk, it relies on what his quirk may tie him to."
"Luffy firmly in S, I mean he is on another level."
"Ibo feels radically different from other entries because it's showing the audience what makes Gundam Gundam from a perspective we haven't really seen before."
"History is constantly repeating in the world of One Piece."
"Oda foreshadows everywhere, and when it comes to the end game of the story of One Piece, I think that there's going to be clues from basically every arc."
"Battle tendency is, in my opinion, gripping in a way that phantom blood simply isn't on a fundamental level."
"I thought it would just kind of degrade into your typical story structure with your Harem elements or your main character becomes overpowered. I couldn't have been more wrong."
"The characters in Kuro are one of its best strengths."
"One Piece is essentially about fighting true freedom and fighting a globalist world government covering up history. That is some red pill shit. Maybe I need to give One Piece a shot." - Anonymous
"Gohan wonders why am I the guy to beat... implying he's actually probably the strongest of all of the Sans on Beerus's planet."
"Piccolo deserves the title of Toriyama's favorite."
"I think this crew is gonna be like one of the strongest crews in the One Piece world."
"As most anime are but this ended up coming out pretty happy by the end."
"Just because there is a lot of jutsus in the show doesn't mean they're all being used."
"Goku, far more powerful than his main counterpart, likely surpassing even Super Saiyan."
"In this video, I want to take a look at the good, the bad, and the extremely disappointing of Bleach's zero division."
"I have so much more respect for Kakashi as a character."
"Urahara's Bankai might easily be one of the top 10, no top three probably in the entire series."
"I think the main difference, and I'm gonna get all analytical here, okay? The deep philosophy within Sensei, what are you doing here? Okay? But honestly, most anime don't make the characters realistic."
"Naruto is absolutely the best at making iconic characters who are horribly misunderstood."
"Sakura has some very interesting character evolutions throughout the Heaven's Feel trilogy."
"Once Bradley's true identity is exposed in a fantastic twist, it re-contextualizes many of his earlier scenes." - King Bradley, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
"Look at Naruto Sasuke's eyes are yellow bro hello what is happening."
"I think Denji might be one of the most relatable characters or protagonists in any anime, period."
"She's adorable and if you like the kinks you could find in the enemy."
"His fight IQ is definitely a very underrated quality of Ichigo..."
"One Piece puts character first, events second. That's what makes it engaging, relatable."
"But when Super Saiyan came into the equation, characters literally started to gain millions of battle power within a few years."
"Which might make him the most relatable character in class 1A."
"A character's backstory and heritage pretty much says a lot even within the Straw Hats."
"Dragon Ball GT's ending just like all of its arcs end well some arcs having sloppy starts but GT always knew how to end its arcs on a high note and even merge into the next Arc nicely."
"Action and fighting your honor now I understand most people think that my hero academia has on titan in this room but on the contrary attack on titan has some of the best and most impactful fight scenes."
"The only real way to carry on the spirit of FLCL would be to do something equally bold and original that's not shackled to its ideas and imagery."
"If you'd like to see a dedicated video specifically on the anime so far, talking about my concerns for the production as well as my overall take on its quality, please let me know in the comment section."
"Netero disregarded the power of love represented through the heart shirt he wears in the final battle, by literally stopping his own heart and using the strength of hatred."
"Yuji will be the one to push sukuna finally to use his full power."
"What makes a Gundam series great? Unique and well-written characters, an amazing soundtrack, a thick and rich plot, or fight scenes that significantly boost your dopamine levels up."
"I'm like the Naruto explained scaling guy."
"Gohan is unique among the Saiyans because he doesn't have that lust for battle like the rest of them."
"Evangelion is about the psychological side of it, deconstructing mecha anime."
"If I can show that Asta can compete or even defeat Season 1 Meliodas, it's gonna make people more likely to want to watch my actual Black Bulls versus Seven Deadly Sins video."