
Historical Technology Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The drive to build quicker, larger, more powerful battleships launched an ancient naval arms race."
"The first seismometer ever invented was in 132 A.D."
"Tesla's invention operated on radiant energy, not stopped by night. A technology way ahead of its time."
"Fuel, oil, and hydraulics to withstand 90,000 feet, a thousand degrees, up and down, cool and hot…this is all late-50s, early 60s, are you kidding?"
"What's interesting is that they show evidence for once being lined in Copper and perhaps this lining was connected to copper pipes running through these holes."
"Just think, in the year 1900 the average man or woman had never used even seen a radio."
"The chronovisor existed, of that I have no doubt."
"The round shape of early light bulbs was practical, ensuring the filament was at the same distance from every surface."
"We used to have the technology, but we destroyed it."
"The Antikythera mechanism was so sophisticated that no other tool like it would be invented in the entire planet for another thousand years."
"Knight armor at its peak was technologically more advanced."
"This is 1459, but gunpowder has been around a while."
"Was combat and warfare technology really as primitive as we imagined? Did knights act as chivalrously as depicted in Victorian times?"
"One of the earliest versions of wireless communication can be traced back to the work of Nikola Tesla."
"The shoe fitting fluoroscope was emblematic of the era which produced it: an era of boundless optimism and blind, unshakable faith that cutting-edge science and technology could solve all of mankind's problems."
"This car came out 32 years ago but this is a factory-installed touchscreen put in by Buick when this car was new."
"Precision cut stone masonry which today could only be achieved with the use of advanced stone cutting machinery."
"The US closely guarded dual-stage technology during the '30s and up until the very early parts of World War II."
"In terms of technology, were the Axis superior compared to, let's say Britain and America? Quite clearly without Germany, they are not superior in any way."
"Agriculture was a technology that arrived before humans were ready for it."
"The printing press had a big hand in reproducing knowledge largely lost in the west at the same time making a new industry of printers a ton of cash."
"They have been evus since the early 90s with you know they they worked on GM's first ev1."
"A gun developed literally over a hundred years ago, still good enough to be in wide scale service. That is amazing."
"From theory to practice: upgrading ancient machines for modern tasks."
"So, somebody or someone is building this in 1953 that can absolutely outpace our highest-performance jets at the time."
"Tesla's encounter came at a time when the concept of radio communication was still in its infancy."
"Many languages around the world simply never developed writing as a technology."
"The media frenzy surrounding the sinking of the Titanic brought the new SOS signal to the attention of the wider public."
"Telescopes today are pretty advanced but it's incredible what people 6,000 years ago were capable of making with only rocks."
"But on the other hand, they did have a megawatt generator on the USS Eldridge powering the electronic equipment that Tesla designed."
"To me, the last good pro-big project was the Manhattan Project."
"Now basically the secret space programs that had been developed with prototypes in Germany during the 1920s and early 1930s had now been put under the rubric of the Nazi party."
"To a modern person, these are not that great, but someone in the Bronze Age, this is cutting-edge technology."
"The Chola navy was on the leading edge of naval technology for their time."
"Ancient builders had the knowledge of the healing power of sound long before modern scientists."
"Bring us right up to the age of steel! Probably improved infrastructure, beekeeping, road building..."
"The Baghdad Battery: a galvanic cell that they could use to do electroplating, a technique that wasn't possible until the 1840s."
"So let's get at least this one flying, it flew before, I think we can do it."
"There's too much architecture not to mention the pyramids that are all over the world they served a purpose they weren't decoration they had pools of mercury in them."
"She was deeply interested in the genius behind the punch cards and wanted to know how men were translating the complicated patterns into something simple the loom could understand."
"One of the greatest technologies implemented by the Maya people was a system of highways that linked their great empire together."
"It's fascinating because this wasn't done now with technology and like all this computer stuff. This was done with paper plans. You just had people... Like, how do you draw that stuff up back then? It makes my brain hurt thinking how they did that."
"In essence, the Danton was a Marvel of 20th-century Naval engineering, a steel Behemoth brimming with Firepower and armed with technology inconceivable to the Admirals and sailors of the Napoleonic era."
"From the late Neolithic times... two technologies have recurrently existed side by side: one authoritarian, the other democratic."
"Plus, Rosie gets to use the Dewey Decimal Book Categorization Protocol. Arguably the greatest achievement in database archiving systems of the pre-computer era."
"It's amazing to think that the windmill at the top of the tower would have been connected to eight sets of millstones grinding grain for the distillery."
"The use of these machines to run business was called Unit Record Management, and it was really, really successful."
"Crystal glass is commonly used in drinking glasses and tableware today, but until the Warring States crystal glass was discovered, we had no idea that the technology behind the glass was available to the elite members of Chinese society 2200 years ago."
"Just the fact that the ancient Greeks had an automated calendar for the stars is remarkable."
"If the ancient Greeks knew of the capabilities of technology they created, they could have gone to the Moon in 300 years."
"What an amazing state of technology by the ancient Greeks, better than we thought."
"Gunpowder would not reach Europe until the 13th century, three centuries later."
"We know that people could move large stones; we've demonstrated how to cut and move large stones using the kind of technology that existed in the Bronze Age."
"It's an interval in history where live radio had just come in. This was an extraordinary new technology."
"As hard as this might be to believe, the Romans had underfloor heating in their homes 2,000 years ago."
"It takes until 1838 for us to have the technology to measure parallax."